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Version: 13.x (Current)

Fast Data Versioning

In this page are reported for each Fast Data service its version details. This information should provide a reference on which service is compatible with the others, which versions should be skipped and which one enables certain features.

Fast Data

Services Changelogs

Latest Stable Services Version

Real-Time-UpdaterProjection StorerSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Compatibility Matrix

Real-Time UpdaterProjection StorerSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Event Driven Architecture Support

Minimum Services Version

Real-Time-UpdaterSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

In case it is selected debezium as message adapter, the minimum service version for Real-Time Updater plugin is v7.5.4

Real-Time-UpdaterSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Projection Storer Support

Projection Storer is a new service that can be employed as a replacement of Real-Time Updater when Fast Data is configured for adopting the event-driven architecture. This service works in conjunction with both Single View Trigger Generator and Single View Creator plugins to transform change events from the System of Record into the final aggregated Single View.

Minimum Services Version

Projection StorerSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator
Projection StorerSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Runtime Management Support

With the introduction of Fast Data Control Plane, it is possible to send specific commands to manage services behavior at runtime. In the table below is described which service versions support being controlled by Fast Data Control Plane.

Compatibility Matrix

Control PlaneReal-Time UpdaterProjection StorerSingle View Trigger GeneratorSingle View Creator

Bucket Storage Support

Services Changelogs

Ingestion StorerIngestion Reloader

Known issues

Here are listed all the services version that are affected by a known issue that prevents the plugins from working as intended.

Single View Trigger Generator

  • v3.1.0: the introduction of message validation on existing messages was too strict causing the discard of all the pr-update events using the v1 schema. Please upgrade to v3.1.1 or newer

Single View Creator

  • v6.2.0: affected by a bug on the Kafka Consumer. Please upgrade to v6.2.2 or newer
  • v6.2.1: unintended breaking change found for user that exploited ramda dependency in SVC user-defined functions. Please upgrade to v6.2.2 or newer

Ingestion Storer

  • v1.3.1: native image failed to build correctly. Please upgrade to v1.3.2 or newer