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Version: 13.x (Current)


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[0.3.0] 2023-11-28


  • Added NOTIFICATION_MANAGER_URL environment variable for enabling and setting the notification manager
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a new therapy is created
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a therapy is updated
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a therapy is deleted
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a new monitoring is created
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a monitoring is updated
  • Send event to the Notification Manager when a monitoring is deleted
  • Update POST /detections endpoint to check if detection exceeds the monitoring plan thresholds
  • Add threshold validation internal library module
  • Add external threshold validation
  • Updated PATCH /detections/:id for performing integrated/external validation
  • Add integration test suite for the Notification Manager

[0.2.0] 2023-09-05


Detections routes, previously called Observations, have been renamed.


  • Fix documentation links
  • Rename 'observation' to 'detection'
  • Create therapies without 'each' field
  • Add localized prototype hints
  • Update monitorings with 'between' and 'notBetween' operators to be used in 'thresholds'.
  • Create therapies with directives
  • Skip adherence computation on therapies without a time schedule
  • Add configurable defaults for adherence and compliance tolerance and minimum threshold
  • Set defaults on therapies and monitorings update
  • Update therapies with directives
  • Disable compliance and adherence for a monitoring or therapy (POST)
  • Add configurable limit on patient active plans
  • Disable compliance and adherence for a monitoring or therapy (PATCH /:id)
  • Add adherence and compliance status for therapies and monitorings with default env vars
  • Fixed creatorId and updaterId CRUD fields to always set to 'public'

[0.1.0] 2023-01-12


  • Add GET /prototypes/ endpoint
  • Add GET /therapies/ endpoint
  • Add POST /therapies/ endpoint
  • Add PATCH /therapies/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /therapies/:id endpoint
  • Add GET /observations/ endpoint
  • Add POST /observations/ endpoint
  • Add PATCH /observations/:id endpoint
  • Add DELETE /observations/:id endpoint
  • Add GET /monitoring/ endpoint
  • Add POST /monitoring/ endpoint
  • Add PATCH /monitoring/:id endpoint
  • Add GET /therapies/count endpoint
  • Add GET /prototypes/count endpoint
  • Add GET /observations/count endpoint
  • Add GET /monitoring/count endpoint
  • Add computation of adherence and compliance metrics
  • Add DELETE /monitorings/:id endpoint
  • Add cron job for adherence and compliance computation
  • Renaming observations to detections


  • PATCH /therapies/:id must prevent plan updates if observations were submitted
  • PATCH /monitorings/:id must prevent plan updates if observations were submitted
  • Patching therapy or monitorings returns unexpected error 'Invalid CRUD Resource'
  • Fix issues detected during internal demo