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Version: 10.9.x

Version 10.3.0 Release Notes

January 19, 2023


New Features

Console Super User

From CMS, it is now possible to assign the Console Super User role, designed exclusively for backoffice administration purposes. When assigned to a user, this role implies full visibility and management of all resources in the CMS.

User Companies section

From the new section Your Companies, users can now view the list of Companies they have access to, and decide to autonomously leave them. You can find this section in the dropdown menu that appears when hovering over your profile picture.

Delete source branch after merge from another branch

In the Merge from another branch process, after merging the current configuration with a different configuration from another branch, users can now choose to delete the source branch.

Config Shepherd Open Source

This Mia-Platform component has finally been migrated to GitHub and is now open source! To discover its functionalities, visit Config Shepherd and contribute with new development proposals.


Authorization section

In the Design Area, the old RBAC section has been renamed in Authorization section. In addition, the related documentation has also been updated, check it out here.

Icons of Cluster Vendor and Runtime Service

In the cluster section of the company overview area, the respective icons of the chosen vendor and runtime services have been added to the table. In addition, the respective icons have also been included in the detail of each cluster. For more information, go to the documentation.

Support of binary files at microservice creation

In service creation, the support for all binary files has been implemented.

Syntax highlighting extended support on merge modal

The support of syntax highlighting on merge modal has been extended to .yml and .js files.

Cronjob schedule field interpolation

Users can now set the CronJob schedule field by interpolating an environment variable.

The links to the Mia-Platform Help Center have been better specified in the dropdown menu accessible from the Launchbar. Moreover, among those menu options, it has been introduced also the link to the Mia-Platform Community on GitHub.

Bug Fix

Cmd/Ctrl+k navigation improvements

  • A bug implying an improper loading of the same Console section though the Cmd+k navigation from a project to another has been solved.

  • Through Cmd+k navigation, if users want to access a specific section of the Design Area, after the branch selection, they are now correctly redirected to that section, instead of being redirected to the Endpoints section.

A bug causing a redirect to the first project environment when clicking on any runtime card into project Metrics Home Page has been solved.

Visualize section proper loading

A bug that prevented Visualize section from loading correctly if a branch included a slash in its name has been solved.

Fast Data

New Features

Real Time Updater v7.2.0 now supports OAuthbearer Kafka Authentication

Added the support to OAuthbearer Kafka authentication in Real-Time Updater v7.2.0.


Real Time Updater v7.2.0 better manages the strategies

Another strategy for handling record processing errors was added. The default Real-Time Updater behavior was to restart itself due to the error, so that it could to re-process the failing record. Differently, the newer strategy stops the service reading from the topic containing the failed record, while it instead continues reading from all the other configured topics.
This newer strategy can be enabled setting environment variable PAUSE_TOPIC_CONSUMPTION_ON_ERROR to true.


When enabling such feature, it is advised to set an alarm on consumer group lag accumulation to get notified when an error of this type occurs and near real-time property is lost for entailed topic. In this manner it is possible to timely react to the situation.

Updated Kafka message adapter Basic label to DB2

The message adapter label is now reflecting the CDC that generates this message format (IBM InfoSphere Data Replication for DB2).

Bug Fix

Fixed scroll of Edit SVC Configurations Modal inside Single Views section

The Edit SVC Configuration Modal is now correctly scrollable.

Fixed bug on MongoDB CRUD section by removing the usePartialFilter property from indexes when its value is false

The older CRUD service versions (before v6.1.0), when using partial indexes, are not crushing anymore after a wrong configuration of the partial indexes.

Real Time Updater v7.2.0 fixes the management of Dates in Primary keys

The dates in primary keys are now correctly handled.

Real Time Updater v7.2.0 fixes improper behavior of Kafka Projections Changes

Kafka Projections Changes are now correctly disabled when the variable PROJECTIONS_CHANGES_ENABLED is set to false.

Real Time Updater v7.2.0 fixes improper behavior of upsert mode

When the Real-Time Updater is configured in upsert mode, DELETE operations of records whose __internal_counter was lower than the one stored on the database resulted into INSERT operations with all the projections' field set to null. That situation could lead the Real-Time Updater to continuosly restard due to a duplicate key error. Now those DELETE operations are handled correctly.



If you want to contribute with new components to our Marketplace, from Mia-Platform Community a proper template issue has been set up for you! For more information, please visit here.

New Marketplace Components

Pharma E-Commerce Backend - v1.0.0

The Pharma Ecommerce Backend is a plugin that provides APIs that can be used to create your own pharmaceutical e-commerce.

Therapy and Monitoring Manager - v0.1.0

The Therapy and Monitoring Manager (TMM) is a service that enables health care professionals to manage patients therapies and monitor patients health conditions, adherence and compliance to therapy.

Marketplace Updates

CRUD Service - v6.2.0

The latest version of CRUD Service plugin introduces the support to MongoDB v6. In addition, it has been added the possibility to use $dateToString operator in query paramerer _rawp, which manages projection operations, while the type property is not required anymore in the MongoDB views configuration.
Finally, a set of different bugfixes have been carried out to improve service stability. More details can be found in the plugin CHANGELOG.

Single View Creator Plugin - v5.6.4

The latest version of Single View Creator brings a set of new bug fixes and improvements to the service. See the CHANGELOG for more details on the bugfixes.

Mia FHIR Server - v1.1.0

Added the capability to set the search result cache TTL through an environment variable.

User Manager Service - v1.3.0

Added the boolean postponeAuthUserCreation query parameter in the POST /users endpoint to create a user only in the users' CRUD collection. Added the POST /users/register endpoint that allows creating an existing CRUD user in the Auth Provider.

Appointment Manager - v2.0.0

The new Appointment Manager version introduces revised availabilities and improved endpoints, along with the new exception concept. See the CHANGELOG for more details about the new features.

Form Service BE - v1.5.0

Added autosave feature (partially filled forms can be saved as drafts).

Form Service FE - v1.5.1

Added synchronous stylesheets loading. Added form drafts to the frontend.

Backoffice - 1.2.2

Bug Fix

Fixed internationalization

Form components and bk-calendar component correctly support internatinalized texts.

Backoffice - 1.2.3

New Features

bk-crud-client allows to not reset page

bk-crud-client can be configured to stay on current page after successful CRUD operation.

bk-calendar default filters support custom names

bk-calendar allows to specify the name of default date filters.

Bug Fix

Form supports file pickers

Form components support internationalized file picker fields.

Backoffice - 1.3.0

New Features

New component bk-gallery is available.

Backoffice - 1.3.1

New Features

List supports lookups

bk-simple-list component supports lookup values.

Form card supports header

bk-form-card component can be configured to render a custom card header.

Backoffice - 1.3.2

New Features

Filter operator notBetween

notBetween operator is available for filters on date / date-time / time fields.

Array of dates

Form components, bk-table and bk-filter-drawer components support arrays of date / date-time / time fields.

Hidden filters can be updated

filters on fields having filtersOptions.hidden set to true can be edited through events - bk-calendar works after setting filtersOptions.hidden to true for startDate, endDate fields.

Bug Fix

$today filters correctly resolved

$today keyword in filters is correctly resolved based on the selected operator.

Date-time filters do not reset time

Filters on date-time fields do not automatically reset time.

bk-gallery has updated style.

How to update your Console

For on-premise Console installations, please contact your Mia Platform referent to know how to use the Helm chart version 8.2.13.