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Version: 13.x (Current)

Kafka Connection Configuration

This page explains how to connect the Bucket Storage Support services to Apache Kafka using different SASL mechanism. The guide is equivalent for all the Bucket Storage Support services.

SCRAM-SHA Authentication [Default]

This is the default authentication configuration and it can be enabled by just configuring the following environment variables on the services:

  • KAFKA_USERNAME: credentials username
  • KAFKA_PASSWORD: credentials password
  • KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM: whether the SASL mechanism employs SCRAM-SHA-256 or SCRAM-SHA-512

Plain Authentication

In order to connect to Kafka with a SASL PLAIN authentication an additional configuration has to be written. To achieve this, create a new config map whose filename is application.yaml and its mount path within service's container is /app/config. Then, within the config map file it is possible to provide the Kafka configuration that enables the SASL PLAIN mechanism, by adding the specific properties, starting from kafka at the root of the yaml file. Below is provided an example of the content to insert in the file.

mechanism: PLAIN
config: " required username=\"${KAFKA_USERNAME}\" password=\"${KAFKA_PASSWORD}\";"

The main part is the jaas config, that must contain the plain.PlainLoginModule security module, in order to correctly authenticate with the PLAIN mechanism.

Other Authentication Methods

In general in the application.yaml file, which can be loaded as a config map into the service, any Kafka configuration can be customized, using yaml format rather than Java properties. Therefore, any SASL authentication method should be supported, though they were not tested directly as the previous ones.
In fact, it should be sufficient to create a kafka entry at the yaml root and add the needed properties. For example:



To learn more about Kafka Authentication using SASL we recommend reading the following documentation.