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Mia-Platform Microfrontend Composer Templates Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will explore the world of ready-to-use page templates within the Mia-Platform Microfrontend Composer. These templates serve as potent tools, enabling us to craft intricate pages with ease. Leveraging the insights gained from the Microfrontend Composer Basics Tutorial, we will delve into harnessing the full potential of these templates to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our page implementation. Get ready to uncover an innovative approach that accelerates the creation process.

What We Will Build

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of creating Microfrontend Composer pages using various Microfrontend Composer templates. We'll cover the following templates:

Each of these templates offers unique capabilities, and we'll walk you through the steps to implement them effectively.


Before diving into this tutorial, it's essential to have a grasp of the fundamental concepts of the Mia-Platform Microfrontend Composer and to have completed the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics. This foundational knowledge will ensure a smoother understanding of the upcoming content.

Setup an iFrame Page

To create a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer iFrame, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Microfrontend Composer Configuration and navigate to the Pages tab.
  2. Click on the Create New Page button.

In the first step of the wizard, select the Page type as an iFrame. Provide an appropriate id for the page (e.g., "wiki"). Set the Page rendering route to "./wiki".

Create New Page

In the second step of the wizard, provide the URL (iFrame source). For example, you can use "". After filling in the necessary details, click the Save button to create the page.

Create New Page

To integrate the new page into the menu, navigate to the Layout tab and click on the Layout button in the left panel.

  1. Click on the Add Item button.
  2. Click on the Edit option next to the new menu item in the list.

Create New Page

In the modal that appears, make the following changes:

  • Change the id to "wiki".
  • Update the label to "Wiki iFrame".
  • Choose an appropriate icon set and icon for the menu item.

Create New Page

Once the configurations are set, you can save the changes and proceed to save the configuration and deploy.

Upon completion, the new iFrame page will be accessible. Here's an example of how the page might appear:

Create New Page

Setup a Calendar View Page

To create a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer Calendar View Template, follow these steps:

Setting Up the CRUD Collection

Before creating a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Calendar View Template, you need to set up a CRUD collection named "calendar" as the data source. You can follow the same procedure outlined in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics tutorial. Define the following data schema for the collection:

  • title: Type - string, Required - true
  • startDate: Type - Date, Required - true
  • endDate: Type - Date, Required - true

For this example, we'll omit the default fields generated by the CRUD collection. Here's the JSON schema representing the specific fields:

"name": "title",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "startDate",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "endDate",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false

Now you can expose the CRUD data using an endpoint named "calendar".

Setup the Calendar View Page

To create a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer Calendar View Template, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Microfrontend Composer Configuration and navigate to the Pages tab.
  2. Click on the Create New Page button.

In the first step of the wizard:

  • Choose the Page type as Compose.
  • Provide an id for the page, such as calendar.
  • Set the Page rendering route to ./calendar.

Create New Page

In the second step of the wizard:

  • Choose the Calendar View template.

Create New Page

In the Pages tab within the Microfrontend Composer section:

  • Locate the Calendar page that was previously created.
  • Click on the Compose button (placed on the left of the "Edit" button) to open the page composer.

Create New Page

Navigate to the Connectors & Adapter section:

  • Click on the CRUD Client.
  • Select the endpoint /v2/calendar.
  • Click on the Generate Schema button.

Create New Page

Now return to the Layout tab. Here you can:

  • View the preview of the Calendar View page.
  • Personalize the page title and the tab label, as previously learned in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics. For example, use Calendar View as the page title and Calendar as the tab label.

If you wish to remove the Export button from the page:

  • Click on the Export button in the preview (highlighting the button in the left panel).
  • Uncheck the Exportcheckbox on the left sidebar to remove the export functionality.

Create New Page

Before proceeding, connect the page to the menu using the same steps explained in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics. Use calendar as the id and Calendar as the label.

To test the new page, save the configuration and deploy the changes by following the save and deploy process.

Below is the result:

Create New Page

Setup the CRUD Collection

Before creating a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer Picture Gallery Template, you need to set up a CRUD collection named gallery as a data source. Follow the same procedure outlined in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics to create this collection. Here's the required data schema:

  • file: Represents a RawObject and is required.
  • title: Represents a string and is required.
  • description: Represents a string and is required.

Please note that in this example, we've excluded the default fields that are automatically generated by the CRUD collection. Below is the JSON schema for the specific fields:

"name": "file",
"type": "RawObject",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "title",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "description",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false

Now, let's expose the CRUD data using an endpoint called gallery.

The File Service can support various file storage services, such as AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage. However, in this example, we'll use MongoDB as the file storage service.

To achieve this, we need to create a new CRUD collection called files to store the files. Follow the same procedure outlined in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics to create this collection. Here's the required data schema:

  • name: Represents a string and is required.
  • file: Represents a string and is required.
  • size: Represents a number and is required.
  • location: Represents a string and is required.

Just like in the previous examples, we've excluded the default fields that are automatically generated by the CRUD collection. Below is the JSON schema for the specific fields:

"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "file",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "size",
"type": "number",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "location",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false

In this scenario, exposing the CRUD data using an endpoint is not required. Hence, we can skip this step.

Setup the File Service

To set up a new file service microservice, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Microservices section in the Console.
  2. Click on Create a Microservice from Marketplace.
  3. Choose the File Service from the list of available microservices.

Create New Page

Configure the following environment variables:

  • CRUD_URL: Set this to the name of the CRUD collection. For this instance, use http://crud-service/files/.
  • CONFIG_FILE_PATH: Set this to the path of the configuration file. In this case, use /configurations/config.json.
  • PATH_PREFIX: Set this to the path prefix of the file service. Here, use /files/.

To avoid any build error you have to remove any other environment variables except for LOG_LEVEL, HTTP_PORT, CRUD_URL, CONFIG_FILE_PATH, PATH_PREFIX, and HEADERS_TO_PROXY.

Create New Page

On the same page, configure a ConfigMap for the configuration file:

  • Name: configurations
  • Runtime Mount Path: /configurations/

Create New Page

Click the Add File button to create a new file named config.json.

Create New Page

Save the file by clicking the Create button. Then, add the content of the configuration file:

"type": "mongodb",
"options": {
"url": "{{MONGODB_URL}}",
"bucketName": "filesbucket"

Create New Page

Next, we need to expose this microservice using an endpoint called files. To do this:

  1. Navigate to the Endpoints section in the Console.
  2. Click on the Create a new Endpoint button.
  3. Create a new microservice endpoint with the following details:
  • Base path: /files;
  • Type: Microservice;
  • Microservice: files-service.

Create New Page

To create a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer Picture Gallery Template, follow these steps:

  1. In the Microfrontend Composer Configuration, go to the Pages tab and click on the Create New Page button.
  2. In the first wizard step, choose the Page type: Compose.
  3. Provide an id for the page, e.g., gallery.
  4. Set the Page rendering route to ./gallery.

Create New Page

  1. In the second wizard step, choose the Picture Gallery template.

Create New Page

In the Pages tab within the Microfrontend Composer section, you will see the newly created Gallery page. Click on the Compose button to open the page composer.

Configure the page as follows:

  • Update the Page Title to Gallery.
  • Update the tab Label to All using the same steps from the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics.
  • Remove the Export button from the page using the steps from the Setup the Calendar View Page section of this tutorial.

In the Connectors & Adapter tab, configure the Gallery connector:

  • In the left panel, click on CRUD Client.
  • Select the /v2/gallery CRUD collection endpoint.
  • Click on Generate schema.

Create New Page

As in previous steps, keep only the file, title, and description fields. Refer to the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics for detailed instructions on configuring the Gallery connector.

Create New Page

Next, configure the file service connector:

  • In the left panel, click on File Service Client.
  • Use the /files URL in the File Service base path field.

Now, proceed to configure the layout page. In the Layout tab:

  1. Click on Main in the left panel.
  2. Click on the Gallery button.
  3. In the right panel, edit the basic properties of the Gallery component:
  • Thumbnail source: type string and value file.location;
  • Title source: type string and value title;
  • Subtitle source: type string and value description.

Finally, configure the Data Schema for the Form Modal component:

  1. In the left panel, under Main, click on Form Modal.
  2. In the right panel, enable Use custom value.
  3. Add the following JSON schema:
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"_id": {
"formOptions": {
"hiddenOnInsert": true,
"readOnlyOnUpdate": true
"type": "string"
"file": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": true,
"format": "file"
"title": {
"type": "string"
"description": {
"type": "string"

Now we can create a new menu item for the Gallery page. To do that, follow the same steps used in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics using the Gallery page id.

After that, save the configuration and deploy. Refer to the Console Handbook for more information about the deploy command.

The output of the Gallery page should be similar to the following:

Create New Page

Setup Show Info/Details Page

To create a new Microfrontend Composer page using the Microfrontend Composer Show Info/Details Template, follow these steps:

  1. In the Microfrontend Composer Configuration, go to the Pages tab and click on the Create New Page button.
  2. In the first wizard step, choose the Page type: Compose.
  3. Provide an id for the page, e.g., detail.
  4. Set the Page rendering route to ./detail.

Create New Page

  1. In the second wizard step, choose the Show Info/Details template.

Create New Page

In the Pages tab within the Microfrontend Composer section, you will see the newly created detail page. Click on the Compose button to open the page composer.

Configure the page as follows:

Create New Page

In the Connectors & Adapter tab, configure the Detail connector:

  1. In the left panel, click on CRUD Client.
  2. Select the /v2/products CRUD collection endpoint.
  3. Click on Generate schema. In this case, we want to leave all the fields, so we don't need to edit the schema.

Create New Page

Next, configure the URL Parameters Adapter:

  1. In the left panel, click on URL Parameters Adapter.
  2. Modify the URL Mask by clicking on the Edit Property.
  3. Use the following URL Mask: /detail/:id with string as the type.

Create New Page

After saving the configuration and deploying (refer to the Console Handbook for more information), you will see the Detail page in the Microfrontend Composer menu. To navigate to the Detail page, use the URL /microfrontend-composer/detail/{{id}}, where {{id}} is the _id of the product you want to see the details for.

Here's how the Detail page looks:

Create New Page

Connect the Detail Page with the Products Page

To connect the Detail page with the Products page, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure the Products page is configured as done in the Microfrontend Composer Tutorial Basics.
  2. In the Pages tab, click on the Compose button for the Products page.
  3. In the left panel, click on Main and then click on the Table button.
  4. In the right panel, open the Advanced Properties and click on the Edit Property under the label Custom Actions.
  5. In the modal that opens, select array as Type.
  6. Click on the Add Item button to add a new item.
  7. In the new item, click on the Edit icon and configure as follows:
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Detail",
"action": {
"type": "push",
"config": {
"url": "./detail/{{args.[1]._id}}"

Now we can save the configuration and deploy. Refer to the Console Handbook for more information about the deploy command.

Now you can navigate to the Products page. Here's the output:

Create New Page

Clicking on the Detail button in one of the rows of the table will redirect you to the Detail page.

Microfrontend Composer Tutorials

In this tutorial, we learned how to create new Microfrontend Composer Pages using the Microfrontend Composer Compose Template or an iFrame.

Also, make sure to check out: