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Version: 13.x (Current)


Using Brew

brew install mia-platform/tap/mlp

Using Docker

docker run -it --rm

Using Go

go get -u

Gitlab-CI usage

In order to use mlp in a pipeline these are the steps to follow:

  • In the configuration files use {{VAR}} to reference the environment variable VAR
  • Prepare a mlp.yaml file with all the secrets and configmaps to generate and apply inside the cluster (see file structure in generate).
  • run mlp generate with the flags:
    • --config-file: the configuration files containing secrets and configmaps structure.
    • --env-prefix: the prefixes to use while performing the environment variables lookup inside the configuration files.
    • --out: output directory in which generated files will be placed
  • run mlp interpolate with:
    • --filename: the files/folders containing files to interpolate. The command does not look into sub-dirs.
    • --env-prefix: the prefixes to use while performing the environment variables lookup.
    • --out: output directory in which generated files will be placed
  • run mlp deploy with:
    • --filename: the files/folders containing files to deploy into the Kubernetes cluster.
    • --server: Kubernetes URL
    • --certificate-authority: Kubernetes CA
    • --token: Kubernetes token
    • --namespace: the namespace in which the resources will be deployed
    • --deploy-type: the deploy type used
    • --force-deploy-when-no-semver: flag used to force deploy of services that are not following semantic versioning.
    • --ensure-namespace (default to true): set if the namespace existence should be ensured. By default it is set to true so that the namespace existence is checked and, if it not exists, created. If set to false, it throws if namespace not already exists.


The script section of the CI file should look like this:

- mkdir OUTPUT_DIR
- mlp generate -c config-file.yaml -e FIRST_PREFIX -e SECOND_PREFIX -o OUTPUT_DIR
- mlp deploy --server KUBERNETES_URL --certificate-authority /path/to/kubernetes/ca.pem --token KUBERNETES_TOKEN -f OUTPUT_DIR -n KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE --deploy-type DEPLOY_TYPE --force-deploy-when-no-semver=FORCE_DEPLOY_WHEN_NO_SEMVER

Note that mlp suppose that the output directory already exists so it needs to be created before using the command.

How to use flags

To use options, remember this guidelines:

--flag    // boolean flags, or flags with no option default values
--flag x // only on flags without a default value

So, to avoid problems passing options, we recommend to always use the --flag=x syntax.