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Version: 13.x (Current)


This template is meant to be the starting point to build a new typescript project that implements a step to interact with one of the Mia Applications.


The endpoints exposed are designed to be compatible with either Kafka or REST flow manager service, that means the responses are asynchronous.

The following events are sent by default by the service:

  • processCompleted
  • processError
  • callbackReceived


This step will perform the following action:

  1. read request data on messagePayload object (e.g. mainFlowId)
  2. perform a service step (e.g. call to external provider)
  3. send external response into the messagePayload object
  4. send data mapped following the main saga data schema inside the object mainFlowData


"key": "{{mainFlowId}}",
"value": {
"messageLabel": "processCompleted",
"messagePayload": {
"mainFlowData": {}

This could be enabled through REST POST /service endpoint or Kafka consumer, data to Router is sent using the same mode.

POST /callback

This endpoint does the following actions:

  1. send callback data into the messagePayload object
  2. send data mapped following the main saga data schema inside the object mainFlowData


"key": "{{mainFlowId}}",
"value": {
"messageLabel": "callbackReceived",
"messagePayload": {
"mainFlowData": {}

This is only available as REST endpoint, but data to Router can be sent using either REST ot Kafka.


If an error occurs the following response will be sent:

"key": "{{mainFlowId}}",
"value": {
"messageLabel": "processError",
"messagePayload": {
"error": "error message"