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Version: 10.9.x


Buttons are scoped by their signature event and often start event-driven processing notifying the eventBus about user actions.


Notifies other components that a filter needs to be created. Such event could be collected by a bk-filter-drawer.



Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
loading-datasets internal loading state--
nested-navigation-state/backkeeps track of navigation steps--
nested-navigation-state/pushkeeps track of navigation steps--


filternotifies the request for creating a filter




this button creates a new item



Properties & Attributes

browseOnButtonClick-ClickPayload{}when provided with a valid schema, overrides the button JavaScript onclick listener handler allowing an href linking
initialValues-Payload{}arguments to pass upon click

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
loading-datasets internal loading state--
nested-navigation-state/backkeeps track of navigation steps--
nested-navigation-state/pushkeeps track of navigation steps--


add-newnotifies the request for creating a new item




This component allows to change the value of a object key in all the selected objects


It works only with enum or boolean data and it appears once one or more items are selected. Remember to pass the dataschema in the configuration file.

How it works

  1. It reads the dataschema to look for the properties that can be changed, so the ones with enum or boolean type.
  2. It listens to selected-data-bulk which is often called when one or more rows in a table are selected.
  3. Once one or more rows are selected, it appears in the UI.
  4. Now it is possible to interact with the left side of the component (three dots) and select the property to change the value to.
  5. Once a property is selected, it checks if each selected row has the same value. If it does, it shows the property name with the common value, otherwise it shows the property name with '*various*'.
  6. Now it is also possible to interact with the right side of the component and select the value to assign to the property
  7. Once selected the value, a bulk-update event is emitted and data are updated.


This component is reachable as bk-bulk-actions. Add the component's configuration wherever you want to display it.

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-bulk-actions",
"properties": {
"dataSchema": {
"$ref": "dataSchema"

Confirmation dialog on selected value

It is possible to ask for confirmation on selected value, and also customize the dialog texts.

It can be done using the requireConfirmation prop. It accepts three different values and it is defaulted as false:

1. Boolean type

It can be set as true to open the dialog on close or as false otherwise.

2. Object of type RequireConfirmOpts

An object such as:

cancelText?: any; // cancel button text
okText?: any; // ok button text
content?: any; // the content text
title?: any; // the title text

to customize the dialog texts. They can also be localized, passing an object containing the language acronymous key and the text as value, for example:

"content": {
"it": "Verrà creato un nuovo elemento, procedere?",
"en": "A new element will be created, continue?"

Properties & Attributes

requireConfirm-boolean | RequireConfirmOptsfalsewhether or not the button should ask for confirmation before updating all the selected data with the chosen value
dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-data schema describing the fields of the collection

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
select-data-bulkkeeps track of user selections to prompt selected export option configuration--


[bulk-update]notifies the client to update more items at the same time with a specific value




this button creates a new item


This component allows to delete one or more items at the same time.

How it works

  1. A disabled button is displayed.
  2. It listens to selected-data-bulk which is often called when one or more rows in a table are selected.
  3. Once one or more rows are selected, it activates.
  4. If the button is clicked, emits a require-confirm event to open a dialog to ask for confirmation.
  5. If the action is confirmed, it emits a delete-data event to delete all the selected items.

Items in 'PUBLIC' or 'DRAFT' __STATE__, change the state to 'TRASH' while items in 'TRASH' __STATE__ change the state to 'DELETED'.


This component is reachable as bk-bulk-delete. Add the component's configuration wherever you want to display it.

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-confirmation-modal"

Remember to add the bk-confirmation-modal component to the configuration otherwise the bk-bulk-delete won't work properly

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-confirmation-modal"

Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
select-data-bulkkeeps track of user selections to prompt selected export option configuration--


[require-confirm]opens a dialog to ask for confirmation
[delete-data]deletes selected data




A button that is configurable in order to execute a specific action when the onClick event is fired.


The possible actions are:

  • event: push an event into the eventBus
  • href: perform a redirect
  • push: push a value into browser state
  • http: perform an http request

bk-button is configurable to define an action to be fired when upon clicking.


clickConfig property is deprecated from version 1.3.4 and will be completely replaced by action property in future releases. A guide is provided explaining how to update configurations.

Migrating from clickConfig to action

action property follows the Action configuration schema. It expands the range of actions that can be performed using clickConfig, particularly:

  • introduces a new action type, allowing to copy text to clipboard
  • allows greater freedom in chaining actions

The main steps to follow for transitioning from clickConfig to action consist of:

  • actionConfig key is renamed config
  • triggeredBy field is not set by default by bk-button in success/fail events, it should be specified in action.config
  • returnEvent key is not present in actions. Rather, hooks key should be used, chaining actions
  • each action individually controls whether the onclick event should propagate, instead of using stopPropagationOnClick property of bk-button
  • actions of type event and file-upload implement a slightly different interface

In particular:


Actions of type event replace actionConfig key with

"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": ...


"action": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {

File upload

For actions of type file-upload:

  • fileFormKey property is to be specified inside the action configuration, rather than being a property of bk-button:

    "tag": "bk-button",
    "properties": {
    "fileFormKey": "file-key",
    "clickConfig": {
    "type": "file-upload",
    "actionConfig": {
    "url": "/url/upload"


    "tag": "bk-button",
    "properties": {
    "action": {
    "type": "file-upload",
    "config": {
    "url": "/url/upload",
    "fileFormKey": "file-key"
  • key actionConfig.config.headers is replaced with config.headers:

    "clickConfig": {
    "type": "file-upload",
    "actionConfig": {
    "url": "/url/upload",
    "config": {
    "headers": ...


    "action": {
    "type": "file-upload",
    "config": {
    "url": "/url/upload",
    "headers": ...

Key returnEvent

Multiple actions can be chained using hooks. returnEvent key is not supported by action property, but the same result can be achieved using hooks.

"clickConfig": {
"type": "...",
"actionConfig": {
"returnEvent": "return-event"


"action": {
"type": "...",
"config": ...,
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "return-events",
"payload": "{{rawObject data}}"

Note how the payload of the chained action is not automatically set to the response of the first action, but rather has to be specified. data is the default key used by most actions to reference the value that was returned by the previous action (if any); rawObject keyword prevents the interpolated data from being converted to string.

Key triggeredBy

Actions of type http and file-upload might emit success or error events, notifying success/failure in their execution. Field meta of such events might include key triggeredBy, which could be used by other components - for instance, bk-notifications uses this key to display success/fail notifications to the user.

Using clickConfig, bk-button automatically injects values for triggeredBy key:

action typetriggeredBy value
http (GET)get-http-generic-button
http (POST)post-http-generic-button
http (DELETE)delete-http-generic-button

Using action property, however, triggeredBy should be specified for actions of type http and file-upload inside config field. For instance:

"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"method": "POST"


"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"method": "POST",
"triggeredBy": "post-http-generic-button"


"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-upload",
"actionConfig": ...


"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-upload",
"actionConfig": {
"triggeredBy": "bk-button-file-upload"

Naturally, any other string could be specified for config.triggeredBy, allowing greater possibility for custom behavior. For instance, using bk-notifications components, two actions of the same type could trigger different notifications, which would not be possible using clickConfig.

For instance:

"tag": "bk-notifications",
"properties": {
"successEventMap": {
"post-1": {
"content": "Post 1 was successful"
"post-2": {
"content": "Post 2 was successful"
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"method": "POST",
"triggeredBy": "post-1"
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"method": "POST",
"triggeredBy": "post-2"

Key stopPropagation

Key config.stopPropagation can be specified for each action, replacing stopPropagationOnClick property of bk-button:

"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"stopPropagationOnClick": false,
"clickConfig": ...


"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"action": {
"config": {
"stopPropagation": false,

By default, config.stopPropagation is set to true, same as stopPropagationOnClick property of bk-button.


The action property allows to configure an Action that should be implemented by the button upon clicking.

Each action in the component is executed with the following context:

pathnameParams: ..., // parameters extracted from pathname part of URL. Requires `urlMask` property to be specified.
searchParams: ..., // parameters extracted from search part of URL. Requires `urlMask` property to be specified.
currentUser: ..., // data relative to the current user.
selectedData: ..., // currently selected data. Requires `bulkButton` property to be true.
context: ... // extra context set by mounting component

which allows for dynamic configurations through handlebars syntax.

For instance, the following is a valid configuration for property action:

"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"urlMask": "/url/:id",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/example",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"id": "{{}}",
"nickname": "{{currentUser.nickname}}"

The resulting component is a button that, on click, performs a POST request to /example, with body containing information extracted from the current page url and from the current user.

Action context

  • currentUser, contains information about the current user, for example name and email.

  • pathnameParams, contains information about the pathname of the current page. It contains the property params with the keys specified in the urlMask and the property path with the full path.

"params": {...},
"path": "/currentPath"
  • searchParams, contains information about the URL query parameters. It contains the property params with the keys specified in the urlMask and the property path with the full query parameters string.
"params": {...},
"path": "?query1=value1"

The two objects pathnameParams and searchParams can be accessed by specifing the urlMask property of the bk-button component. With no urlMask specified (or without a match between URL and urlMask), they will be empty.

Example of configuration:

"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Example button",
"urlMask": "\\?pageNumber=:myPageNumber",
"stopPropagationOnClick": true,
"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {"pageNumber": "{{searchParams.params.myPageNumber}}"}

In this configuration the property urlMask is specified to get the value of the first query parameter pageNumber and is saved in the myPageNumber key of the searchParams.params object. The example configuration will create a button that on click action will emit a add-new event with the information about the current page number in the payload.

urlMask allows to specify different masks for pathname and search fields. For instance:

"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"urlMask": {
"pathname": "current-url/:id",
"search": "\\?pageNumber=:myPageNumber"
  • selectedData, contains an array of objects representation of the selected data. Requires the button to be bulk mode - that is, property bulkButton to be true. Selected data is then accessible through {{rawObject selectedData}}.

  • extra context. bk-button supports extra context, which could be set by the user using context property, or, most of the times, by a parent component that mounts the button. For instance, bk-table component renders a table that mounts bk-button components inside its cells. bk-table provides the mounted buttons with extra context which can be used in action configuration.

Require confirmation before executing an action

It is possible to ask for confirmation before executing an action using a require-confirm event and nesting the desired action inside its configuration. This approach requires a component such as bk-confirmation-modal to be included in the plugin.


"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "require-confirm",
"payload": {
"configOk": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Delete",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/order-service/{{args.[1]._id}}",
"method": "DELETE",
"body": {}

If bk-confirmation-modal component is included in the plugin, it will react to the require-confirm event emitted by the button, using the configOk key in the payload for determining what action should be executed upon confirmation.

Note, in such configuration, loadingOnAction and disableOnAction should not be set to true, as the button will enter loading / disabled status without ever leaving it - more information on loadingOnAction and disableOnAction properties follow.

Bulk button

It is possible to create a button that listens to selected-data-bulk event by setting bulkButton property to true. Selected data can be referenced in actions using {{rawObject selectedData}}.

Example - an HTTP request

"bulkButton": true,
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject selectedData}}"

Example - event

"bulkButton": true,
"action": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "display-data",
"payload": {"data": "{{rawObject selectedData}}"}

Example - deselect bk-table rows after action

If the selected-data-bulk events are emitted by a bk-table component, its rows might still be selected after the action is executed. It is possible to deselect them by piping a change-query event with an empty payload after the main action.

Example of configuration:

"bulkButton": true,
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject selectedData}}",
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "change-query",
"payload": {}

Loading / disable on action

Properties loadingOnAction and disableOnAction put the button in loading/disabled state when an action of type event, http, file-upload is executed. The button will disable loading/disabled status once any result event is received about the outcome of the action. Result events are: success, error, cancel.

Note that for actions of type event, result events are not emitted by bk-button itself, but rather require other components to do so - typically clients, likebk-crud-client. Generally, clients emit result events after performing http requests. Consequently, in order to avoid entering loading/disabled status without ever leaving it, a bk-button component that emits events should only have loadingOnAction or disableOnAction set to true if a following result event is eventually triggered - that is, if the button sends events that triggers an http call from clients. For instance, create-data, update-data, delete-data for bk-crud-client.


"tag": "bk-crd-client",
"properties": ...
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"loadingOnAction": true,
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/test-url",
"method": "GET"
"hooks": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "create-data",
"payload": ...

with such configuration, the button will enter loading state twice, once for each chained action, upon clicking. In particular, the following steps will happen:

1) bk-button enters loading state 2) bk-button performs an http post call 3) bk-button emits a success or error event depending on the result of the call 4) bk-button dismisses loading state, and emits an event with label create-data and specified payload 5) bk-button enters loading state (caused by emitting the create-data event on step 4) 6) bk-crud-client listens to the create-data event, which triggers an http post request 7) bk-crud-client emits a success or error event depending on the result of the call 8) bk-button dismisses loading state after listening to the event emitted by bk-crud-client on step 7

bk-button thus enters and dismisses loading state twice.

clickConfig - deprecated


clickConfig property is deprecated from version 1.3.4 and will be completely replaced by action property in future releases. A guide is provided explaining how to update configurations.

clickConfig allows to define an action to be fired when the button is clicked. The possible actions are:

  • event: push an event into the eventBus
  • href: perform a redirect
  • push: push a value into browser state
  • http: perform an http request
  • file-upload: perform an XHR multipart/form-data file upload

In some cases the configurable onClick action can receive args as parameters that are used to enrich the request, actually the args are managed in this way:

  • for event the args are added to the eventBus payload
  • for http the args are used as post payload if the config is not provided

Dynamic configurations

All the parameters inside clickConfig can be dynamically interpolated into the WebComponent properties throw handlebars. With this syntax it is possible to access information about the current user or the URL of the page. Specifically, there are 3 objects available:

  • currentUser, contains information about the current user, for example name and email.
  • pathnameParams, contains information about the pathname of the current page. It contains the property params with the keys specified in the urlMask and the property path with the full path.
"params": {...},
"path": "/currentPath"
  • searchParams, contains information about the URL query parameters. It contains the property params with the keys specified in the urlMask and the property path with the full query parameters string.
"params": {...},
"path": "?query1=value1"

The two objects pathnameParams and searchParams can be accessed by specifing the urlMask property of the bk-button component. With no urlMask specified (or without a match between URL and urlMask), they will be empty.

Example of configuration:

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-generic-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Example button",
"urlMask": "\\?pageNumber=:myPageNumber",
"stopPropagationOnClick": true,
"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {"pageNumber": "{{searchParams.params.myPageNumber}}"}

In this configuration the property urlMask is specified to get the value of the first query parameter pageNumber and is saved in the myPageNumber key of the searchParams.params object. The example configuration will create a button that on click action will emit a add-new event with the information about the current page number in the payload.

HTTP Request

There are 3 available configurations on clickConfig with type http

  • GET
  • POST

POST and DELETE are allowed to parse a body from configuration beside any other http-client configuration

For instance an http configuration con be set as

"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "some body"

Query params can be specified in the config property:

"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "some body",
"config": {
"params": {
"some": "query-params"

If the button is mounted on a component which provides context, say a bk-table, it is possible to achieve body dynamic construction as per

"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject args.[1]}}"

File Upload

By setting clickConfig type to file-upload, on click the button perform and automatic file upload post. When clicking, browser opens its native upload dialog allowing the user to pick a file from local file system. Once a file is picked, an automatic POST is performed by using XMLHTTPRequest facility and the file is appended to a brand new FormData with the key file unless overridden by the fileFormKey property on bk-button.

For instance a file-upload configuration con be set as

"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-upload",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/img-upload"

This config can be extended by using the config key enclosed by actionConfig which allows setting headers

"actionConfig": {
"config": {
"headers": {
"key": "value"

in case an event should be piped when upload is successful, actionConfig contains a key returnEvent which takes either a string, an array of strings, an Event or an array of Events that will follow success event into the pipeline. For instance if a plugin reload is required after successful upload one could pipe a change-query

"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-upload",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/img-upload",
"returnEvent": "change-query"

File Download

By setting clickConfig type to file-download, on click the button perform a browser native file download. For instance a file-download configuration con be set as

"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-download",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/image.png"

in case an event should be piped when upload is successful, actionConfig contains a key returnEvent which takes either a string, an array of strings, an Event or an array of Events that will follow success event into the pipeline. For instance if a plugin reload is required after successful upload one could pipe a change-query

"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-download",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/imgage.png",
"returnEvent": "change-query"

File download can be also executed configuring an HTTP request, adding downloadAsFile to the config property in actionConfig. It works with GET and POST requests.

For example:

"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/users/",
"method": "POST",
"body": "some body",
"config": {
"downloadAsFile": true

Properties & Attributes

content-LocalizedText{}button content
dangerdangerboolean-danger flag
disableOnActiondisable-on-actionbooleanfalseconfigures the button to be disabled while action is in progress
disableddisabledbooleanfalsebutton disabled property
fileFormKeyfile-form-keystring'file'when clickConfig is of type file-upload, file is set to this key when appending values to the multipart/form-data that is sent
iconIdicon-idstring-defines which icon should be rendered into the button, if this property is not defined or doesn't match any icon no icon will be rendered
iconPlacement-"default" | "left" | "right""default"defines where icon should be rendered, either left or right defaulting on left
listenToLoadingDatalisten-to-loading-databooleanfalseconfigures the button to be loading when trigger by a loading-data event
loadingloadingbooleanfalsebutton loading property
loadingDebounceloading-debouncenumber400min time in milliseconds between loading swaps (when less it doesn't trigger loading rendering)
loadingOnActionloading-on-actionbooleanfalseconfigures the button to be loading while action is in progress
navigationStrategy-"disable" | "hide"-determines the button behavior upon navigating nested objects. Allowed values are 'disable' and 'hide'. By default, the button does not react to navigation events.
pathnameParams-Record\<string, string>{}property to inject the object-like source from URL pathname
searchParams-Record\<string, string>{}property to inject the object-like source from URL search params
shapeshapestring'round'button shape property
stopPropagationOnClickstop-propagation-on-clickbooleantrueconfigures the onClick to disable propagation when action is fired
typetypestring'primary'button type property
urlMaskurl-maskUrlMask''url mask to apply to the current path to extract dynamic parameters
clickConfig-ClickConfig-schema describing how to configure onClick event NOTE - this property is deprecated, use action instead
action-Action-schema describing how to configure onClick event
bulkButton-booleanfalsewhether to use it as a bulk button or not. If set to true, it listens to selected-data-bulk event

Listens to

This component listens to no event.


configurable-labelgeneric event configurable through the event type configuration
errorcontains error messages for an http event
successnotifies a successful http request




Generic dropdown with custom actions for each element of the menu.




Through menuItems property, it is possible to configure the dropdown items. For each item choose a label (LocalizedText) and an action to be execute on click. For actions configuration, read actions documentation.


Each action has only currentUser as context.


"tag": "bk-dropdown",
"properties": {
"label": {
"en": "Create new...",
"it": "Crea nuovo..."
"menuItems": [
"label": {
"en": "New rider",
"it": "Nuovo fattorino"
"action": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": "add-new"
"label": "New transport type",
"action": {
"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "/transport-type"

Properties & Attributes

label-LocalizedText{}dropdown label
iconIdicon-idstring-defines which icon should be rendered in the dropdown, if this property is not defined or doesn't match any icon no icon will be rendered
iconPlacement-"default" | "left" | "right""default"defines where icon should be rendered, either left or right defaulting on left
listenToLoadingDatalisten-to-loading-databooleanfalseconfigures the dropdown to be loading when trigger by a loading-data event
shapeshapestring'round'dropdown button shape property
typetypestring'primary'dropdown button type property
menuItem-DropdownItem-dropdown menu items configuration

Listens to

eventactionemitson error






allows to go back one step in the navigation path. It is not visible at the top page.



Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
nested-navigation-state/pushupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by adding one step--
nested-navigation-state/backupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by removing the specified number of steps--


nested-navigation-state/backnotifies to go back one step in the navigation path




Allows refreshing some resource



Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
loading-datasets internal loading state--


change-queryrequires refresh without modifying current CRUD query by attaching an empty payload

