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Version: 13.x (Current)

Declare routes

You can define the behavior of the Custom Microservice in response to an HTTP request by declaring the routes. For this purpose, you can use the addRawCustomPlugin method:

service.addRawCustomPlugin(httpVerb, path, handler, schema)

whose arguments are, in order

  • httpVerb - the HTTP verb of the request (e.g.,GET).
  • path - the route path (e.g.,/status /alive).
  • handler - function that contains the actual behavior. It must respect the same interface defined in the documentation of the handlers of fastify.
  • schema - definition of the request and response data schema. The format is the one accepted by fastify. To further detail see related section.

To get more info about how to declare a route can you look at the related Fastify documentation.


const customService = require('@mia-platform/custom-plugin-lib')()

module.exports = customService(async function handler(service) {
service.addRawCustomPlugin('GET', '/hello', function helloHandler(request, reply) {
const user = request.getUserId() || 'World'

hello: `${user}!`,

More examples? Go here to see another addRawCustomPlugin uses case.

  • The first parameter of the handler function is Request. The request is automatically decorated, indeed we can call request.getUserId().

    The instance of Request is decorated with functions:

    • getUserId() - exposes the user's id, if logged in or null.
    • getGroups() - exposes an array containing strings that identify the groups to which the logged-in user belongs.
    • getClientType() - exposes the type of client that performed the HTTP request.
    • isFromBackOffice() - exposes a boolean to discriminate whether the HTTP request from the CMS.
    • getMiaHeaders() - exposes an object with all previous information. The set of this data is called Mia headers and getting the values from the following environment variables:
    • getHeadersToProxy({isMiaHeaderInjected}) - returns the object of the request headers to proxy in API calls, using the extra headers, the mia headers and the headers set with variable CUSTOM_HEADERS_TO_PROXY.
  • The second parameter is a Reply instance. Use this object to reply to the request. Its main methods are the following:

    • headers(object) - sets the headers of the response.
    • code(statusCode) - sets the HTTP status code of the response.
    • send(data) - sends the payload data to the end user.
  • Inside the handler scope it's possible to access Fastify instance using this.

Adding a shared schema

It is possible to add shared schema between routes. For this purpose, you can access to the ajv instance used to perform route validation. It is possible to add a schema to the ajv instance using the addValidatorSchema method. addValidatorSchema method also adds schema to fastify using fastify.addSchema function. It is also possible to get the added schema using the getValidatorSchema method.

const customService = require('@mia-platform/custom-plugin-lib')()

module.exports = customService(async function handler(service) {
$id: 'example',
type: 'object',
properties: {
foobar: {
type: 'string',

const exampleSchema = service.getValidatorSchema('example')
console.log('Log the example schema', exampleSchema)

service.addRawCustomPlugin('GET', '/hello', function helloHandler(request, reply) {
const user = request.getUserId() || 'World'

hello: `${user}!`,
}, {
body: {
$ref: 'example#'