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Version: 13.x (Current)

Data Catalog Connections Management

Introduction to Connections

Connections represent the source of truth of the Data Catalog. By retrieving their metadata, is possible use their assets to perform actions such as Asset Discovery and Lineage.

Connections Panel

The Connections Panel provides the following features:

  • View and Access Connections details: an overview lets user to provide the list of connections, including detailed information for each (identifier, resource type, connection type, settings, and configuration).
  • Create and Update Connections: the UI provides a creation wizard that lets users define a new connection that contributes to Data Catalog assets; one created, it is possible to access its details and to update them if necessary;
  • Delete Connections: delete existing connections that are no more needed; this action brings also to the deletion of all the retrieved assets belonging to that specific connection;
  • Import Data Assets from a Connection: users can trigger a Data Catalog Sync Job from the Job Runner, to import connections assets in the Data Catalog.

This section of Data Catalog should be accessible only by administrators that have access to the connection credentials of external sources.

For such reasons, the Data Catalog application will give the permissions admin:connections to the underlying endpoints of the Connections Panel. See the Secure Access section to learn more about the authorization process.

Input Management

The information useful for properly defining and configuring a connection can be of two types:

  • Plain Text: the field is a regular text field;

    Connections Plain

  • Secret Name: the field will be a text referencing a secret name defined within the Job Runner service (see the Secrets Name Configuration paragraph for more details). A dropdown can provide a list of suggestions containing existing secret names retrieved from the service itself. If a secret name that does not appear in the list is provided, the service will try to read that name from the environment variables of the service.

    Connections Plain


Since a connection requires usually to provide sensible information (such as passwords, connection strings, etc...), some fields can only be filled with Secret Names.

Create a Connection

By clicking on the Create Connection button, users are guided through a creation wizard that defines the parameters to properly establish a connection.

Connections Wizard

Connection Providers

First of all, users need to choose the provider they want to access from Data Catalog. The following providers are supported, which can be grouped into the following categories:

  • ODBC Connections: storage layer that can be reached using Open Database Connectivity (ODBC). The following providers are supported:
    • Oracle DB
    • PostgreSQL
    • MySQL
    • Microsoft Server SQL
    • SAP Hana
  • HTTP Connections:
    • Salesforce SObjects: storage layer provided by Salesforce;
    • MIA Platform CRUD: data layer on MongoDB provided by MIA Platform Console.

Connection Details

The Connection Details step will show the connection accordingly to the chosen provider. Regardless of the provider, users have to provide a unique name for the connection, which will correspond to a System of Record inside the Data Catalog.


The name of a connection is an information that cannot be modified once the connection has been created.

Now we explore all the details for each provider Data Catalog provides support.

ODBC Connections


Before configuring an ODBC Connection, be sure that the Job Runner Service has been configured properly for ODBC Connections.

For more details, see the dedicated section.

ODBC Providers can have two types of mode to perform the connection.

  • Connection String: users need only to pick a secret name referencing a connection string in the Job Runner Service.

    ODBC Connection Form Plain

  • Data Source Name (DSN): users can choose between the available DSN configured in the Job Runner Service. Users can also configure the DSN's username and password if those information are not available inside the DSN. Be aware that username and password are mandatory for connections such as MSSQL or SAP HANA.

    ODBC Connection Form DSN

Oracle Query Settings

Oracle DB has also a section which can change the behavior of the underlying queries that the Data Catalog Sync will perform while retrieving assets information. The following parameters can be tuned:

  • Compatibility: if the data source is an ORACLE 11g database, this check should be active since the database does not support pagination via OFFSET ? ROWS FETCH FIRST ? ROWS ONLY;

  • Query Mode: based on this option, the Data Catalog Sync Job will perform the scan query on a different set of views provided by Oracle. Three options are available:

    • User: tables user_tables, user_views and user_mviews will be used. This represents the default mode if no option has been provided;
    • All: tables all_tables, all_views and all_mviews will be used. It is strongly suggested to add a comma-separeted list of schemas in the dedicated field to only pick the tables of interest;
    • DBA: tables dba_tables, dba_views and dba_mviews will be used. It is strongly suggested to add a comma-separeted list of schemas in the dedicated field to only pick the tables of interest.

Salesforce SObjects

To connect to Salesforce SObjects API, first you need the basic information of the Salesforce instance, such as its Url and API Version.

Salesforce Connection Form

The range of supported apiVersion goes from 31.0 to 59.0.

SObjects Permissions

Make sure the user configured in the Authentication card has the right permissions to retrieve all the SObjects you need.

If not all the SObjects are retrieved you will have to follow these steps to expose them through the API:

For custom SObjects

  • Go to your Salesforce dashboard
  • Access Setup
  • Access the Permission Sets section
  • Create a new Permission Set (e.g. API for Custom Objects) with license type Salesforce API Integration
  • Click on Object Settings inside the new Permission Set, then, for each custom SObject, update the visibility in the desired way (e.g. View All, Modify All)
  • Assign the new Permission Set to the user with Salesforce Integration user license and Salesforce API Only System Integrations profile

For standard SObjects

  • Go to your Salesforce dashboard
  • Access Setup
  • Access the Permission Sets section
  • Create a Permission Set (e.g. API for Standard Objects) without specifying a license type
  • Click on Object Settings inside the new Permission Set, then, for each standard SObject, update the visibility in the desired way (e.g. View All, Modify All)
  • Assign the new Permission Set to the user with Salesforce Integration user license and Salesforce API Only System Integrations profile

To configure a Salesforce SObjects connection you can use two authentication methods:

  • Private Key, which configures the OAuth2 JWT flow with the following fields:

    • clientId: either plain or its secret name;
    • username: either plain or its secret name;
    • privateKey: represents the path where the certificate is stored inside the Job Runner, it can either be plain or a secret name
    Enable JWT Authentication on Salesforce

    To be able to connect to the Salesforce API using the JWT Bearer flow you will need to follow the next steps.

    1. Follow the steps one and two from this guide:
    2. Then you'll need to upload your self-signed certificate in PEM format (step 5 from the guide). If you do not have a certificate follow these instructions:
      1. Generate a rsa key with the command openssl genrsa -out tls/key.pem
      2. Then create a request to sign the certificate with this command openssl req -new -key tls/key.pem -out tls/sf_connect.csr
      3. Sign the request with you private key with openssl x509 -signkey tls/key.pem -in tls/sf_connect.csr -req -out tls/sf_connect.crt
      4. Upload the generated certificate (tls/sf_connect.crt)
    3. Now you need to enable the OAuth2 mechanism following the 10th step from the guide, creating a connected app and all.
    4. Finally you need to enable the JWT access with the step 14 of the guide.

    Now you should have everything you need to fill out the configuration parameters.

  • Credentials, which configures the deprecated OAuth2 username-password flow, with the following fields:

    • clientId: either plain or its secret name;
    • clientSecret: can only be a secret name;
    • username: either plain or its secret name;
    • password: can only be a secret name;
    • securityToken (optional): can only be a secret name.

You also need to provide the Login Url of your Salesforce instance (by default is set to For example, if you are using a testing instance, you'll need to set this field to

Mia Platform CRUD

Mia Platform CRUD connection enables to retrieve assets from Mia Platform Console projects having data models stored on MongoDB and managed through Crud Service.

The required information to setup the connection are:

  • the Url where the CRUD Service is located;
  • the Schemas Endpoint (usually /-/schemas) to retrieve the collections assets;
  • the Health Check Endpoint (usually /-/healthz) to retrieve the version of the CRUD Service.

Additionally, it is possible to define the project and the environment where the CRUD Service is located in a Mia Platform Project by choosing a Company.

Crud Connection Form

If a Company has been configured, this connection can be read by the Fast Data Jobs Sync from the Job Runner, to generate Open Lineage Jobs from Fast Data Pipelines of the Control Plane. This means that the selected CRUD Service must be deployed in a project having Control Plane configured.


To choose a Company, be sure that Fabric BFF has Console communication enabled. See here for a detail explanation on how to setup this feature.

If Console communication has not been enabled or the Company you want to set is in a different Console, you can provide a custom Company identifier.


Users can also add additional headers to the request that will be executed by the Connection to retrieve assets.

To do so, click on the Add Header button to choose a key-value pair to add to the headers list. The value can also be a secret name reference.


There is no need to add the header "accept": "application/x-ndjson" since it's managed internally by the Job Runner service.


In case the CRUD Service needs a custom root CA or an insecure HTTPS connection, it's possible to set the connection as insecure and set a custom certificate if needed.

Agent Settings


Thi settings can be configured for all connections excepts Mia Platform CRUD.

Once the main details of a connection has been defined, you can also tune runtime parameters of the Agent Dataset Scan Job from the Job Runner. Here you can choose:

  • the Batch Size, a number that defines the number of assets that can be paginated in a query;
  • the Column Batch Size, a number that defines the amount of columns that are expected to be processed by each batch iteration.

This section comes already with the values that will used by default in the Job Runner.

Once you have clicked on the Finish button, a success message will redirect you to the Connection Overview of the newly connection.

Connection Confirmation

Access Connection details

After having created the connection, it is reachable inside the list of connections displayed in the Connection Panel.
Then it is possible to access its Details page.

Connection Details

Here, you can edit both Connection Details and Agent Settings by choosing the appropriate tab: when a field is changed correctly, the connection will be updated accordingly and the next execution of the Job Runner will use the latest parameters provided by the user.

Delete Connection

From the menu button on the top-right corner of the page, it is possible to click Delete Connection and start the procedure to remove a connection from the Data Catalog.

Connection Delete


This action will remove any assets that has been imported from that connection in the Data Catalog, by leveraging the Connection Cleanup Job of the Job Runner.
Please be careful when performing this action.

Import Data Assets from a Connection

Once a connection has been properly defined, the connection administrator can start importing its data assets into the Data Catalog.

In the overview of the Connections Panel where all available connections are listed, user can click the sync button and schedule an Agent Dataset Scan Job from the Job Runner. Once the action has been executed, the table entry of that connection will be accordingly updated by the Job Runner with information about the triggered job status.

Connection Sync Catalog

Once the Agent Dataset Scan Job is completed, a Data Catalog Sync Job will be executed automatically to store the assets retrieved from the data source into the Data Catalog.

Only one connection at a time will perform the synchronization. If more than one connection is synced at the same time, the ones that are still not executed will be in a Queue state.

Connection Sync Queue

You can also stop the synchronization process by clicking the Stop button. This action will cancel both Agent Dataset Scan and Data Catalog Sync jobs.

Once the synchronization has been completed, user has evidence about the Job completion. Moreover, it is possible to have evidence of the last sync time.

Connection Sync Running

If an error occurs during the process, it will be possible to access the Job Runner logs to better inspecting the causes of the failure.

Connection Sync Failed