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Version: 13.x (Current)

Envoy API Gateway: Advanced Configuration

Aside from the standard API Gateway features, the console provides the possibility to write extended configurations in advanced mode. In this section, you can either specify further properties that are not included in the default configuration or enhance your API Gateway with additional features.

Advanced extensions are divided by their scopes and can be edited in their corresponding file, contained in the api-gateway-envoy section:

Available extensions

The above-mentioned files accept a list of YAML objects of the corresponding type, following the conventional structure defined in the official Envoy documentation.

This section provides an in-depth look at the Envoy advanced mode. Each extension comes with a short description, a link to the official documentation, and a valid sample snippet to try on your project.


For endpoints, headers, HTTP filters and LUA scripts you MUST specify the listener name in an additional property called listener_name.


Envoy docs: Listener configuration

Listeners should be added to the listeners.yaml files. You can either add a new listener or overwrite an existing one by specifying the same name property.

The minimum valid listener configuration is the following:

- "@type":
name: custom-listener
protocol: TCP
port_value: 1234
filter_chains: []


Envoy docs: Cluster configuration

Similarly to listeners, clusters should be included in clusters.yaml and can be either added or overwritten.

Here's an example of a valid cluster configuration:

- "@type":
name: my-upstream
connect_timeout: 30s
lb_policy: ROUND_ROBIN
cluster_name: my-upstream
- lb_endpoints:
- endpoint:
address: my-upstream
port_value: 80


Envoy docs: Routes

This extension allows you to add or overwrite endpoints and routes in the endpoints.yaml file. Endpoints added with this feature will have priority over the automatically generated ones (assuming they have the same path, prefix, or regex).

The snippet below illustrates an example of a frontend GET route towards my-upstream with prefix rewrite. Remember to set the timeout property to 0s to disable the default request timeout and enforce the global stream_idle_timeout (learn more).

- listener_name: frontend
- name: ':method'
google_re2: {}
regex: ^(GET)$
prefix: /endpoint/route/
timeout: 0s
prefix_rewrite: /route/
cluster: my-upstream

To overwrite an endpoint, make sure the path/prefix/regex is exactly the same as the one already present.


Be careful: endpoints added in advanced mode may not be placed in the correct order when a regular expression is used to match the path. This could lead to endpoints mismatching when a request is processed.


Envoy config: Routes (see request_headers_to_add and response_headers_to_add)

Header customization is split into two files:

  • request-headers.yaml, whose headers will be added to the request of the specified listener;
  • response-headers.yaml, whose headers will be added to the response of the specified listener.

If you wish to overwrite an existing header, you need to specify the header in the corresponding extension file with the same key and set append to false.

Header configuration example:

- listener_name: frontend
key: my-header
value: header-value
append: false

External authorization

Envoy docs: External authorization

With this extension, you can either add or customize your authorization service, overwriting the already existing one (if present).

For instance, the following snippet adds two custom headers (custom-authz-header-1 and custom-authz-header-2) to our default frontend authorizer:

- listener_name: frontend
name: envoy.filters.http.ext_authz
'@type': ''
transport_api_version: V3
uri: http://authorization-service
cluster: authorization-service
timeout: 10s
path_prefix: /auth
- key: X-Forwarded-Host
value: '%REQ(HOST)%'
- key: Scheme
- key: X-Real-IP
- key: X-Original-URI
value: '%REQ(:path)%'
- key: Original-Request-Uri
value: '%REQ(:path)%'
- key: Original-Request-Method
value: '%REQ(:method)%'
- key: client-type
value: '%DYNAMIC_METADATA(["mia.metadata","client_type"])%'
- key: isbackoffice
value: '%DYNAMIC_METADATA(["mia.metadata","isbackoffice"])%'
- key: cookie
value: '%REQ(cookie)%'
- key: isbackoffice
value: '0'
- key: custom-authz-header-1
value: 'value-1'
- key: custom-authz-header-2
value: 'value-2'
- exact: mia-userid
- exact: mia-groups
- exact: mia-allowed
- exact: mia-userproperties
failure_mode_allow: false
include_peer_certificate: true

If the custom authorization service is not already present, remember to create the microservice and add the corresponding cluster.

Rate limiter

Envoy docs: Global rate limit, Local rate limit

This extension allows creating custom rate limit configurations, overwriting the existing filters. You can use this file to change the external rate limit service, modify local rate limit thresholds, and so on.


If you are using the global rate limit service from our marketplace, you do not need to edit the corresponding filter from extension.

A valid global rate limit filter with a custom gRPC service would look like this:

- listener_name: frontend
name: envoy.filters.http.ratelimit
domain: mia_limit
rate_limited_as_resource_exhausted: true
transport_api_version: V3
cluster_name: custom-rls

If the custom rate limit service is not already present, remember to create the microservice and add the corresponding cluster.

Local rate limit, on the other hand, can be created or customized as follows:

- listener_name: frontend
name: envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit
stat_prefix: http_local_rate_limiter
max_tokens: 1500
tokens_per_fill: 1250
fill_interval: 1s
runtime_key: local_rate_limit_enabled
numerator: 100
denominator: HUNDRED
runtime_key: local_rate_limit_enforced
numerator: 100
denominator: HUNDRED
- append: false
key: x-local-rate-limit
value: 'true'
local_rate_limit_per_downstream_connection: false

The local rate limit filter above enables and enforces rate limit on 100% of the requests, and sets the threshold to 1250 requests per second, with a possible burst of 250 requests.

LUA Scripts

Envoy docs: LUA filter

Envoy is a largely extensible tool. In this sense, one of the most attractive features is the capability to hook custom LUA scripts on request and response manipulation. The console allows users to specify these custom scripts through two files: on-request-scripts.yaml, which contains scripts to be executed when Envoy processes a request, and on-response-scripts.yaml for responses manipulation. These two YAML files should include a list of objects having two properties: listener_name, which is the identifier of the listener to which the script will be added, and body, the script content. The user can specify more than one script for a listener, and they will be executed in the order in which they are listed, as in the following example:

- listener_name: frontend
body: |
print("First script")
request_handle:logInfo("Hello from first script.")
- listener_name: frontend
body: |
print("Second script")
request_handle:logInfo("Hello from second script.")

Every script has in its scope a variable called request_handle or response_handle (respectively for request and response scripts) that can be used to manipulate the actual request/response and its context. Please refer to the official documentation for a comprehensive overview of LUA scripts.

LUA scripts can be used to log request and response data, for debugging purposes. For example, you can extract:

  • Headers, with request_handle:headers():get("header-name")
  • The body, with request_handle:body()

Importing a library

Sometimes it could be useful to import external LUA libraries or refactor existing scripts into dedicated files. This could be done using the LUA scripts extension in combination with configmaps. For example, let's assume we have a file called my-library.lua that exports a function called myLibFunction and we want to apply this function to incoming requests. This could be done through the following steps:

  1. Create a configmap for the API Gateway service and mount it in an arbitrary path, in this example, we have chosen /etc/lua/lib
  2. Add your script file my-library.lua to the configmap you just created
  3. Let's hook this library to the gateway using the scripts extension, to do it add the following snippet to the corresponding file on-request-scripts.yaml in the advanced section
- listener_name: frontend
body: |-
local myLib = require('/etc/lua/lib/my-library')

In this way, myLibFunction will be invoked on every incoming request on the frontend listener.

HTTP filters

Envoy docs: HTTP filters list

If you want to enhance your API Gateway with additional features, this extension file accepts any HTTP filter available in the Envoy version supported in our marketplace. The filters should be added to a list, along with the listener_name additional property, similarly to other extensions.

HTTP filters sorting is critical, as it changes the order in which the various features are executed. This is supported through the custom property order, through which the user can specify the placement of the filter in the filter chain. If the order property is not defined, it defaults to 50. To better decide where your filter should be placed, you can find below the list of orders of the explicitly supported filters:

  • envoy.filters.http.local_ratelimit: 1
  • envoy.filters.http.ratelimit: 10
  • envoy.filters.http.compressor: 20
  • envoy.filters.http.decompressor: 21
  • default: 50
  • envoy.filters.http.rbac: 60
  • envoy.filters.http.ext_authz: 70
  • envoy.filters.http.router: 100

When defining orders, keep in mind that the envoy.filters.http.router must be the last filter in the chain.


Be careful when you add LUA filters using this extension, they will lack the default secret validation. Please refer to this section if you want secret validation alongside custom LUA scripts.

Patching arbitrary listeners' properties

This extension allows users to patch properties of a listener by specifying the path of the property to be modified.

A path is a dot-separated list of properties. A path lookup is performed by recursively selecting the property starting from the whole listener configuration and advancing when a match occurs. If the specified path is not in the object's tree, a corresponding object will be generated.

The extension expects a YAML encoded list of objects. Every object contains a property named listener_name that selects the target listener. The other keys in the object are interpreted as paths and their corresponding values will be put in the target listener's path. A null value expresses the intention to delete the target property from the listener.

For example, the following patch will set the request timeout to '30s' on the frontend listener and will delete the access_log property:

- listener_name: LISTENER
'filter_chains.0.filters.0.typed_config.stream_idle_timeout': '30s'
'filter_chains.0.filters.0.typed_config.access_log': null