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Version: 13.x (Current)

Service Memory Resources

In the field Memory Resources, you have to specify the minimum (Request) number of mebibytes (Mi) that the container needs and the maximum (Limit) number of mebibytes (Mi) that it can use.


Memory Resource, which is measured in bytes, can be expressed as a plain integer or a fixed-point integer with one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.

The different suffixes, applied to different integers or fixed-point integers, can express the same Memory Resources value. For example: 128974848, 129e6, 129M and 123Mi are approximately the same value.


In the microservice detail of Mia-Platform Console, you can only express the Memory Resource value in Mi.

If the maximum number of Memory Resources is not expressed, there could be two situations:

  • The Container can use the whole memory available on the Node. In this case, the probability of the Container to be killed is higher.

  • A default Memory Resource limit can be assigned to the Container if its relative namespace has a default memory limit.

You can use interpolated variables to value the memory resources (e.g. {{MEMORY_MIN}}). The variables should contain only numerical values.


The check about that Limit have to be greater than Request won't be done if you use interpolated variables.


To learn more about Memory Resources, please visit this page of Kubernetes Docs.