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Version: 10.9.x

PDF Service Usage

The service exposes only the \ in POST. The request must contain a body with the following properties:

"data": "object", // an object, possibly nested, containing the data to use for text interpolation in the html template
"templateId": "string", // the name given to the template to identify it within the CRUD.

An example of the body could be he following:

"data": {
"name": "John",
"address": {
"city": "Milan",
"streetName": "Via Calatafimi, 10",
"templateId": "valid-id",

The PDF Service will get from the CRUD service the template row having ad templateId the value valid-id. Then it will perform an interpolation of the htmlTemplate, htmlHeader, htmlFooter using the object passed in the data field.

For example, for the following template:

<div align="center">
My name is {{name}} and I live in {{}}.

The resulting interpolation will be:

<div align="center">
My name is Francesco and I live in Milan.