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Version: 10.9.x

Console Events

Events allow users to be notified when certain operations are performed in the Console.

Event types

All the events triggered by the Console share some common properties:

eventNamestringThe name of the event, usually in the form of subject_action
eventTimestampnumberThe timestamp of the event emission
payloadobjectContains the event-specific payload

Project Created

This event will be triggered when a project is created successfully.

Event payload

tenantIdstringThe identifier of the Company the Project belongs to
projectIdstringThe identifier of the newly created Project
"eventName": "project_created",
"eventTimestamp": 123456,
"payload": {
"tenantId": "my-company-id",
"projectId": "0000000000000001"

Service Created

This event will be triggered when a microservice is successfully generated from a marketplace template or example.


The event is triggered as soon as the service's repository is successfully created, hence there is no guarantee that the service will be found in the project configuration, yet.

Event payload

tenantIdstringThe identifier of the tenant to which the project belongs
projectIdstringThe identifier of the tenant to which the project belongs
repositoryURLstringThe URL of the repository that hosts the service code
serviceNamestringThe name of the service inside the project configuration
templateIdstringThe identifier of the template in the Console marketplace from which the service was created
"eventName": "service_created",
"eventTimestamp": 123456,
"payload": {
"tenantId": "my-company-id",
"projectId": "0000000000000001",
"repositoryURL": "",
"serviceName": "my-service",
"templateId": "0000000000000002"