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Version: 13.x (Current)

Bootstrapping Fast Data

This section provides guidelines and answers on how to provision the infrastructure components in order to have an up-and-running instance of Mia-Platform Fast Data.

In particular, it lists some of the minimum resources in terms of CPU or RAM that the components (Kafka, MongoDB and Mia-Platform Plugins) needs to satisfy, along with their configuration.

Before you start

Fast Data solution can either be installed in a PaaS or Self-Hosted setup. The goal of this guide is to provide best practices that are independent of the infrastructure.

The level of details of the following answers assumes that you have basic knowledge about the aforementioned components.


This table shows details for each component that has been monitored and analyze to provide the guidelines.

Kafka4 brokers600.000 nominal events X day, i.e. 30GB of ingestion messages.
MongoDB3 replica setsEnterprise distribution having 32 GB of RAM.
Fast Data6 nodesK8S cluster with each node having 8 core.


What is the topic setup I should use to guarantee an high rate of ingestion?

When creating and managing topics in a Kafka cluster, is crucial to define a number of partitions that can balance the identifiers of messages among different replicas that can read messages from the topic with the same consumer group.

Also, the number of partitions of a topic defines the degree of parallelism Fast Data applications can achieve by reading.

While designing your Fast Data solution, is crucial that the message producer will assign the same key to events involving the same record: in this way, they will be assigned always to the same partition and then processed always in the same order.

Useful Resources

For more detailed benchmarks about topic partitions and data distribution among it, you can refer to this Confluent blog post .

What is the topic setup I should use to guarantee an high availability?

A topic is distributed among the brokers of your cluster, with a parameter called replication factor: for critical messages, this value should be set to the number of brokers, meaning that the data of a topic will be stored inside all brokers.

You can also specify how many replicas are needed to send acknowledgments on produced messages before committing, to guarantee the synchronization of the distributed data.

This value can be set at the topic level with the parameter min.insync.replicas and is usually equal to # of brokers - 1. Critical flows may require a number of in-sync replicas equal to the number of brokers.

Mongo Db

What should be the required resources to perform an Initial Load?

The Initial Load is a manual operation made at runtime to initialize the projection's records with the most recent copy of the whole dataset from the System of Record linked to it.

This operation is carried out either the first time the system is boot up, when no records have ever been ingested, or whenever a schema change is deemed relevant enough to require reloading all the table content: for example, a new field is added to the schema of a table and it should be added retroactively to records that have already been ingested but that might not receive further updates in the future.

The component that will perform receive the record, for example from a Change Data Capture (CDC), is the Real-Time Updater (RTU).

Before executing the Initial Load

The RTU can be enabled to execute strategies, custom functions that from an ingestion record performs a set of queries to extract one or more projection change records that will be used to generate a Single View.

Since an high number of ingestion messages will be handled by the RTU, remember to disable strategy execution during the Initial Load.

This will avoid to perform additional MongoDB queries made by the strategies to generate projection changes records.

Execution Time

An initial load of 6.000.000 records took around 10 minutes, which is approximately a rate of 60k message/minute: for this message rate, up until 70% of CPU from a single MongoDB core was used.

What should be the required resources to perform a Single View Refresh?

The Single View Refresh is an operation performed to update all the projection changes of a single view: this activity is needed during the first release of a single view and every time its data structure will be changed.

This action will start for each projection changes record updated the aggregation pipeline of the Single-View Creator. (SVC).

On a Standard Architecture, this means that the database will perform operations on:

  • the projection changes collections, because the SVC will update the projection changes record updating/removing the changes record;
  • the projections that are used by the single view aggregation mechanism;
  • the single view collections, to insert/update/delete records corresponding to single views.
Execution Time

The time generation is strictly dependent on the number of projections that are needed to compute all the fields of a single view.

On a single view having three projections and custom functions, a refresh operation involving 16k projection changes records required 5 minutes, which is approximately a rate of 1k single view/minute, using up until the 80% of a single MongoDB core.

On an Event-Driven Architecture, projection changes collection is removed in favour of trigger topics, so Fast Data will use less database resources.

Why is the strategy execution or the single view generation slow?

If the execution of a strategy or the aggregation of a single view takes too much time, it means that maybe some index is missing in the collection involved. You should check that:

Fast Data Plugins

How should I set the resource limits of the Real-Time Updater (RTU)?

On a Standard Architecture, the RTU performs strategies to generate projection changes: based on the complexity of this strategy and the number of projections involved, this could require a variable range of resources to use.

Also, keep in mind that you may need to have a number of replicas greater than 1 as the number of projections and the corresponding number of partitions of their topics increases over time.

Use case

A RTU having two projections with strategies enabled, can reach up until an ingestion rate of 10k message/minute with one replica having the following setting:

  • CPU:
    • 200m request
    • 600m limit
  • Memory:
    • 150MiB request
    • 350MiB limit
Be careful with replicas!

From the Replicas section, is possible to link an Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to a micro-services.

This option should be considered carefully with the RTU: as the number of replicas changes over time, the different kafka consumers connected to the cluster will start the rebalancing procedure, which can drastically reduce the ingestion rate.

A good rule of thumb is to set an high percentage of CPU requests as threshold, for example greater than 80%, to have the RTU scale up only when there is a peak of ingestion messages.

Why the RTU is stuck while performing a strategy?

If the RTU goes on idle while performing strategies, it means that some query is not indexed and has triggered a collection scan on the MongoDB cluster.

This issue can be seen only with a huge amount of data: before releasing your setting to a production environment, you have to check that all the projections have all the needed look-up indexes and the projections changes CRUD collection has the required indexes set.

Why the RTU is processing ingestion messages at slow rate?

When a strategy retrieves a huge number of projection identifiers, it may happen that the ingestion rate of the RTU decreases: this may increase the lag of your application, which may be critical in case there are some real-time boundaries.

In this case, consider using an Event-Driven Architecture and move the strategies to the Single View Trigger Generator (SVTG): in this way, the Real Time Updater just stores projections on MongoDB to produce a pr-update message, that will be processed by the SVTG.

How should I set the resource limits of the Single View Creator (SVC)?

On a Standard Architecture, the SVC aggregates single view into records by reading projection changes documents and querying the MongoDB database multiple times: based on the complexity of this strategy and the number of projections involved, this could require a variable range of replicas and resources to use.

Use case

A SVC generating a single view with a custom function from two projections linked between each other with a one-to-many relation, can reach up until a generation rate of 1k SV/minute with one replica having the following setting:

  • CPU:
    • 350m request
    • 700m limit
  • Memory:
    • 150MiB request
    • 300MiB limit

Why the SVC is processing projection changes record slowly?

If the SVC goes on idle while aggregating projections, it means that some query is not indexed and has triggered a collection scan on the MongoDB cluster, so the same actions to improve strategies performance's must be taken.