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Version: 13.x (Current)

Advanced API Console Configuration

In the sub-section api-console-config there's an empty file called core-service.json, that can override the information of core microservices.

Change the name of core services

If you want to change the name of a service you need to add an entry with a structure similar to the one shown below

"microservice-gateway-1": {
"type": "core",
"name": "microservice-gateway-1",
"key": "microservice-gateway"


  • type: is the type of the services

  • name: is the name you wanna give to your service

  • key: is the real name of the service

Watch out!

Once the new name has been applied, remember to delete the old service's files from the configuration/ folder: service, deployment and any config map.

Add custom CA certs to core services

In an enterprise environment, to encrypt SSL connections, there could be a set of custom certificates signed by one or more trusted certificates. By following this guide you'll be able to provide one or more trusted certificates in PEM format in a single file for the core services managed by the Console.


If you want to add a custom CA certificate to a custom service you should visit this page.

To configure a custom CA certificate for cms-backend core service, for example, you might:

  1. Verify if the service you want to provide an additional certificate with supports this feature by visiting its dedicated documentation page.
  2. Have the CA certificate in pem format, and rename the file in additional-ca.pem.
  3. Create a Kubernetes Secret in the namespace (replace YOUR_NAMESPACE with your namespace name) of the project that needs it using the command:
kubectl -n YOUR_NAMESPACE create secret generic additional-ca-certificates --from-file=additional-ca.pem

This command will create a secret like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: additional-ca-certificates
additional-ca.pem: "base64-content"

The additional-ca.pem content is created in base64.

  1. In the Console, access to the project and enter in the design section, select the working branch and click the advanced tab.

Select the api-console-config/core-services.json file from the left menu.

Here, you should add:

"cms-backend": {
"key": "cms-backend",
"additionalCACerts": {
"secretName": "additional-ca-certificates",
"mountFilePath": "/home/node/app/tls/additional-ca.pem"

Once saved and generate the file adding this configuration, you should see the volume correctly mounted in the generated deployment file.


This feature is enabled only for cms-backend and v1-adapter core services. Other core services will be enabled in the future.


This feature is enabled for all environments. If it is not required to add custom ca certs, for example for a test environment, you must add a secret with an empty additional-ca.pem file content.

Change the Number of Replicas

To change the number of replicas of a service you need to edit the file in the advanced Section: core-services.json. and add the key replicas and value the number of replica.

For example, to configure the microservice-gateway with 5 replicas, the configuration to be provided is as follows:

"microservice-gateway": {
"type": "core",
"name": "microservice-gateway",
"key": "microservice-gateway",
"replicas": 5

Add custom environment variables

If you need to add some new environment variables, all you need to do is edit the file in the advanced section: core-services.json that you can find in Advanced api-console-config.

Inside the file, you need to add the envs field inside the service you want to modify. The envs field is a JSON and must contain the <key: value> pairs with the environment variables you want to add.

In the example below, we are adding three new environment variables to the v1-adapter microservice:

"v1-adapter": {
"name": "v1-adapter",
"key": "v1-adapter",
"type": "core",
"description": "Mia-Platform v1-adapter",
"envs": {
"USERS_LOGOUT_URL": "http://auth0-client/logout"