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Version: 11.7.x

Application Creation

Creating the Developer Portal using the Mia-Platform Console is extremely simple. With just a few clicks and almost no configuration, you will be able to create all the necessary resources composing the Dev Portal architecture.

Integration requirements

To integrate the Dev Portal, you only need to be able to access the project from which it will be exposed.

Integration steps

To deploy a Dev Portal instance on the Mia Platform Console, you will have to:

  • create the Dev Portal application;
  • configure the theming properties of micro-lc;
  • configure API documentation, authentication, and notifications (optional).

1. Create Dev Portal Application

The first fundamental requirement for a correct Dev Portal configuration is creating the Dev Portal application through the Marketplace.

The following steps will lead you to create an instance of the Dev Portal application:

  1. Open the Design area of your project

  2. Move to the Application section;

  3. Create a new application using the Dev Portal application available in the Core Plugins - Dev Portal section of the marketplace:

    Dev Portal Application

  4. Configure the name and the description for both the application and all the microservices composing it:


    You can safely ignore the warning regarding CI on the dev-portal-frontend step, since the template will bring its own pipeline.

    Dev Portal Application Creation

  5. Review the creation of all the resources composing the application (microservices, endpoints, collections and public variables):

    Dev Portal Application Summary

  6. Complete the creation of the Dev Portal application by clicking Create.

2. Configure dev-portal-frontend

After creating the Dev Portal application, you will be able to customize it with your logos and default theme colors.

The following steps will lead you to the configuration of the theming properties used by the Dev Portal.

  1. Go to the Microservices section

  2. Open the detail of the microservice originally named dev-portal-frontend;

  3. Move to the ConfigMaps section

  4. In the file configuration.json edit the logo and colors following the documentation of layout component and of theme manager component;


    The remaining configurations are already set for the Dev Portal: to know more about their purpose, please consult micro-lc official documentantion.