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Version: 13.x (Current)

Cluster Setup

In order to connect your cluster to the Console, there are some preparation steps that must be done.

You can choose between the automatic procedure and the manual one.

Contact us to receive the Mia Platform Helm Chart and Template Console Helm Chart that will automatically create the needed ServiceAccount, ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings.

CA and Token

If everything has been made correctly, we can now extract the Certificate Authority (CA) and the Token that will be mandatory for the cluster connection.

To extract the Token, you can use the following command, that will also automatically decode it for you:

kubectl get secret `kubectl -n get sa $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME) -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}'` -o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 -d

To extract the CA, you can use the following command, that will also automatically decode it for you:

kubectl get secret `kubectl get sa $(SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME) -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}'` -o jsonpath="{.data['ca\.crt']}" | base64 -d

If you have created everything in a specific namespace, don't forget to specify it using the -n parameter of the kubectl.