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Version: 10.9.x


In order to properly add this application in your project you have to complete its configuration as described in the following sections.


Because of some faults in the application creation process, the user should perform the additional steps reported in this admonition.

  • Setup aggregation of transactions_saga_view as follows. CPB-387

    • create a new aggregation view on MongoDB Views section called transactions_saga_view

    • choose transactions_saga as starting collection

    • create transactions_saga_view schema as the schema below

    • paste the following pipeline and fields

      "$match": {
      "__STATE__": "PUBLIC"
      "$project": {
      "__STATE__": "$__STATE__",
      "createdAt": "$createdAt",
      "updatedAt": "$updatedAt",
      "creatorId": "$creatorId",
      "updaterId": "$updaterId",
      "sagaId": "$sagaId",
      "amount": "$metadata.amount",
      "paymentMethodId": "$metadata.paymentMethod",
      "paymentMethod": {
      "$switch": {
      "branches": [
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Apple Pay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Credit Card"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Google Pay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "PayPal"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "SafeCharge"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Satispay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Scalapay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Soisy"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Stripe"
      "default": "$metadata.paymentMethod"
      "providerId": "$metadata.provider",
      "provider": {
      "$switch": {
      "branches": [
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Braintree"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Axerve"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "SafeCharge"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Satispay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Scalapay"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Soisy"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Unicredit"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Stripe"
      "default": "$metadata.provider"
      "currentStatus": {
      "$switch": {
      "branches": [
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Paid"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Created"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Partially Refunded"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Totally Refunded"
      "case": {
      "$eq": [
      "then": "Failed"
      "default": "$businessStateDescription"
      "buyerName": "$",
      "buyerEmail": "$",
      "channel": "$",
      "date": "$createdAt",
      "history": {
      "$reverseArray": {
      "$function": {
      "body": "function(history, refundedAmounts) { externalIndex = 0; return, index) => { let refundedAmount = undefined; if (event.event === 'partialRefundExecuted' || event.event === 'totalRefundExecuted') { if (refundedAmounts !== null && externalIndex < refundedAmounts.length) { refundedAmount = refundedAmounts[externalIndex]; externalIndex++; } else { refundedAmount = 'error'; } } let status; switch (history.states[index].businessStateDescription) { case 'PAYMENT_CREATED': status = 'Created'; break; case 'PAYMENT_PAID': status = 'Paid'; break; case 'PAYMENT_PARTIALLY_REFUNDED': status = 'Partially Refunded'; break; case 'PAYMENT_TOTALLY_REFUNDED': status = 'Totally Refunded'; break; case 'PAYMENT_FAILED': status = 'Failed'; break; default: status = history.states[index].businessStateDescription; } let eventName; switch (event.event) { case 'paymentCreated': eventName = 'Payment created'; break; case 'scheduleRequested': eventName = 'Payment schedule requested'; break; case 'paymentRedirected': eventName = 'Payment redirected'; break; case 'redirectionCompleted': eventName = 'Redirection completed'; break; case 'paymentScheduled': eventName = 'Payment scheduled'; break; case 'confirmRequested': eventName = 'Payment confirmation requested'; break; case 'confirmReceived': eventName = 'Payment confirmation received'; break; case 'paymentScheduleFailed': eventName = 'Payment schedule failed'; break; case 'redirectionFailed': eventName = 'Payment redirection failed'; break; case 'paymentExecutionFailed': eventName = 'Payment failed'; break; case 'paymentExecutionFailedFrullino': eventName = 'Payment failed by the system'; break; case 'paymentConfirmFailed': eventName = 'Payment confirmation failed'; break; case 'emailNotificationSent': eventName = 'Email notification sent'; break; case 'emailNotificationFailed': eventName = 'Email notification failed'; break; case 'emailNotificationRequested': eventName = 'Email notification requested'; break; case 'paymentExecuted': eventName = 'Payment executed'; break; case 'paymentExecutedFrullino': eventName = 'Payment executed by the system'; break; case 'refundRequested': eventName = 'Refund requested'; break; case 'refundFailed': eventName = 'Refund failed'; break; case 'partialRefundExecuted': eventName = 'Partial refund executed'; break; case 'totalRefundExecuted': eventName = 'Total refund executed'; break; case 'invoiceGenerated': eventName = 'Invoice generated'; break; case 'invoiceGenerationFailed': eventName = 'Invoice generation failed'; break; default: eventName = event.event; } return { date: event.timestamp, event: eventName, status, refundedAmount }; });}",
      "args": [
      "lang": "js"
      "shopTransactionID": "$metadata.shopTransactionID",
      "paymentID": "$metadata.paymentID",
      "totalRefundedAmount": "$metadata.refundDetails.totalRefundedAmount",
      "remainingAmount": {
      "$subtract": [
      "$ifNull": [
      "name": "_id",
      "description": "_id",
      "type": "ObjectId",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "creatorId",
      "description": "creatorId",
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "createdAt",
      "description": "createdAt",
      "type": "Date",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "updaterId",
      "description": "updaterId",
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "updatedAt",
      "description": "updatedAt",
      "type": "Date",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "__STATE__",
      "description": "__STATE__",
      "type": "string",
      "required": true,
      "nullable": false
      "name": "amount",
      "type": "number",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "paymentMethodId",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "paymentMethod",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "providerId",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "provider",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "currentStatus",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "buyerName",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "buyerEmail",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "channel",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "date",
      "type": "Date",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "history",
      "type": "Array_RawObject",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "shopTransactionID",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "paymentID",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "sagaId",
      "type": "string",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "totalRefundedAmount",
      "type": "number",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
      "name": "remainingAmount",
      "type": "number",
      "required": false,
      "nullable": false,
      "sensitivityValue": 0
  • Create endpoint for the mongoDB view previously created transactions_saga_view

    • Create a new endpoint on the endpoint section /transactions-saga-view
    • Choose mongoDB view as type
    • Choose Mongo view base path as /transactions-saga-view

Advanced Configuration

API Gateway

From the design area of the console go to Advanced and select the api-gateway microservice.

Open the file and write the following configuration:

# DataVisualization Backoffice Analytics
# Rewrite application calls from /api/charts/dashboards/:dashboardId endpoint
# to the Backend
"~^GET-/api/charts/dashboards(?<path>/.*|$)$" "/charts/dashboards$path";
"~^GET-/api/charts(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";
"~^GET-/data-visualization(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";

# Notification Center
"~^(GET|POST|PATCH|DELETE)-/api/v1/micro-lc-notification-center(?<path>/.*|$)$" "$path";

# micro-lc
"~^\w+-/.+/api/v1/microlc(?<path>[/\?].*|$)$" "/v1/microlc$path";

Backoffice Sections

Each section of backoffice application is customizable by editing configuration files on microlc-backend microservices. For further details on how to customize your backoffice you can refer to the official documentation.

In order to customize dashboards and KPIs shown on analytics page you can change the configuration file that define the available dashboards on data-visualization-backend microservice. The KPIs and aggregated data used in the dashboards are provided by the analytics-transactions microservice


Payment Gateway Manager

In order to complete the configuration of this service you have to set the ENABLED_PROVIDERS environment variable. Moreover, you should add the required environment variables depending on the chosen payment provider. Refer to the service's configuration documentation.


Put a valid URL in the PAYMENT_CALLBACK_URL environment variable.

PGM Backend for Frontend

You can change the configuration of this service to customize different features: First of all you can change the polling interval and attempts to the crud for the new state of the payment even though it is recommended that it doesn't exceed the two minutes. Furthermore, you can customize the PAYMENT_OK_REDIRECT_URL and PAYMENT_KO_REDIRECT_URL which are the url where the user will be redirected after a successful or failed payment.


This service periodically retrieves from the crud the payments that are in the pending state, checks the actual status through the provider and updates the payment state accordingly (failed or executed).

The following environment variables are customizable:

  • MIN_DATE_OFFSET_MS and MAX_DATE_OFFSET_MS: define the interval between payments have to be checked as: NOW - MAX_DATE_OFFSET_MS < payment last update < NOW - MIN_DATE_OFFSET_MS
  • ENABLED_PROVIDERS: the list of providers whose payments to check
  • REDIS_HOST: Redis installation URL
  • THREAD_NUMBER: the number of payments the service can check in parallel
  • FRULLINO_RUNNING_INTERVAL_CRON: how often the service performs the check

SMTP Mail Notification Service

This service is used to actually send payment-related mail notification to customers. Its configuration must be completed setting the following environment variables:

  • HOST: the host of the SMTP server to use,
  • PORT: the port of the SMTP server to use,
  • AUTH_USER: the email used to log in on the SMTP server,
  • AUTH_PASS: the password related to the email used to log in on the SMTP server.

Use secrets to store the password used in AUTH_PASS.

Payment Front End

This front-end service allows the user to perform new payments. Its configuration must be completed setting the BRAINTREE_TOKENIZATION_KEY in the envs section. Further personalization is available modifying its config-map.


For further configuration of the microservices you can refer to the dedicated documentation:

Public Variables

  • PROJECT_HOST : set the value of your project host
  • EMAIL_SENDER : set the email address that will be used to send email notifications


By default, a new collection is created and used by the application as references to retrieve payments information, but the application can use any MongoDB collection/view with any schema.


If you want to use your own collection/view or change the default schema keep in mind to update also the data schema on the backoffice configuration and update CRUD's saga related envs in other microservices.