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Version: 13.x (Current)

Ingestion Storer Configuration

This page describes how to configure the Ingestion Storer service which is responsible for consuming messages from a message streaming platform and storing them into a Cloud Storage Bucket.


The Ingestion Storer service reads the ingestion messages from the chosen message streaming platform. Then those messages are grouped by topic name and partition so they can later be saved in the bucket. This way each stored file contains only messages coming from a single partition, so that multiple service replicas do not interfere with each other. Moreover, this saving logic simplifies potential messages reorganization.

Each time a file is written in the bucket a corresponding output event is emitted on a dedicated topic to notify a write operation has been completed successfully. Optionally, it re-emits ingested messages into post-ingestion topics.

Considering Ingestion Storer service functionalities, it can be introduced within an event-driven architecture in different ways, such as:

  • sequentially to other services, to store messages on a bucket so that downstream components can proceed reading ingestion messages only when those records are effectively written to the bucket
  • in parallel to other services, to store messages transparently with respect to other message processing

A concrete example of these two architecture can be observed within Fast Data context, where the Real-Time Updater service can read message either from post-ingestion topics fed by the Ingestion Storer (when implementing a sequential architecture) or directly from ingestion topics alongside Ingestion Storer (when implementing a parallel architecture). In the latter case, post-ingestion messages generation may be disabled since no consumer would read those messages.

Since version 1.5.0 messages are grouped into files of a given, configurable, size. This feature allows for a faster reingestion since it takes less time to download larger files and reprocess them by a Kafka producer. This setup also requires a larger amount of memory to store caches before actual upload.

The service always attempts to bring the topic lag to 0. Naturally, before 1.5.0, this was happening as a design choice. After 1.5.0, caches are automatically committed, even if the file size is not reached, when a timeout expires. Later, on cache updates files are updated on the bucket to enforce file size consistency.

Service Configuration

In order to connect and authenticate correctly with the bucket and Kafka, please check the relative pages:

Minimal Production Setup

Topics configuration

This service takes a set of topics as input to consume. The relative configuration can be applied on a file named application.yaml using the yaml path which MUST be an array of objects.

Such objects must comply to the following schema

"type": "object",
"required": ["ingestion"],
"properties": {
"ingestion": {"type": "string"},
"bucket-folder": {"type": "string"},
"post-ingestion": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"}

post-ingestion is relevant only when bss.enable-post-ingestion is true and bucket-folder overrides the final destination of messages backup files in the configured bucket.

The service then subscribes to all the ingestion topics provided in the map and forwards the incoming messages (in case it is enabled) towards the post-ingestion ones.

A working example is provided here:

- ingestion: <input-topic-name-1>
bucket-folder: <optional-custom-folder> # this field can be omitted entirely and the service would use the ingestion topic as folder name
- <output-topic-name-1>
- ingestion: <input-topic-name-2>
- <output-topic-name-2>

With GCS bucket

To configure the service to read from a kafka broker to a Google GCS bucket you MUST:

  1. mount the application.yaml file at the location /app/config/application.yaml
  2. mount the GCS credentials file at /app/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json (this path must match the env var GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS)
  3. configure kafka via env vars:
    • KAFKA_BROKERS: comma separated list of nodes address belonging to a Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the topic from which to read and also the consumer group identifier employed by this application to share how partitions are consumed among multiple instances of the application
    • KAFKA_USERNAME: username to connect to Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_PASSWORD: password to connect to Kafka cluster
  4. configure GCS bucket via env vars:
    • BUCKET_TYPE: "google" (a constant value)
    • BUCKET_NAME: name of the bucket where files should be uploaded
    • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: location of the credentials file
  5. configure notifications via env vars:
    • BSS_EVENTS_TOPIC: topic where the service should produce messages notifying that a file has been written to the bucket

With S3 bucket

To configure the service to read from a kafka broker to an AWS S3 bucket you MUST:

  1. mount the application.yaml file at the location /app/config/application.yaml
  2. configure kafka via env vars:
    • KAFKA_BROKERS: comma separated list of nodes address belonging to a Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the topic from which to read and also the consumer group identifier employed by this application to share how partitions are consumed among multiple instances of the application
    • KAFKA_USERNAME: username to connect to Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_PASSWORD: password to connect to Kafka cluster
  3. configure GCS bucket via env vars:
    • BUCKET_TYPE: "s3" (a constant value)
    • BUCKET_NAME: name of the bucket where files should be uploaded
    • BUCKET_REGION: the region of the AWS S3 bucket
    • S3_KEY_ID: the service account ID for the AWS S3 bucket
    • S3_KEY: the secret key for the AWS S3 bucket
  4. configure notifications via env vars:
    • BSS_EVENTS_TOPIC: topic where the service should produce messages notifying that a file has been written to the bucket

With OCI bucket (S3 compatibility)

To configure the service to read from a kafka broker to an Oracle OCI bucket you MUST:

  1. mount the application.yaml file at the location /app/config/application.yaml
  2. configure kafka via env vars:
    • KAFKA_BROKERS: comma separated list of nodes address belonging to a Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the topic from which to read and also the consumer group identifier employed by this application to share how partitions are consumed among multiple instances of the application
    • KAFKA_USERNAME: username to connect to Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_PASSWORD: password to connect to Kafka cluster
  3. configure GCS bucket via env vars:
    • BUCKET_TYPE: "s3" (a constant value)
    • BUCKET_NAME: name of the bucket where files should be uploaded
    • BUCKET_REGION: the region of the OCI bucket
    • BUCKET_ENDPOINT: the endpoint which overrides the the AWS S3 bucket standard endpoint pattern with the OCI pattern (from https://s3.<BUCKET_REGION> to https://<namespace>.compat.objectstorage.<BUCKET_REGION>
    • S3_KEY_ID: the service account ID for the OCI bucket
    • S3_KEY: the secret key for the OCI bucket
  4. configure notifications via env vars:
    • BSS_EVENTS_TOPIC: topic where the service should produce messages notifying that a file has been written to the bucket

Complete List Of Environment Variables

Other features of the service can be tuned by using the following complete list of environment variables:

  1. service

    • HTTP_PORT: (default: 3000) port on which endpoints are exposed
    • QUARKUS_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: (default: 30) maximum number of seconds the application can take to gracefully shutdown
    • LOG_LEVEL: (default: "INFO") log level employed by the service to log execution details
  2. post ingestion and notification

    • BSS_EVENTS_TOPIC: (mandatory) topic where the service should produce messages notifying that a file has been written to the bucket
    • BSS_ENABLE_POST_INGESTION: (default: true) select whether ingestion messages should be re-published towards the post-ingestion topics
  3. bucket

    • BUCKET_NAME: (mandatory) name of the bucket where files should be uploaded
    • BUCKET_TYPE: (mandatory) type of the bucket where file should be uploaded. Each value load a different class, behavior and might require different authentication requirements. Current possible values are: "google" and "s3"
    • BUCKET_REGION: (S3/OCI mandatory) the region of the S3/OCI bucket. This variable is employed only when BUCKET_TYPE is set to s3.
    • BUCKET_ENDPOINT: (OCI mandatory) the endpoint which overrides the the AWS S3 bucket standard endpoint pattern with the OCI pattern (from https://s3.<BUCKET_REGION> to https://<namespace>.compat.objectstorage.<BUCKET_REGION> This variable is employed only when BUCKET_TYPE is set to s3.
    • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: (GCS mandatory) filepath to the file containing the Google Storage credentials in JSON format. This variable is employed only when BUCKET_TYPE is set to google.
    • S3_KEY_ID: (S3/OCI mandatory) the service account ID for the OCI bucket. This variable is employed only when BUCKET_TYPE is set to s3.
    • S3_KEY: (S3/OCI mandatory) the secret key for the OCI bucket. This variable is employed only when BUCKET_TYPE is set to s3.
  4. kafka

    • KAFKA_MAX_POLL_MS: (default: 500) maximum amount of milliseconds a poll operation waits before returning obtained records
    • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: (mandatory) consumer group identifier employed by this application to share how partitions are consumed among multiple instances of the application
    • KAFKA_DEQUEUE_STRATEGY: (default: "latest") when no consumer group is defined on a topic, it defines which strategy should be applied to consume from the topic the first time. Defaults to latest ignoring existing messages
    • KAFKA_MAX_POLL_RECORDS: (default: 500) defines the maximum number of messages that each poll operation can return. Independently of this number, each poll operation can return at most a certain amount of bytes configured in the consumer. Defaults to 500
    • KAFKA_CLIENT_ID: (default: "message-recorder") client identifier employed by this application. It is always appended to -ingestion-consumer (also when defaulted)
    • KAFKA_BROKERS: (mandatory) comma separated list of nodes address belonging to a Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_SASL_MECHANISM: (default: "SCRAM-SHA-256") SASL mechanism to employ for logging in Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_USERNAME: (mandatory) username to connect to Kafka cluster
    • KAFKA_PASSWORD: (mandatory) password to connect to Kafka cluster

Full Serice Customization

When the application is built, the main configuration is included within it. It is designed so that most configurable values can be customized through environment variables. However, custom Fast Data config, such as the mapping between the ingestion topics and the post-ingestion ones, can and should be configured at "runtime". This can be achieved by providing an additional application.yaml file in the /app/config folder located aside the application launcher file.

Example of folder structure:

└── app
├── .config
│ └── gcloud
│ └── application_default_credentials.json
├── application-launcher
└── config
└── application.yaml

This config allows to define the mapping between each ingestion topic and its corresponding post-ingestion topics, which can be one or more. The service then subscribes to all the ingestion topics provided in the map and forwards the incoming messages (in case it is enabled) towards the post-ingestion ones.

- ingestion: <input-topic-name-1>
bucket-folder: <optional-custom-folder> # this field can be omitted entirely and the service would use the ingestion topic as folder name
- <output-topic-name-1>
- ingestion: <input-topic-name-2>
- <output-topic-name-2>

Associating a custom bucket folder name to an ingestion topic, via the bucket-folder property, allows to override the default folder where ingestion messages are stored, that corresponds to the ingestion topic name.

File Format and Naming


The service can subscribe to a number of different ingestion topics. For each topic, a folder on the bucket is created to contain all the files related to the same topic. Each created file is composed by messages coming from a single partition of that topic.
Within the file messages are saved one by line adopting the following JSON format:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "string",
"format": "datetime",
"description": "timestamp when the message was received on the cluster"
"partition": {
"type" : "number",
"description": "partition identifier containing this message"
"offset": {
"type" : "number",
"description": "offset of the message"
"key": {
"type" : "string",
"description": "message key encoded as JSON string"
"payload": {
"type" : "string",
"description": "message payload encoded as JSON string"


Each file is named after the data it contains based on the following convention:


For example, this is a generated filename:

Event Format

Once the service terminates processing a set of messages coming from a single partition, it emits a new message on a Kafka topic to notify downstream components of such action. The produced event employs the structure reported below:

Message Key

A message key has the following json schema:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"topic": {
"type": "string",
"description": "topic name from which messages where consumed"
"partition": {
"type": "number",
"description": "partition identifier from which messages where consumed"

Message Payload

A message payload has the following json schema:

"type": "object",
"properties": {
"filePath": {
"type": "string",
"description": "full filepath to retrieve saved file from bucket"
"batchTimeStart": {
"type": "string",
"format": "datetime",
"description": "timestamp of the first message contained in the batch"
"batchTimeEnd": {
"type": "string",
"format": "datetime",
"description": "timestamp of the last message contained in the batch"
"batchOffsetStart": {
"type": "number",
"description": "offset of the first message contained in the batch"
"batchOffsetEnd": {
"type": "number",
"description": "offset of the last message contained in the batch"
"batchSize": {
"type": "number",
"description": "number of messages contained in the stored file"

Scaling And Fine Tuning


The service will allocate, on startup the equivalent of

bss.max-cache-size * <number of topics> * <number of partitions> + ~100MB

This amount depends on the number of replicas of the service you'll deploy and the partitioning strategies adopted by consumers and brokers.

Roughly on 3 topics with 9 partitions each we'd recommend:

  • request: 400
  • limit: 600

with 1 topic and 1 partition the service averages a consumption of ~130MB


We recommend file sizes larger than 5MB. The larger the file size is the larger backpressure applies on the Kafka consumer due to upload time. This consideration highly depends on the network latency and the bucket itself.

On the other side, upon download the larger the file size the best streaming capabilities can be achieved by the reader.

Service Routes

The service provides status/healthcheck routes for when deployed in a cluster environment:

  • /-/health/live: liveness endpoint
  • /-/health/ready: readiness endpoint
  • /-/health/started: startup endpoint

Moreover Prometheous metrics are available at:

  • /-/metrics: metrics endpoint returning them in Prometheus format.