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Version: 13.x (Current)


This page shows the public roadmap of Mia-Platform. This is the result of our strategic vision and the collaboration of partners and stakeholder needs.

Our Roadmap is aimed at:

  • keeping people working on the Product aligned on upcoming releases;
  • planning contributions and support;
  • planning the Project adoption;
  • avoiding duplication of work;
  • influencing the Roadmap itself.

Future Work

Listed below you find which product features will be released in the following months. Our Product is constantly evolving and every week we release new features, so it is possible that this list may not be always up-to-date. On this page we keep you aligned on the most important issues:

  • Mia-Platform Console:
    • Governance
      • Empowered IAM
      • Company/Profile management optimization
      • Enhanced Runtime Resources Monitoring and management
      • Extended FinOps integration
      • Enhanced Runtime Resources Monitoring and management
    • DevX
      • Improved Navigation Flow
      • Better Product Feedback Loop
      • Enhanced CLI
      • Start Manually a CronJob
      • Pair with AI
      • Improved Vault integrations
      • AI integration
    • Extensibility
      • Gitops Tools support
      • Support Endpoint Listener
      • New K8s auth
      • Better integration with 3rd party plugins
      • Support Ingress Controller
      • New Dev Portal for public API reference
      • Better integration with 3rd party plugins
  • Mia-Platform Fast Data
    • Domain Decoupling
    • Full Event-Driven Architecture
    • No-code/Low-code
    • New Data Connectors
    • Runtime Management
    • Pre-release Testing of No Code config
    • Data Catalog
    • Control Plane Enhancements
  • Mia-Platform Marketplace
    • Improved Marketplace Governance
    • Marketplace management through Miactl
    • Improved Marketplace Monitoring
    • Enhanced Navigation
  • Components
    • Microfrontend Composer
      • No Code Functions
      • Custom Template Management
      • Drag & Drop components
    • Flow Manager
      • No Code Functions

How to contribute to the roadmap

The roadmap is constantly evolving to quickly respond to market needs. If you have success stories, feedback or ideas, we want to hear them all! Join our Mia-Platform Community Space and submit your idea!

Roadmap Update

Roadmap update is scheduled approximately every month.