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Version: 10.9.x



Allows to inject window state into the payload of arbitrary events. Window state could be set, for instance, through a push-state method.


bk-state-adapter property configMap and the window state are merged based on their keys, generating label-payload pairs that are emitted as events. The label is extracted from configMap, while the payload from the window state.


Given the following configuration of bk-state-adapter:

"tag": "bk-state-adapter",
"properties": {
"configMap": {
"key_1": "loading-data",
"key_2": "add-new"

and assuming the page state to be:

"key_1": {
"loading": true
"key_2": {
"foo": "bar"

bk-state-adapter emits a loading-data event such as:

"label": "loading-data",
"payload": {
"loading": true

and an add-new event such as:

"label": "add-new",
"payload": {
"foo": "bar"

Properties & Attributes

configMap-{[name: string]: string}{}map to configure the adapter casting object properties to events labels
debouncedebouncenumber500delay for initial event emission
initKeyinit-keystring"__BK_INIT"key for events to emit once upon connection

Listens to

This component listens to no event.


configurable-labelgeneric event based on its configMap property




Allows to emit events upon connecting, based on the value of the URL.


bk-url-parameters attempts current URL matching against the given mask in property urlMask. If it fails, it will redirect according to the provided property redirectUrl. Otherwise it will attempt to emit the matched content as payload of an event using its property eventLabel as label of the event, which defaults to change-query.


Assuming the component to be configured as:

"tag": "bk-url-parameters",
"properties": {
"urlMask": "/order-details/:_id"

and assuming the URL to be /order-details/test-id, then bk-url-parameters emits the following change-query event upon connection to the DOM:

"label": "change-query",
"payload": {
"_id": "test-id"

By default, the same mask is applied to both pathname and search fields of window.location. However, different ones can be specified:

"tag": "bk-url-parameters",
"properties": {
"urlMask": {
"pathname": "/order-details/:_id",
"search": "\\?pageNumber=:pNumber"

Assuming the URL to be /order-details/first-id?pageNumber=25, then bk-url-parameters emits the following event:

"label": "change-query",
"payload": {
"_id": "first-id",
"pNumber": "25"

Ignoring wildcards

Wildcards ((.*)) can be used in urlMask; these match any string and is included in the payload of the emitted event with numeric keys.

For instance, the following is a valid configurations:

"tag": "bk-url-parameters",
"properties": {
"urlMask": "/order-details/(.*)/:_id"

Assuming the URL to be /order-details/first-id/second-id, then bk-url-parameters emits the following change-query event:

"label": "change-query",
"payload": {
"0": "first-id",
"_id": "second-id"

If property excludeWildcards is true, matches coming from wildcards are excluded from the payload of the event. The same example with the following configuration:

"tag": "bk-url-parameters",
"properties": {
"urlMask": "/order-details/(.*)/:_id",
"excludeWildcards": true

yields the following event:

"label": "change-query",
"payload": {
"_id": "second-id"

Properties & Attributes

waitTimewait-timenumber500wait time before initialization event, in milliseconds
urlMaskurl-maskUrlMask-url mask to apply to the current path to extract dynamic parameters
eventLabelevent-labelstring'change-query'label of the event that will be dispatched as result
redirectUrlredirect-urlstring-optional parameter that contains the url to redirect when urlMask does not completely match
excludeWildcardsexclude-wildcardsbooleanfalsewhether or not matches from wildcards ((.*)) should be excluded from event payload

Listens to

This component listens to no event.


configurable-labelgeneric event based on its properties

