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Version: 10.9.x

Grafana Alarms

Grafana Alerting allows you to learn about problems in your systems moments after they occur [1].

But how does the Grafana Alerting system works? An overview of Grafana Alerting

  • Alert Rules: The evaluation criteria that will fire an alert instance. It is formed by:
    • one or more queries and expressions
    • a condition
    • the frequency of evaluation
    • (optional) the duration over which the condition is met
  • Labels: A label matches an Alert Rule and its set of notification policies and silences
  • Notification policies: Here you can set where, when and how the alerts get routed.
  • Contact points: Define how the alerts are notified to your team

The main page of Grafana Alerting

Create An Alert

To create an alert we need to create the necessary components.

Create an Alert Rule

  • Select 'New Alert Rule' from the side menu (in the 'Alerting' section)
  • Step 0: Select 'Grafana managed alert' or 'Mimir or Loki alert'

If you selected 'Grafana managed alert':

  • Step 1: use query or expression to create your rule:
    • If you need to use a query, select the data source;
    • Add query and expressions;
    • Click 'Run queries' to check the correctness of the query;
  • Step 2: Set an evaluation behavior (The interval and duration of queries valuation);
  • Step 3: Add details:
    • The name, where to store the rule and annotations;
  • Step 4: Specify custom labels to enable contact points.

If you selected 'Mimir or Loki alert':

  • Step 1: Select a compatible data source (Loki/Prometheus) and write your LogQL/PromQL expression;
  • Step 2: Set an evaluation behavior (Duration of time in which the query needs to have a 'true' value before firing the alert);
  • Step 3: Add details:
    • The name, where to store the rule and annotations;
  • Step 4: Specify custom labels to enable contact points.

Suggested Alarm rules

We suggest to add the following rules to your infrastructure to have a basic control on faulting services.

Crashloopbackoff pods To create an Alarm that detects if one or more pods in your system is in a CrashLoopBackOff state:

  • Create a new Alert Rule (Grafana managed alert)
  • Insert kube_pod_container_status_waiting_reason{reason="CrashLoopBackOff"} as Query A
  • Insert an Expression B with:
    • Operation: Classic condition
    • When: last()
    • OF: A
    • IS ABOVE: 0
  • Set alert condition: B-expression
  • Manage as needed the rest of the configuration (details and contact points)

Throttling pods

  • Create a new Alert Rule (Grafana managed alert)
  • Insert container_cpu_cfs_throttled_periods_total / container_cpu_cfs_periods_total as Query A
  • Insert a Expression B with:
    • Operation: Math
    • Expression: $A > 0.8
  • Set alert condition: B-expression
  • Manage as needed the rest of the configuration (details and contact points). You can use {{ $labels.pod}} to refer to the pod that is throttling.

The value in the Expression B will fire if the utilization is above 80%. This value can be changed at will.

CPU limits percentage

  • Create a new Alert Rule (Grafana managed alert)
  • Insert sum(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{image!="", pod !="", container!="POD"}[5m])) by (pod, container) / sum(container_spec_cpu_quota{image!="", container!="POD"}/container_spec_cpu_period{image!="", pod !="", container!="POD"}) by (pod, container) as Query A
  • Insert an Expression B with:
    • Operation: Reduce
    • Function: Mean
    • Input: A
    • Mode: Strict
  • Insert an Expression C with:
    • Operation: Math
    • Expression: $B > 0.8
  • Set alert condition: C-expression
  • Manage as needed the rest of the configuration (details and contact points). You can use {{ $labels.pod}}, {{ $labels.container }} to refer to the pod that is throttling.

The value in the Expression B will fire if the utilization is above 80%. This value can be changed at will.

Manage contact points (chatOps)

This section defines how to set up and manage the services where you want to send your alert notifications.

  • In the alerting section of Grafana, click 'contact points' and 'New Contact Point';
  • Select an alertmanager ('Grafana managed alert' or 'Mimir or Loki alert');
  • Choose a name for the contact point and fill out the mandatory fields of your selected 'Contact point type'.

Example: set up Google chat contact point

To set up a connection with Google chat, in the 'New contact point' menu:

  • Select Google Hangouts Chat
  • Generate a webhook Url and fill out the corresponding field:
    • Go to the Google chat where you want to receive the alerts.
    • Click on the downward triangle next to the Chat name and select 'Manage Webhooks'
    • Add another webhook, copy the Url given by Google chat and insert it in the Grafana Field.