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Version: 13.x (Current)


Fast Data Control Plane is an application designed to manage the runtime deployment of Fast Data within a Kubernetes environment, using the Runtime Management suite.


Check the Runtime Management documentation for more information on its features and how to use the Control Plane frontend.

Its core functionality includes the ability to alter, store, and reset the runtime state of microservices that constitute Mia-Platform Fast Data solution.


Check the Control Plane Configuration documentation for more information on how to configure the Control Plane application.


With the Marketplace application you will have all the required resources to start using Runtime Management.


The application will create (or use if already been defined) the following microservices:

Config Maps

The application will create a Config Map (named control-plane-configuration by default) having the following JSON configuration file.

"runtime": {
"feedback": {
"type": "grpc"
"state": {
"type": "grpc"
"persistence": {
"type": "mongodb",
"configuration": {
"url": "{{MONGODB_URL}}"
"collection": {


The following endpoints will be attached to the API Gateway:

  • /: which will redirect to the Control Plane frontend;
  • /fast-data where the Control Plane backend will be exposed

Secure Access

If you want to setup Control Plane with authorization and authentication mechanisms, there is a dedicated application.

To learn more about it, you can visit its own documentation page.