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Version: 10.9.x


Clients manage interactions between the current page and other services. Typical use case encompasses http request managers, data retrieval facilities from any given resource, CRUD services, and state stores. Clients components ensure isolation between logical/business features and allow services encapsulation and adaption

Configuration edge cases

In case __STATE__ must be finely controlled upon creation/duplication/patching, some care must be taken while configuring. As per CRUD-Service interface, __STATE__ cannot be patched and requires a reserved endpoint call. Hence, no BO configuration leads to patch with __STATE__ included as part of the $set body.

__STATE__ though can be tuned upon creation and duplication. The default behavior is

  • on creation if not specified, __STATE__ defaults to its CRUD collection default, i.e. no param is passed along with the HTTP request
  • on duplication, to ensure, backward compatibility, HTTP post is performed without __STATE__ param defaulting again according with CRUD collections default

This behavior can be overridden using the bk-crud-client props keepStateWhileDuplicating. If set to true it will carry along the __STATE__ of the original item duplicating it as well.

A good configuration could be (in case __STATE__ must be tunable by the user and carry duplication __STATE__ along),

  • in the dataSchema:
"__STATE__": {
"type": "string",
"label": "CRUD State",
"default": "PUBLIC",
"enum": ["PUBLIC", "DRAFT", "TRASH"],
"formOptions": {
"hiddenOnSelect": true
  • in the bk-crud-client:
"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-crud-client",
"properties": {
"keepStateWhileDuplicating": true,
"dataSchema": {
"$ref": "dataSchema"


Manages http requests to a MongoDB CRUD service. Also it handles query mapping to conform to Mia's CRUD specifications.


This web component is designed to handle CRUD operations towards Mia-Platform CRUD Service.


Properties & Attributes

appendTrailingSlashappend-trailing-slashbooleantrueshould append a trailingSlash to URLs
bootstrapTimeoutbootstrap-timeoutnumberTIMEOUTvalue in ms before default bootstrap starts and no change-query was received schema describing which field to retrieve from CRUD collection
enableDefinitiveDeleteenable-definitive-deletebooleanfalsewhen true, http DELETE cannot be rolled back
initialEvent-ChangeQueryPayloadINITIAL_EVENTin case of no change-query received, an initial event with this payload will be thrown
keepStateWhileDuplicatingkeep-state-while-duplicatingbooleanfalseif true duplicate will keep the original record STATE
shouldIncludeProjectionsshould-include-projectionsbooleantrueshould append projection when exporting from CRUD service
keepPageCountkeep-page-countbooleanfalseshould attempt to stay on current page after successful CRUD operation
redirectToUrlredirect-to-urlbooleantrueon internal state update, should reflect internal state on URL

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
create-datasends a POST to the CRUD service base pathsuccesserror
update-datasends a PATCH to the CRUD service base pathsuccesserror
delete-datasends a PATCH to the CRUD service base path on state endpoint, if enableDefinitiveDelete is true it sends a DELETEsuccesserror
change-querysends GETs with endpoints / and /count to the CRUD service base pathsuccess, count-data, display-data, selected-data-bulkerror


loading-dataraise awareness of incoming data
display-datacontains data organized according with crud-client's schema property
count-datasends a PATCH to the CRUD service base path on state endpoint, if enableDefinitiveDelete is true it sends a DELETEcontains the total amount of document retrieved and the collection pagination offset
errorcontains http error messages when something goes wrong
successnotifies a successful http request




resolves lookups from a given data schema onto a given source



The bk-crud-lookup-client provides support to resolve lookups. The provided behavior is quite alike to SQL join resolution, but on a frontend client.

Let's say our data schema, as JSON schema description, looks like:

"$defs": {
"city": {
"type": "string",
"lookupOptions": {
"lookupDataSource": "cities",
"lookupValue": "_id",
"lookupFields": ["name"]
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"_id": "#/$defs/_id",
"city": "#/$defs/city",
"addresses": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"address1": "#/$defs/address1",
"city": "#/$defs/city"

hence city is a lookup from another collection called by both first and second level of an item described by the previous data schema.

bk-crud-lookup-client will perform a recursive analysis on the data schema. Starting from a given data sample

"_id": "1",
"city": "city_1",
"addresses": [
"address1": "12 Byron St.",
"city": "city_124"
"address1": "1 Batman Rd.",
"city": "city_124"

it will fetch a projection lookupFields of lookupDataSource

city_1 -> Sydney
city_124 -> Melbourne

and emit a lookup-data event with a resolved partial data structure as payload

"city": "Sydney",
"addresses": [
"city": "Melbourne"
"city": "Melbourne"

such structure can be compared with the original datum, which is not modified.

Properties & Attributes

allowLiveSearchCacheallow-live-search-cachebooleanfalseallows to cache results of live-search queries. Cache lasts as long as the component lives schema describing which field to retrieve from CRUD collection
extraLookupKeys-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-data schema describing which extra field (not included in dataschema) to retrieve from CRUD collection
lookupDataLimitlookup-data-limitnumber25limit data to require in a single lookup chunk
lookupDefaultState-string | string[]["PUBLIC","DRAFT","TRASH"]default states to append on lookup queries. Lookup queries will overwrite this setting when required by the data schema. Can be set to one or multiple of: ["PUBLIC","DRAFT","TRASH"]
maxQueryURLLengthmax-query-urllengthnumber1500external lookups might require a long query parameter. According with your base path trim it to a maximum using this prop

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
display-datavalidates and resolves the lookup datasuccess, lookup-data-
nested-navigation-state/displayvalidates and resolves the lookup data upon navigating into a nested objectsuccess, lookup-data-
lookup-live-searchingfetches lookup optionslookup-live-founderror
search-lookupsfetches values from multiple lookupssearch-lookups-founderror


lookup-datacontains lookup data
lookup-live-foundnotifies successful fetching of lookup options
search-lookups-foundnotifies successful fetching of lookups values
successnotifies a successful lookup request
errorcontains http error messages when something goes wrong




crud-service export webcomponent


bk-export extends back-kit-engine's BkHttpBase

bk-export client is a business-logic webcomponent that handles the export of an entire collection from a backend CRUD-service resource. It works as ndjson fetcher as well as native file downloader which uses browser download native API.

If export must be performed on a CRUD-service resource, an export route is available at <collection-name>/export and supports mongoDB queries as per CRUD-service specifications, along with __STATE__ filtering.

bk-export listens to any filtering done on the plugin is mounted in by accessing any change-query event and by keeping an internal representation of all applied filter.

bk-export listens also to an export-data which triggers a http GET request.

Export modes are controlled by the boolean prop nativeDownload:

  • when false, it performs an http GET and parses the content as ndjson
  • when true, it delegates to the browser API by creating and clicking an anchor tag with the url specified by the basePath property

in order to handle large sized file, on CRUD export data, a service worker is registered to perform local storage persistance operations instead of using large chunks of memory. To do so an external resource is needed. You can also use the same resource hosted with back-kit JS bundle available at <back-kit endpoint>/export-service-worker.html. In the latter case set streamSaverIFrameSrc to the resource endpoint

bk-export emits success or error events after the export is triggered. The events are emitted after the export is over (or on failure) if nativeDownload is set to false, or after the download request has been issued otherwise.

Properties & Attributes

dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-data schema describing which field to retrieve from CRUD collection
nativeDownloadnative-downloadboolean-when true it skips frontend blob parsing and uses browser native download API
shouldIncludeProjectionsshould-include-projectionsbooleanfalseshould append projection when exporting from CRUD service
streamSaverIFrameSrcstream-saver-iframe-srcstring-location where stream saver service worker files are served

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
change-queryupdates internal representation of current query--
export-datatriggers data export--


successnotifies successful export if nativeDownload property is false
errorcontains error messages when something goes wrong




Frontend client for mia's Export Service


This component implements the Export Service interface on top of fetch http client on the browser.

It listens the EventBus to record the current state of the page:

  1. filters and query changes (that modify data shown by the bk-crud-client)
  2. counts the currently filtered items
  3. counts and records the user selection on a table

According with Export Service it provides 2 modes:

  1. CSV
  2. Excel

To open an export transaction it listens to an export-data event and return an export-data/awaiting-config event which carries along the following payload

export type AwaitUserConfig = {
total?: number
selected?: number
columns: Option[]

where total is the last count of queried items, selected is the count of currently selected items and columns are selectable columns from the DataSchema

a Meta contains the transactionId and must be re-cast when options are selected. An export-data/user-config event must then follow with payload

export type ExportUserConfig = {
exportType: 'csv' | 'xlsx'
csvSeparator?: 'COMMA' | 'SEMICOLON'
filters: 'all' | 'filtered' | 'selected'
columns: string[]

Once the config is received, the http client calls the Export Service and the download is completed natively by a service worker registered within the browser. The UI is not locked.

To allow notifications in case of failure an error event is triggered. Add to bk-notifications the following error trigger

"errorEventMap": {
"export-data": {
"title": "Error",
"content": "An error occurred while exporting data"

Properties & Attributes

exportInternalUrlexport-internal-urlstring-url to be called internally to get jsonl formatted data
primaryKeyprimary-keystring'_id'primary key to filter selected data when selected only export option is enabled

| |streamSaverIFrameSrc|stream-saver-iframe-src|string| - |location where stream saver service worker files are served | |dataSchema| - |void| - |data schema describing which field to retrieve from CRUD collection |

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
export-dataopens a new export transactionexport-data/awaiting-config-
export-data/user-configaccording to config, triggers an exportsuccesserror
count-datanotifies the user on how many items would be exported on filtered export option--
select-data-bulkkeeps track of user selections to prompt selected export option configuration--
change-querystores current collection filtering--


export-data/awaiting-configregisters a transaction and awaits for user configs




manages http requests towards an instance of Mia Files Service to upload/download/store files


Properties & Attributes

queryParams-Record\<string, any>{"download": 1, "downloadWithOriginalName": 1, "useOriginalName": 1}queryParams to be passed to the Files Service. According with documentation.

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
upload-filesends a POST request to upload a fileuploaded-fileerror
download-filesends a GET request to download/visualize a filedownloaded-fileerror
delete-filesends a DELETE request to remova a file from storagedeleted-fileerror


uploaded-filenotifies successful file upload
downloaded-filenotifies successful file download
deleted-filenotifies successful file deletion
show-in-viewerrequests to visualizes a PDF inside a viewer
successnotifies successful HTTP request
errorcontains http error messages when something goes wrong




Manages file upload transactions by holding a unique transaction ID hash map. Since files are often linked to a collection entry but stored on a different service, it might be handy to control file upload through a transaction manager. Two steps are needed to successfully upload a file:

  1. file upload to storage service (handled by file-client)
  2. update CRUD collection (handled by crud-client)

Events marked as transaction required must carry a meta property with a registered transactionId.


Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
http-successterminate a successful registered transaction--
update-data-with-fileinitiates an upload file transaction attaching a unique ID and attempting upload file to the storage serviceupload-file-
create-data-with-fileinitiates an upload file transaction attaching a unique ID and attempting upload file to the storage serviceupload-file-
create-data-with-fileinitiates an upload file transaction attaching a unique ID and attempting upload file to the storage serviceupload-file-
uploaded-filecontinues an update-data-with-file transaction by patching the crud collection with the upload-file metadataupdate-data-
errorinterrupts a registered transaction due to an occurred error event carrying a meta. If the file was stored but the collection wasn't successfully patched, then the file is deleteddelete-file-


upload-filecontains file and metadata to be stored
update-dataafter storage, contains reference metadata used to patch a collection containing reference to such file
create-dataafter storage, contains reference metadata used to create an item into collection containing reference to such file
create-dataafter storage, contains reference metadata used to create an item into collection containing reference to such file
delete-filecontains file metadata to trigger file deletion

