Data Catalog Asset Discovery
When accessing Data Catalog frontend, user lands to the home section of the Data Catalog, where there is a searchbar that represents the starting point to navigate among Data Catalog assets.
In particular, when navigating the catalog, it is possible to identify three different asset types:
- SoR (System of Records), corresponding to a Connection configured in its dedicated section;
- Table (tables belonging to a specific SoR)
- Column (columns retrieved for a specific table).
Given the large cardinality of assets that can be retrieved on this tool (SoR, Tables, Columns), it is possible to fine-tune search results through both the search-context setting and advanced search filtering options.
Next to the search bar, the search context can be set to better circumscribe the search scope. For example, if the System of Records within which you want to perimeter the search results is already known, you can from the search context enter that specific SoR. All results returned from the search will be assets belonging to the context of that specific SoR. To refine the search scope even more, it is also possible from the context to select a table.
Advanced filters
To refine the search to make it even more granular, it is also possible to apply filters:
- by asset types (SoR, Table, Column): only results that match the selected asset type are returned;
- by tags: only assets that contains at least one of the chosen tags are returned;
- by custom filters: only assets that present a match with all the values defined on the selected custom properties are returned (in this paragraph, the custom property concept is well-described).
Search results
In the following image, it is possible to see how results of a search are displayed.
The Matches
column helps the user to identify which are the search elements that fit the search query.
The research is very powerful. What is entered as input to the search bar is searched not only on the asset name, but also on all the metadata in the information of the specific assets. As a result, therefore, it can be observed from the example that the search returns not only match results relatively to the name, but also to other information present in other assets with names which differ from the search input content.
To start a completely new search, users can easily click on the Clear all
button at the top-right of the search page to reset all the previously setup search parameters.
Asset details navigation
Once the searched asset is found among the search returned elements, click on it to enter its details page.
At the top of the page a bredcrumb helps users to easily understand the background structure of Data Catalog navigation patterns. In the example, user has entered the table AUTHORS
detail page; from the breadcrumb it is noticeable that table AUTHORS
belongs to System of Records ORACLE_AWS_CATALOG
In case the user wants to easily move from table AUTHORS
without coming back to the search page to find AUTHORS
asset, with a simple click on ORACLE_AWS_CATALOG
user can enter its detail page.
In case the user wants to go back to the page with the items returned by the search query, a click on the Assets
button located at the beginning of the breadcrumb will take back to the Assets tab where there is the result of the last search performed.
In case user wants to perform a quick search among assets without using al the Advanced search capabilities of the home section of the Data Catalog, anywhere during assets navigation there is the possibility to perform a new search from searchbar located at the top-right page.
Finally, at the bottom of Data Catalog homepage, the Last Viewed section shows the last visited assets by the user. In this way, it is very easy to go back to a recent visited asset.
SoR detail page
The SoR detail page shows the following two tabs:
- General, that shows a first Details section with asset details about name, provider info, number of contained tables, tags and description of the asset. Moreover, below the Details, there is the Custom Properties section, where user can choose among the available custom properties for performing metadata enrichment. This topic is described in details in the metadata enrichment documentation section.
- Tables, that shows the list of tables that belong to that SoR. By clicking on one element of the list, user enters that table detail page.
- Lineage, that shows a high-level lineage canvas displaying how a specific SoR is related to other SoRs. For more information about the SoRs-level lineage, visit the related documentation.
In case of a Virtual SoR detail page, the provider info is not available, because it represents an asset manually created by the user. To know more about the concept of Virtual Asset
, please give a look at the related documentation
Table detail page
The Table detail page shows the following two tabs:
- General, that shows a first Details section with asset details about namespace, number of table columns, tags and description of the asset. The namespace identifies the context in which the table is stored. It depends on the provider. Moreover, below the Details, there is the Custom Properties section, where user can choose among the available custom properties for performing metadata enrichment. This topic is described in details in the metadata enrichment documentation section.
- Columns, that shows the list of tables that belong to that SoR. By clicking on one element of the list, user enters that table detail page.
- Lineage, that shows the lineage canvas displaying how a specific table is related to other tables. For more information about the Table-level lineage, visit the related documentation.
In case of a Virtual Table detail page, the Columns tab it is not present. To know more about the concept of Virtual Asset
, please give a look at the related documentation.
Column detail page
The Column detail page shows a first Details section with asset details such as namespace, tags, description of the asset, and many other retrieved info. Moreover, below the Details, there is the Custom Properties section, where user can choose among the available custom properties for performing metadata enrichment. This topic is described in details in the metadata enrichment documentation section.
Custom Properties Management
One of the core features of Mia-Platform Data Catalog is the full management of custom properties for metadata enrichment on assets.
By accessing the Custom Properties area, users with enough permissions can define and manage properties that can be associated to assets in order to perform metadata enrichment.
A custom property can be associated to one or more asset type (SoR, Table, Column).
There are different types of custom properties supported:
- Text
- Integer
- Number
- Boolean
- Date
- Options
- Single choice allowed
- Multiple choice allowed
Create custom property
In the following image, the creation of a new custom property is displayed. In addition to the Name, Type and Applicable asset types fields, it is possible to optionally add a description to the custom property.
Once created, the specific custom property can be applicable on each asset that fits the asset type defined for the property. For example, the property can be applied on solely Table asset type. Therefore, when accessing any table present on Data Catalog, user can add this property on it and insert a value compliant with its custom property type for metadata enrichment on that specific table.
Edit custom property
Users with enough permissions can modify a custom property.
Pay attention when editing a custom property, it may already be applied and valorized on many assets!
Modifications on a custom property may lead to inconsistencies on metadata retrieval for those assets. In this case, the frontend may no more be able to correctly interpret that metadata. Anyway, when this scenario happens, the information on the asset is not lost, it remains saved on DB, but on the UI that metadata will be located inside the Unknown custom properties section of the asset, that is described here.
Delete custom property
Users with enough permissions can delete a custom property.
Pay attention when deleting a custom property, it may already be applied and valorized on many assets!
The deletion of a custom property may lead to inconsistencies on metadata retrieval for those assets. In this case, the frontend may no more be able to correctly interpret that metadata. Anyway, when this scenario happens, the information on the asset is not lost, it remains saved on DB, but on the UI that metadata will be located inside the Unknown custom properties section of the asset, that is well described here.
Metadata Enrichment
Once custom properties have been defined, metadata data can be applicable on the assets.
As previously described on the Asset details navigation documentation section, for all the asset types (SoR, Table, Column) it is possible to perform metadata enrichment.
In particular, on the asset it is possible to enter tags, description and to add/edit/remove metadata based on those custom properties applicable to that specific asset type.
To do this, simply click the Add property
button of the Custom properties section in the General table of an asset.
Once clicked, a popover lets user to choose among a list of applicable custom properties; one selected one property, it is possible to enter a metadata value for enriching that asset info.
Then, once added, user can modify the value previously inserted or decide to remove it from that asset.
Take in consideration that it is possible to empty the value of the field only for custom properties of type Text (empty string) and of type Options (empty array), without the need to remove the custom property from the specific asset.
Please note that removing a custom property means removing a metadata value saved on DB for that specific asset. The custom property remains applicable on all the other assets that match the expected asset type, and it is possible to re-assign and valorize that custom property on that asset.
Unknown custom properties
Sometimes, it may happen that some users with enough permissions modify or delete a custom property.
Modifications or deletions can lead to inconsistencies on metadata retrieval for some assets that have been enriched with that custom property.
Mismatches could be due to:
- changes on the custom property name
- changes on the asset types for which the custom property is applicable
- changes on the custom property type (or range of values allowed to be defined for that custom properties; i.e. custom properties of type options)
For all these cases, the frontend can no more be able to correctly interpret a metadata defined on the asset. Anyway, when this scenario happens, the information on the asset is not lost, it remains saved on DB, but on the UI that metadata will be located inside the Unknown custom properties section of the asset.
In these cases, users with enough permissions can decide to restore the custom property to be newly interpretable by the frontend or to remove the metadata from the asset.
Restore unknown custom property
A custom property that cannot be correctly interpreted by frontend can be restored.
The result of this action leads to a re-creation of the custom property.
In case the type mismatches, or the value is no more compliant with how the custom property is configured, user with enough permissions can instead enter the Custom Properties section and arrange and modify accordingly the existent custom property in order to allow the info to be correctly interpreted by frontend.
Please pay attention when modifying an existent custom property. The main reasons have been already reported in the Edit custom property section.
Remove unknown custom property
In case the unknown metadata is no more consistent or useful on the specific asset, users can opt for its removal.
Please note that this action leads to the removal of the metadata value saved on DB for that specific asset. The custom property remains instead applied on all the other assets that match the expected asset type.
Metadata Inheritance
This feature is currently in BETA, so pay attention when using it.
This feature is supported by versions of Fabric BFF, Open Lineage, Data Catalog Frontend >= v0.3.x. Give a look at the Data Catalog service latest versions.
The Metadata Inheritance feature allows the propagation of metadata from parent assets to their child assets.
This ensures consistency and simplifies data governance.
The inheritance mechanism follows the hierarchical structure in Data Catalog: SoR (System of Record) → Tables → Columns.
Metadata Inheritance feature is applicable exclusively on real assets.
Applying Custom Properties with Inheritance
When adding a custom property to a SoR or a Table, a flag can be enabled to propagate the metadata to all its child assets:
- If a custom property is added to a SoR, enabling inheritance will apply the property to all Tables and Columns under that SoR.
- If a custom property is added to a Table, enabling inheritance will apply the property to all its Columns.
Inherited properties will be visible at both Table and Column levels (or only at Column level, this depends on where in the hierarchy level the inheritance has been applied), marked with an Inherited tag indicating their origin (either from a SoR or a Table).
Updating and Deleting Inherited Properties
- Updates: Any update to an inherited custom property at the parent level (SoR or Table) will overwrite the value across all child assets (if already present).
- Deletions: Removing a custom property at the parent level will also remove it from all child assets.
Child assets (Tables and/or Columns) that inherit properties cannot modify or delete them specifically. The inheritance is strictly enforced from the parent level.
Example Use Case
- A custom property "Location" is added to SoR X with inheritance enabled.
- All Tables and Columns belonging to SoR X automatically receive the "Location" property with the assigned value.
- If the "Location" property is updated at SoR X, the new value is applied to all child Tables and Columns.
- If the "Location" property is deleted at SoR X, it is also removed from all child Tables and Columns.
- A user accessing a Column under SoR X can see the inherited property but cannot modify or remove it.
In case the inherited custom property is displayed among the Unknown Custom Properties card, you can go to the Custom Properties Management tab and modify consistently the Applicable asset type field for that specific custom property.
Bulk Actions
Data Catalog UI allows to perform bulk actions on metadata enrichment.
From the search list results, user can decide to select one or more assets; then click the Bulk edit
A modal opens showing the number and type of assets selected (SoR, table, column). Then the user can choose which fields are to be bulk edited: you can select the asset details description, tags, or choose a list of custom properties that are consistent with the type of assets that have been selected for bulk edit.
In particular, for each selected field, the user can choose to clear the field value on all those selected assets, or to overwrite the any already existent value with a new one set by the user during the bulk edit flow.