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Version: 10.9.x


Some components may expose properties that allow to configure callbacks, or actions. Multiple types of actions can be configured.

Actions are generally composed of a triple: <type, config, hooks>.

  • type is used to identify the type of action to be performed.
  • config defines the operations that the computed callback performs.
  • hooks allows to specify further actions that are to be chained to the current one at specific times or under specific conditions.

Each action is compiled to a callback that can be executed by components, possibly providing some data as input (or context). Different components may provide different context, which can be utilized to specify dynamic action configurations, using handlebars syntax.

Types of actions

Events Emission

type EventAction = {
type: 'event'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* events to be emitted */
events: string | string[] | Event | Event[]
hooks: {
/* action executed at the start of the callback */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed at the end of the callback */
onFinish?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusCancel event */
onCancel?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusSuccess event */
onSuccess?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusError event*/
onError?: Action


type Event = {
label: string
payload: Record<string, any>
meta: Record<string, any>

Actions of type event emit the events specified in

Rest calls

type HttpAction = {
type: 'http'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* endpoint to call */
url: string
/* REST method to use */
method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH'
/* body of the call */
body?: Record<string, any> | string
/* extra configurations */
config?: Omit<HttpClientConfig, 'body'>
/* "triggeredBy" field to add to eventBusCancel/eventBusSuccess/eventBusError event meta and for reference to the data forwarded into context */
triggeredBy?: string
hooks: {
/* action executed at the start of the callback */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed at the end of the callback */
onFinish?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusCancel event */
onCancel?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusSuccess event */
onSuccess?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusError event*/
onError?: Action


type HttpClientConfig = Omit<RequestInit, 'method'> & {
/* search params to apply to the call */
params?: string | Record<string, string> | string[][] | URLSearchParams
/* wether or not the result should be sent back without any transformation (by default, response is either sent back as text or an object). If true, `downloadAsFile` is ignored. */
raw?: boolean
/* whether the result should be downloaded as file. Only supported for POST and GET calls. */
downloadAsFile?: boolean

Where RequestInit refers to the standard Typescript interface.

Actions of type http allow to perform REST calls.

Field config.config allows to specify extra configurations to the rest call.

For instance:

"type": "http",
"config": {
"config": {
"headers": {"foo": "bar"},
"params": {
"some": "query-params"
"downloadAsFile": true

adds foo to the headers of the call with value bar, adds query parameter some with value query-params, and attempts to download the result as a file.

Field config.triggeredBy has a duplicate function:

  • it is injected in the meta field of events eventBusCancel, eventBusSuccess, eventBusError that may be emitted as a consequence of the action. This may be useful, for instance, with components such as bk-notifications, in order to display notification messages upon success/failure of the action,

  • it allows to specify what key can be used to reference the returned data after this is forwarded into the context of the onSuccess action.

File Download


For downloading files using a REST call, an action of type http should be used, leveraging downloadAsFile keyword set to true:

"type": "http",
"config": {
"config": {
"downloadAsFile": true

downloadAsFile is supported with GET and POST requests.

type FileDownloadAction = {
type: 'file-download'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* url to the file to download */
url: string
hooks: {
/* action executed before the download request has been issued */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed after the download request has been issued */
onFinish?: Action

Actions of type file-download attempt to download a file from the given url using the default browser API, by creating and clicking an anchor tag with the url specified.


The onFinish hook does not execute after the download is complete, but rather after the download request has been issued.

File Upload

type FileUploadAction = {
type: 'file-upload'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* url to the file to download */
url: string
/* file is set to this key when appending values to the multipart/form-data that is sent */
fileFormKey?: string
/* extra configurations (headers) */
headers?: HeadersInit
/* "triggeredBy" field to add to eventBusCancel/eventBusSuccess/eventBusError event meta */
triggeredBy?: string
hooks: {
/* action executed before the before the upload the request has been issued */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed after the upload has completed */
onFinish?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusCancel event */
onCancel?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusSuccess event */
onSuccess?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusError event*/
onError?: Action

Actions of type file-upload perform an automatic file upload post. The native upload dialog of the browser is used, allowing the user to pick a file from local file system. Once a file is picked, an automatic POST is performed by using XMLHTTPRequest facility, and the file is appended to a brand new FormData with the key file unless overridden by the fileFormKey property.

Field config.triggeredBy is injected in the meta field of events eventBusCancel, eventBusSuccess, eventBusError that may be emitted as a consequence of the action. This may be useful, for instance, with components such as bk-notifications, in order to display notification messages upon success/failure of the action.

type PushAction = {
type: 'push'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* url to navigate to */
url: string
/* state to inject to destination page */
state?: Record<string, any>
/* title (unused) */
title?: string
hooks: {
/* action executed before the navigation happens */
onStart?: Action

Actions of type push execute a window.history.push call, that allows navigation to the specified url.

type ReplaceAction = {
type: 'replace'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* url to navigate to */
url: string
/* state to inject to destination page */
state?: Record<string, any>
/* title (unused) */
title?: string
hooks: {
/* action executed before the navigation happens */
onStart?: Action

Actions of type replace execute a window.history.replace call, that allows navigation to the specified url.

type HrefAction = {
type: 'href'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* href to navigate to */
href?: string | undefined;
/* target to use for navigating to href, defaults to "_self" */
target?: string | undefined;
/* query parameters to add to destination url */
query?: LinkQueryParams | undefined;
hooks: {
/* action executed before the navigation happens */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed after the navigation happens (if "target" is not "_self") */
onFinish?: Action

Actions of type href execute a or a window.location.replace call (depending on the value of target), that allows navigation to the specified url.

The onFinish hook is only available if is not "_self".

type GoBack = {
type: 'go-back'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
hooks: {
/* action executed before the navigation happens */
onStart?: Action

Actions of type go-back execute a window.history.back call, that allows navigation to the last page in window.history stack.

Copy to Clipboard

type CopyAction = {
type: 'copy'
config: {
/* whether or not event should stop propagating. Defaults to true */
stopPropagation?: boolean
/* data source to extract text to copy */
path: XPath
/* "triggeredBy" field to add to eventBusCancel/eventBusSuccess/eventBusError event meta and for reference to the data forwarded into context */
triggeredBy?: string
hooks: {
/* action executed before the before the data is copied to clipboard */
onStart?: Action
/* action executed after the upload has completed */
onFinish?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusCancel event */
onCancel?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusSuccess event */
onSuccess?: Action
/* action executed in case of eventBusError event*/
onError?: Action


type XPath = string | {
path?: string
default?: LocalizedText

With LocalizedText being either a string or an object with language support.

Actions of type copy allow to copy data to clipboard. They require input data to be provided in order to properly execute. Components that expose action properties should provide appropriate context when executing the actions callback.

config.path is the path to apply to the data source, in javascript notation, to reach the data to copy to clipboard. In case the data is not of type string, it is automatically stringified.


If the copied value is an object or an array, helper rawObject should be used when using references to the forwarded data into chained actions. For instance:

"type": "copy",
"config": {
"path": "objectField",
"triggeredBy": "key"
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "return-event",
"payload": {
"copied-data": "{{rawObject key}}"

Field config.triggeredBy allows to specify what key can be used to reference the returned data after this is forwarded into the context of the onSuccess action.

Example 1

With input data such as:

"objField": {
"arrField": [

the action:

"type": "copy",
"config": {
"path": "objField.arrField.[0]"

results in "stringValue" being copied to clipboard.

Example 2 - default value

It is possible to specify a default value to be copied to clipboard, in case the path does not correspond to any data. For instance, with input data such as:

"objField": {
"arrField": []

the action:

"type": "copy",
"config": {
"path": {
"path": "objField.arrField.[0]",
"default": "defaultValue"

results in "defaultValue" being copied to clipboard.

Dynamic configurations

Actions support dynamic configurations using handlebars syntax. Data provided as input (context) to the actions callbacks is used to resolve dynamic configurations.

Components that expose actions as properties, have the responsibility to provide context upon executing them.

Example 1


"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"data": "{{name}}"

emits an event with a dynamic payload.

For dynamic actions to be correctly executed, appropriate context has to be provided. In the example, the input data should include a name field.


"name": "joe"

is provided as context to the action, this results in an event being executed with label add-new and payload:

"data": "joe"

Example 2

Pair template-configMap can be used to specify dynamic configurations.

"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"template": "{{color}}",
"configMap": {
"red": {"command": "stop"},
"yellow": {"command": "slow-down"},
"$default": {"command": "go"}

The value of template is matched against keys of configMap. On the first match, the corresponding value in configMap is used as value for the dynamic variable.

For instance, with context

"color": "red"

the above action is equivalent to:

"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"command": "stop"

$default key in configMap can be specified, and is used if no other configMap key matches template.

Example 3

It is possible to avoid to stringify dynamic values within a configuration using the custom helper rawObject.

"iconId": "fas fa-users",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject data}}"

rawObject signals that the provided dynamic value (data in this case) should not be stringified.

With input data:

"data": {
"name": "Joe",
"surname": "Smith"

the above action is equivalent to:

"iconId": "fas fa-users",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"name": "Joe",
"surname": "Smith"

Action chaining

Multiple actions can be chained using hooks. Each action exposes some hooks, each one corresponding to a specific moment / condition of the action execution.

Example 1

The action

"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/endpoint",
"method": "GET"
"hooks": {
"onFinish": {
"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "/some/path"

results in executing a GET call on endpoint /endpoint, and than navigating to /some/path.

The first (top-level) action

"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/endpoint",
"method": "GET"

is executed first, and results in a GET call.

Actions of type http allow to specify a onFinish hook, which is itself an action and is executed after the REST call, independently of its response.

The onFinish hook

"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "/some/path"

is thus executed after the GET call, navigating to the url /some/path.

Example 2 - data refresh is needed after action

Often a plugin reload is required after a successful action (for instance, after a successful file-upload action). If a component like bk-crud-client is included in the plugin, one could pipe a change-query event to the main action:

"type": "file-upload",
"config": {
"url": "/v2/img-upload"
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "change-query",
"payload": {}

Example 3 - result data is forwarded

Actions may forward extra data into some of their hooks.

For instance, the following is a valid configuration:

"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url-1",
"method": "GET",
"triggeredBy": "data_1"
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url-2/{{data_1.field}}",
"method": "GET",
"triggeredBy": "data_2"
"hooks": {
"onSuccess": {
"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"test": "{{data_1.field}}",
"test2": "{{data_2.otherField}}"

Assuming all actions to be successful, this action results in the following steps:

  • the first action
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url-1",
"method": "GET",
"triggeredBy": "data_1"

is executed, resulting in a GET call to the endpoint /url-1.

  • Assuming the call is successful and the response looks like:
"field": "foo"

the onSuccess action

"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url-2/{{data_1.field}}",
"method": "GET",
"triggeredBy": "data_2"

is executed - having access to the response of the previous call through the key data_1. This results in a second GET call, this time to the endpoint /url-2/foo. The dynamic url value /url-2/{{data_1.field}} can be correctly resolved using the response of the previous call.

  • Assuming the call succeeds, and the returned response to be:
"otherField": "bar"

the onSuccess hook of the second action

"type": "event",
"config": {
"events": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"test": "{{data_1.field}}",
"test2": "{{data_2.otherField}}"

is executed, resulting in an event being emitted, with label add-new and payload:

"test": "foo",
"test2": "bar"

which can be resolved as the responses from both previous calls are available, through keys data_1 and data_2 respectively.

Notice how the third chained action still provides access to the return value from the first action: each action always forwards all of its context to its hooks (possibly adding additional data to it). Assuming the same return values for each GET call as previously, and assuming the first action to have context:

"name": "joe",
"obj": {
"data": "test",

then the second action is executed with context:

"name": "joe",
"obj": {
"data": "test",
"data_1": {
"field": "foo"

and the third with:

"name": "joe",
"obj": {
"data": "test",
"data_1": {
"field": "foo"
"data_2": {
"otherField": "bar"