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Version: 10.9.x

Consumer Groups

This Dashboard is mainly concerned with Kafka-related concepts, and a Kafka Exporter service is required for exposing the metrics of interest.

Click here to download the dashboard.

For a fast and complete configuration of all necessary monitoring services, you should use Mia Platform Fast Data Monitoring Application.
One of the services that will be generated using Fast Data Monitoring application is the Kafka Exporter. This service will be automatically configured to export information about Kafka topics, messages and consumer groups.


The Dashboard contains the following panels, first depicted in sample screenshots, and later described in detail in the table below.

consumer groups dashboard - part 1 consumer groups dashboard - part 2

Panel NameChart TypeDescription
Instant Total Messages BehindNumeric valueShows the total amount of messages that need to be read by selected Kafka consumer group (last measurement). A high value for this number could point to insufficient computing power.
Instant consumption rate [msg/s]Numeric valueDisplays the rate of messages read by a selected Kafka consumer group in seconds (last measurement).
Published messagesNumeric valueShows the number of total messages published on the topic partition.
Consumed messagesNumeric valueShows the number of total messages that have been read by the consumer group.
Message on 24h - by topicLine chartShows the number of messages published on the topic partition during the last 24 hours.
Consumption RateLine chartShows the number of messages per second read by selected Kafka consumer group.
Total Messages BehindLine chartShows the number of messages which have been sent but not consumed. Can be used to understand if some Single View still needs to finish updating.
Total Consumers DeployedLine chartConsidering a specific consumer group, counts the number of topics partitions (1 consumer-group for 1 partition) whose offset has changed in the last interval.
Instant Consumer LagHorizontal barsShow for each topic of selected Kafka consumer group the amount of messages that needs to be read (last measurement).
Published messages per topicHorizontal barsShows the number of messages published on the topic partition.