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Version: 10.9.x


This section explores the miactl commands and their functionalities.


This command allows you to manage miactl contexts.

The context resource includes the following information:

  • Name: the name of the context, decided by the user
  • API Base URL: the base URL of the respective Console endpoint
  • Company ID: the ID of a company
  • Project ID: the ID of a project belonging to the company
  • CA Cert: the path to a custom CA certificate

Contexts are stored in the miactl configuration file, that can be found in $HOME/.config/miactl/config.yaml. The configuration file, along with its directory, will be created automatically at your first CLI usage.


The context set subcommand allows you to either add a new context, or edit an existing context.

miactl context set CONTEXT [flags]

CONTEXT is the context name.

Available flags for the command:

  • --endpoint, to set the Console endpoint (default is
  • --ca-cert, to provide the path to a custom CA certificate
  • --company-id, to set the ID of the desired company
  • --project-id, to set the ID of the desired project


The context use subcommand allows you to select an existing context as the current one.

miactl context use CONTEXT [flags]

CONTEXT must be the name of an existing context.

This command does not include any additional flags besides the default ones.


This command allows you to manage miactl projects.

To access the resources, you need an account with the correct permissions.


The project list subcommand allows you to view the list of projects belonging to the company specified in the current context. The output will show the names, IDs, and Configuration Git paths of the projects.


miactl project list [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --ca-cert, to override the path to the custom CA certificate
  • --company-id, to set the company ID from command line
  • --context, to specify a different context from the current one
  • --endpoint, to override the Console endpoint
  • --insecure, to skip certificate check


This command allows you to trigger the deploy pipeline for the selected project.


miactl deploy ENVIRONMENT [flags]

Available flags for the command:

  • --ca-cert, to override the path to the custom CA certificate
  • --company-id, to set the company ID from command line
  • --context, to specify a different context from the current one
  • --deploy-type, to select a deploy type (default is smart_deploy)
  • --endpoint, to override the Console endpoint
  • --no-semver, to force the deploy without semver
  • --insecure, to skip certificate check
  • --project-id, to set the project ID from command line
  • --revision, to specify the revision of the commit to deploy (default HEAD)