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Version: 13.x (Current)

Fabric BFF

Fabric BFF, as suggested by the name, works as Backend For Frontend for Data Catalog UI and it mediates requests between frontend and Data Catalog service.


Configuration of Fabric BFF is a straightforward process that involves setting up a ConfigMap and specifying essential environment variables.

Environment Variables

Fabric BFF can be customized using the following environment variables:

NameRequiredDescriptionDefault Value
HTTP_PORT-This variable determines the TCP port where the HTTP controller binds its listener3000
LOG_LEVEL-Specify the centralized application log level, choosing from options such as debug, error, info, trace or warninfo
BFF_CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH-Set the location of the configuration file~/.fd/data-fabric-bff/config.json
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT-The URL to a GRPC endpoint of an OpenTelemetry Collector.
Specifying this value enables the support for OpenTelemetry tracing

Config Map

The configuration of the service is handled by a JSON file whose location is defined by the BFF_CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH.
When instantiating Data Catalog application, Fabric BFF service configuration is generated with a dedicated Config Map, named fabric-bff-config. This file contains a template configuration that should help in configuring the service.

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In the paragraphs below are explained the main properties of the Fabric BFF configuration file.

Open Lineage Communication

Communication between Fabric BFF and Open Lineage services occurs both via gRPC and HTTP REST requests. For this reason it is necessary to configure on the Fabric BFF the addresses where to reach Open Lineage service. This can be done by setting the properties rest and grpc of openLineage field in the Fabric BFF configuration. In both properties target field should be set to the address where Open Lineage service exposes the corresponding one.

Here can be found an example of configuration that assumes Fabric BFF and Open Lineage services are deployed within the same K8s namespace:

// ...other fabric bff configurations
"openLineage": {
"rest": {
"target": "<open-lineage-service-name>" // when protocol is http, it is not necessary specifying it. When port is not specified, it is assumed the 80 is employed
"grpc": {
"target": "http://<open-lineage-service-name>:50051" // it is important to notice that GRPC connection use a different port from the REST target
// ...other fabric bff configurations

Persistence Layer


Currently only MongoDB is supported as persistence layer for storing relevant data, such as the one related to operations auditing.


The MongoDB database selected for storing Data Catalog data must be configured to have replicaSet enabled, since Fabric BFF exploits features that can be used only when a replicaSet is available.

In order to carry out all its operations, Fabric BFF requires a persistence layer where relevant information, such as auditing details, are stored. This configuration can be set under the persistence.configuration key of the configuration file. The main properties are:

  • url the connection string to your MongoDB instance;
  • database the database name where to search for the collections relevant to Fabric BFF service. Please notice that setting this property will override the database name potentially set in the connection string;

An example of persistence configuration can be seen below:

// ...other fabric bff configurations
"persistence": {
"type": "mongodb",
"configuration": {
"url": "mongodb://<server>:27017/<default-database>?replicaSet=local",
"database": "<data-fabric-database-name>"
// ...other fabric bff configurations

The following properties support secret resolution:

  • persistence.configuration.url
  • persistence.configuration.database

Service Settings

Additionally, the Fabric BFF service itself has a set of properties for changing its behavior. Here are listed the available ones within settings properties:

  • apiPrefix the base path applied to all the exposed routes. It defaults to /;
  • auditUserHeader specifies in which HTTP header can be found the user identifier set by the authentication system. The value of this header will be employed to correlate requests stored by the auditing system with the user that performed them. When using Mia-Platform Authentication and Authorization services this property can be set to miauserid.
    In case it is not set the auditing system does not correlate users with requests;

Here can be found a configuration example:

// ...other fabric bff configurations
"settings": {
"apiPrefix": "/",
"auditUserHeader": "miauserid"


In the table below is provided the list of endpoints that should be defined in Console and assigned to Fabric BFF service.

EndpointRewrite Base PathMicroserviceDescription
/api/data-catalog/api/data-catalogfabric-bffGroups all the requests related to
Open Lineage operations


Under the endpoint specified above, the following routes are served by Fabric BFF

/data-catalog/bulk-actionsWebsocket*Route for handling async operations over multiple datasets records
/data-catalog/*REST*Routes prefixed with /data-catalog/ are forwarded towards Open Lineage
service. For more details please read corresponding documentation