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Version: 13.x (Current)


This section explores a summary of the miactl commands and their functionalities.


You can also display a complete help message on the command line by using the --help flag postponed to any miactl command or subcommand.
This way you can also be sure of the available features of the miactl version you currently have installed.


This command allows you to manage miactl contexts.

The context resource includes the following information:

  • Name: the name of the context, decided by the user
  • API Base URL: the base URL of the respective Console endpoint
  • Company ID: the ID of a Company
  • Project ID: the ID of a Project belonging to the Company
  • CA Cert: the path to a custom CA certificate

Contexts are stored in the miactl configuration file, that can be found in $HOME/.config/miactl/config.yaml. The configuration file, along with its directory, will be created automatically at your first CLI usage.


The context set subcommand allows you to either add a new context, or edit an existing context.

miactl context set CONTEXT [flags]

CONTEXT is the context name.

Available flags for the command:

  • --auth-name, to set the name of the authentication to use (discover more on the dedicated documentation section)
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --environment, to set the environment scope for the command

If you want to use miactl with a Service Account, remember to specify the --auth-name flag, otherwise miactl will try to perform a User Login, opening the browser for authentication the user.


The context use subcommand allows you to select an existing context as the current one.

miactl context use CONTEXT [flags]

CONTEXT must be the name of an existing context.

This command does not include any additional flags besides the default ones.


The context list subcommand allows you see all the context available in the current configuration file selected.

miactl context list


The context auth subcommand allows you to setup the Console Service Account you want to use to authenticate to the Console.

miactl context auth NAME [flags]

Available flags:

  • --client-id string: the client ID of the service account
  • --client-secret string: the client secret of the service account
  • -h, --help: help for auth
  • --jwt-json string: path of the json containing the json config of a jwt service account


This command allows you to manage miactl Companies.

To access the resources, you need an account with the correct permissions.


The company list subcommand allows you to view the list of Companies that you are currently enrolled in. The output will shot the names, IDs, and the default Git Provider and Pipeline Type of the Companies.


miactl company list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one


The company iam subcommands are used for managing the RBAC permissions associated with a company. Only Company Owners can modify, add or remove RBAC authorization to the company.


The company iam list subcommand allows you to view the list of all the different identity associated with the Company specified in the current context. The output will show the names, types and permissions associated with them.


miactl company iam list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --groups, filter IAM entities to show only groups. Mutally exclusive with users and serviceAccounts
  • --serviceAccounts, filter IAM entities to show only service accounts. Mutally exclusive with users and groups
  • --users, filter IAM entities to show only users. Mutally exclusive with groups and serviceAccounts
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company

The company iam list users subcommand allows you to view the list of all users that have access to your company directly or via one or more groups.


miactl company iam list users [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company

The company iam list groups subcommand allows you to view the list of all groups that are available in your company.


miactl company iam list groups [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company

The company iam list serviceaccounts subcommand allows you to view the list of all service accounts that are available in your company.


miactl company iam list serviceaccounts [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company

add serviceaccount basic

The company iam add serviceaccount basic subcommand allows you to create a new service account for your Company.


miactl company iam add serviceaccount basic NAME [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --role, the Company role for the service account

add serviceaccount jwt

The company iam add serviceaccount jwt subcommand allows you to create a new service account for your Company that will use the jwt authorization method.


miactl company iam add serviceaccount jwt NAME [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --output, optional flag to save the service account configuration as json in a file at the provided path
  • --role, the Company role for the service account

add user

The company iam add user subcommand allows you to add a user in your Company with the given role.


miactl company iam add user [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --email, the email of the user to add
  • --role, the Company role of the user

add group

The company iam add group subcommand allows you to add a group in your Company with the given role.


miactl company iam add group NAME [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --role, the Company role of the user

add group-member

The company iam add group-member subcommand allows you to add one or more users to a group in your Company.


miactl company iam add group-member [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --group-id, the group id where to add the users
  • --user-email, the list of user email to add to the group
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company

edit user

The company iam edit user subcommand allows you to edit the role associated to a user in your Company.


miactl company iam edit user [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --user-id, the id of the user to edit
  • --role, the new Company role of the user

edit serviceaccount

The company iam edit serviceaccount subcommand allows you to edit the role associated to a service account in your Company.


miactl company iam edit serviceaccount [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --service-account-id, the id of the service account to edit
  • --role, the new Company role of the service account

edit group

The company iam edit group subcommand allows you to edit the role associated to a group in your Company.


miactl company iam edit group [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --group-id, the id of the group to edit
  • --role, the new Company role of the group

remove user

The company iam remove user subcommand allows you to remove a user from a company. Alternatively you can use the no-include-groups flag for only remove the role directly associated to a user, but leave intact its groups memberships.


miactl company iam remove user [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --user-id, the id of the user to remove
  • --no-include-groups, set this flag for keeping the user memberhip, and only remove the role attached to the user

remove group

The company iam remove group subcommand allows you to remove a group and all its memberships from a company.


miactl company iam remove group [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --group-id, the id of the group to remove

remove serviceaccount

The company iam remove serviceaccount subcommand allows you to remove a service account in your Company.


miactl company iam remove serviceaccount [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --service-account-id, the id of the service account to remove

remove group-member

The company iam remove group-member subcommand allows you to remove one or more users from a group in your Company.


miactl company iam remove group-member [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --group-id, the group id where to remove the users
  • --user-id, the list of user ids to remove from the group
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company


Rules command helps you manage different rules for configuration update for the whole Company or specific Projects.


This feature is currently in closed preview and may be subject to breaking changes, reach out to your Mia-Platform referent if you are interested in use it.


List available rules for the Company or for a specific Project.


miactl company rules list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id, the id of the Company
  • --project-id, the id of the Project (if provided the command will print available rules for the project, together with the rules inherited from the Company)


Helps you update rules for a Company or for a specific Project


miactl company rules update [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id, the id of the Company
  • --project-id, the id of the Project (if provided the command will update the rules for the specified Project only)
  • -f, path to the file where the rules are saved
File example
"roleIds": ["developer"],
"disallowedRuleSet": [
{"ruleId": ""}


This command allows you to manage miactl Projects.

To access the resources, you need an account with the correct permissions.


The project list subcommand allows you to view the list of Projects belonging to the Company specified in the current context. The output will show the names, IDs, and Configuration Git paths of the Projects.


miactl project list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company


The project iam subcommands are used for managing the RBAC permissions associated with a project. Only Company Owners and Project Administrators can modify, add or remove RBAC authorization for a project.


The project iam list subcommand allows you to view the list of all the different identity that has access to a project.


miactl project iam list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --groups, filter IAM entities to show only groups. Mutally exclusive with users and serviceAccounts
  • --serviceAccounts, filter IAM entities to show only service accounts. Mutally exclusive with users and groups
  • --users, filter IAM entities to show only users. Mutally exclusive with groups and serviceAccounts
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project


The project iam edit subcommand allows you to alternatively update the role assigned to the current project or one of its environment for one of the different IAM entity types:

  • group
  • service account
  • user


miactl project edit [user|group|serviceaccount] [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --groups, filter IAM entities to show only groups. Mutally exclusive with users and serviceAccounts
  • --serviceAccounts, filter IAM entities to show only service accounts. Mutally exclusive with users and groups
  • --users, filter IAM entities to show only users. Mutally exclusive with groups and serviceAccounts
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --project-role, the new role for the current project
  • --entity-id, the entity id to change
  • --environment, the environment where to change the role
  • --environment-role, the new role for the selected environment

remove-role RESOURCE-NAME

The project iam remove-role subcommand allows you to alternatively delete the custom role assigned to one of the different IAM entity types for the project or one of its environments.


miactl project remove-role [user|group|serviceaccount] [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --groups, filter IAM entities to show only groups. Mutally exclusive with users and serviceAccounts
  • --serviceAccounts, filter IAM entities to show only service accounts. Mutally exclusive with users and groups
  • --users, filter IAM entities to show only users. Mutally exclusive with groups and serviceAccounts
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --entity-id, the entity id to change
  • --environment, set the flag to the environment name for deleting the role for that environment


The project import subcommand allows you to import kubernetes resource yaml definition in an empty Mia-Platform Console project.

The import function is lossy and some advanced configuration can be lost. We recommend to check the generated file before trying a deploy to check if anything is amiss.


miactl project import [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --filename, file or folder path containing the resource definitions to import
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --revision, to specify the revision of the commit to deploy
  • --auth-name, the name of the miactl auth to use
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company


The deploy command allows you to manage the deployment of your Projects.

Available subcommands are the following ones:

  trigger       Trigger a deploy pipeline
add status Add a new deploy status


This command allows you to trigger the deploy pipeline for the selected Project.


miactl deploy trigger ENVIRONMENT [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --deploy-type, to select a deploy type (default is smart_deploy)
  • --no-semver, to force the deploy without semver
  • --revision, to specify the revision of the commit to deploy

add status

This command allows you to add a new deploy status for the selected trigger id pipelines of the Project, only for those integration which trigger the pipeline with a trigger id (e.g. Jenkins integration).


miactl deploy add status STATUS [flags]

where STATUS must be one of: success, failed, canceled, skipped.

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --trigger-id, to specify the trigger id to update


The extensions command allows you to manage Company extensions.

Available subcommands are the following ones:

  list        List registered extensions
get Retrieve data of a specific extension
apply Create or update an extension
activate Activate an extension
deactivate Deactivate an extension
delete Delete extension


The extensions list command helps you gathering available extension in your Company


miactl extensions list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --resolve-details to evaluate all the extension details including visibilities, menu, category and permissions


The extensions get command helps you gathering information about a specific extension in your Company


miactl extensions get [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --extension-id to set the ID of the desired extension.
  • --output=json|yaml to control the printed output format.


The extensions apply command can be used to register new extensions or update an existing one.

It accepts an Extension Manifest either in yaml or json format

Example JSON Manifest
"name": "Extension 1",
"description": "My extension 1",
"entry": "",
"activationContexts": ["project"],
"destination": {
"id": "runtime",
"path": "/"
"iconName": "PiHardDrives",
"menu": {
"id": "extension-1",
"labelIntl": {
"en": "SomeLabel",
"it": "SomeLabelInItalian"
"order": 200.0,
"category": {
"id": "workloads",
Example YAML Manifest
name: Extension 1
description: My extension 1
- project
id: runtime
path: "/"
iconName: PiHardDrives
id: extension-1
en: SomeLabel
it: SomeLabelInItalian
order: 200
id: workloads


miactl extensions apply [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --file-path (-f) required to specify the path to the extension manifest
  • --extension-id to set the ID of the extension, required for updating an existing extension.

In order to specify whether a create or an update is needed you have to use the --extension-id flag or specify the extensionId property in the manifest file.

You can get the extension id by using the extensions list command or in the apply response after creating the extension.


The extensions activate command can be used to activate an existing extension.


Please note that, based on provided contexts, an extension can be activated for the whole Company or for specific Projects.

By using the routes.locationId option, you can specify where the extension is available, therefore you can create an extension shown on the Project runtime and activate it for the whole Company context. Such extension will be visible by all the Projects.

For further information checkout the official documentation.


miactl extensions activate [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id to set the ID of the desired project, if specified, the extension will be activated only for this project only
  • --extension-id required to set the ID of the extension


The extensions deactivate command can be used to deactivate an existing extension.


Please note that if an extension has been activated on the whole Company it can't be deactivated on a specific Project; you have to deactivate on the whole Company and activate it on the desired Projects.


miactl extensions deactivate [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id to set the ID of the desired project, if specified, the extension will be deactivated only for this project only
  • --extension-id required to set the ID of the extension.


The extensions delete command can be used to delete an existing extension.


miactl extensions delete [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --company-id to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --extension-id required to set the ID of the extension, required for updating an existing extension.


environment list

The runtime environment list subcommand allows you to see all the environment associated to a given Project.


miactl runtime environment list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project


The runtime api-resources subcommand allows you to list all the currently supported resources that you can use on the list command.


miactl runtime api-resources [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one


The runtime list subcommand allows you to list all resources of a specific type that are running for the environment associated to a given Project.

Use miactl runtime api-resources for a complete list of currently supported resources.


miactl runtime list RESOURCE-TYPE [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --environment, to set the environment scope for the command


The runtime events subcommand allows you to see events that are associated with the specific resource in the given environment.


miactl runtime events RESOURCE-NAME [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --environment, to set the environment scope for the command

create job

The runtime create job subcommand allows you to manually create a job from a cronjob .


miactl runtime create job [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --from, to set the cronjob name from which the job will be created
  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --environment, to set the scope for the command


The runtime logs subcommand allows you to fetch or stream logs of running pods in the current context using a regex query.

You can write any regex compatible with RE2 excluding -C. The regex than will be used to filter down the list of pods available in the current context and then the logs of all their containers will be displayed.


miactl runtime logs POD-QUERY [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint
  • --certificate-authority, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --insecure-skip-tls-verify, to disallow the check the validity of the certificate of the remote endpoint
  • --context, to specify a different context from the currently selected one
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired Company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired Project
  • --environment, to set the environment scope for the command
  • --follow, to keep open the stream and see the logs live as they will be produced


View and manage Marketplace items

All the subcommands inherit the following flags:

      --auth-name string               the name of the miactl auth to use
--certificate-authority string path to a cert file for the certificate authority for the selected endpoint
--company-id string the ID of the Company
-c, --config string path to the config file default to $HOME/miactl/config
--context string the name of the miactl context to use
--endpoint string the address and port of the Mia-Platform Console server
--insecure-skip-tls-verify if true, the server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
-v --verbose increase the verbosity of the cli output


List Marketplace items


List the Marketplace items that the current user can access.


miactl marketplace list --company-id company-id [FLAGS]...


  • --public - if this flag is set, the command fetches not only the items from the requested company, but also the public Marketplace items from other companies.


Get a Marketplace item


Get a single Marketplace item

You need to specify either:

  • the companyId, itemId and version, via the respective flags (recommended). The company-id flag can be omitted if it is already set in the context.
  • the ObjectID of the item with the flag object-id

Passing the ObjectID is expected only when dealing with deprecated Marketplace items missing the itemId and/or version fields. Otherwise, it is preferable to pass the tuple companyId-itemId-version.

miactl marketplace get { --item-id item-id --version version } | --object-id objectID [FLAGS]...


Delete a Marketplace item


Delete a single Marketplace item

You need to specify either:

  • the companyId, itemId and version, via the respective flags (recommended). The company-id flag can be omitted if it is already set in the context.
  • the ObjectID of the item with the flag object-id

Passing the ObjectID is expected only when dealing with deprecated Marketplace items missing the itemId and/or version fields. Otherwise, it is preferable to pass the tuple companyId-itemId-version.

miactl marketplace delete { --item-id item-id --version version } | --object-id object-id [flags]...


Create or update Marketplace items


Create or update one or more Marketplace items.

The flag -f accepts either files or directories. In case of directories, it explores them recursively.

Supported formats are JSON (.json files) and YAML (.yaml or .yml files).

The file can contain an image object with the following format:

"image": {
"localPath": "./someImage.png"

The localPath can be absolute or relative to the file location. The image will be uploaded along with the Marketplace item. Before being applied, the "image" key will be replaced with the "imageUrl" referring to the uploaded image. You can retrieve the updated item with the "get" command.

You can also specify the "supportedByImage" in a similar way.

Be aware that the presence of both "image" and "imageUrl" and/or of both "supportedByImage" and "supportedByImageUrl" is ambiguous and raises an error.

miactl marketplace apply { -f file-path }... } [flags]


# Apply the configuration of the file myFantasticGoTemplate.json located in the current directory to the Marketplace
miactl marketplace apply -f myFantasticGoTemplate.json

# Apply the configurations in myFantasticGoTemplate.json and myFantasticNodeTemplate.yml to the Marketplace, with relative paths
miactl marketplace apply -f ./path/to/myFantasticGoTemplate.json -f ./path/to/myFantasticNodeTemplate.yml

# Apply all the valid configuration files in the directory myFantasticGoTemplates to the Marketplace
miactl marketplace apply -f myFantasticGoTemplates


  -f, --file stringArray   paths to JSON/YAML files or folder of files containing a Marketplace item definition
-h, --help help for apply


List all the available versions of a specific Marketplace item.


The flag --item-id or -i accepts the itemId of the Item.

miactl marketplace list-versions -i some-item