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Version: 13.x (Current)

Call the other services on the Platform project

You can call any service or any endpoint defined on the Platform project, obtaining and using a proxy object.

For example, if you need to connect to a CRUD, you have to use a Proxy towards the crud-service.

You can get a proxy calling these methods both on Request (the first argument of handler) and Service (the Fastify instance):

  • getHttpClient(baseURL, options) - returns an http client configured with the given base URL and options.
    • baseURL - the base URL of the service, with protocol, host and it is possible to add a base prefix. The prefix must ends with a slash. Keep in mind that in method functions you must start the path without slash if you want to reuse the path prefix.
    • options - an object with the following optional fields:
      • headers - an object that represents the set of headers to send to the service
      • timeout - set a request timeout
      • cert - set a custom certificate to use for the requests
      • key - set a custom key to use for the requests
      • ca - set a custom ca to use for the requests
      • logger - the Pino logger instance, it is used to log request (headers, payload and url) and response (headers, payload and status code) in trace level and error message if there is an error during the API call. If not passed, no log are printed. Keep in mind that headers, payload and url could contains sensitive information. If it is the case, do not pass the logger instance or use the redact options to hide the sensitive information (read here for more information).
      • isMiaHeaderInjected - a boolean value that identifies whether Mia's headers should be forwarded in the request. Default true.
      • httpsAgent - an instance of require('https').Agent that will be used for the requests, only if cert, key and ca are not configured.

Potentially, the getHttpClient method allows you to also query services outside the Platform. In this case, however, it is necessary to bear in mind that the platform headers will be automatically forwarded. You can do it by setting the isMiaHeaderInjected option value to false.

The http client created from the Request by default forwards the four Mia headers to the service called. In addition, other headers of the original request can also be forwarded to the named service. To do this it is necessary to define an additional environment variable, ADDITIONAL_HEADERS_TO_PROXY, whose value must be a string containing the keys of the headers to be forwarded separated by a comma.

The client expose the methods to perform a specific HTTP request to service.

  • get(path, options)
  • post(path, body, options)
  • put(path, body, options)
  • patch(path, body, options)
  • delete(path, body, options)

The params to be passed to these functions are:

  • path required - a string which identifies the route to which you want to send the request (it handles also the query string). Keep in mind that if base url contains a prefix, you must start the path without slash if you want to reuse the path prefix.
  • body - the body of the request which can be:
  • options - optional, an object that admits all the options listed above for the getHttpHeader methods (which will eventually be overwritten), plus the following fields:
    • returnAs - a string that identifies the format in which you want to receive the response. It can be JSON,BUFFER or STREAM. Default JSON.
    • validateStatus - a function which returns a boolean indicating whether the status code is valid or not. Default (status) => status >= 200 && status < 300.
    • errorMessageKey - key of the response object (if response in JSON) that will be used to identify the error message. Default message.
    • proxy: object that contains the following fields:
      • protocol: 'http' or 'https'
      • host: host of the proxy service
      • port: port of the proxy service in number format
      • auth: object that contains the following fields:
        • username: username to use for the proxy authentication
        • password: password to use for the proxy authentication
    • query: object that will be stringified and add to the query

All methods return a Promise object. You can access to:

  • Status code of the response trough the statusCode property
  • Body of the response trough the payload property
  • Headers of the response trough the headers property
  • Duration of the http call trough the duration property

If service responds with status code not valid (it is possible to modify this using the validateStatus ), the error object contains:

  • Message of the response trough the message property (or it is possible to customize the key using the errorMessageKey option) if response is in JSON. Otherwise, it returns a default error message Something went wrong
  • Status code of the response trough the statusCode property
  • Body of the response trough the payload property
  • Headers of the response trough the headers property
  • Duration of the http call trough the duration property

If error is not an http error, it is throw the error message and the error code.


async function tokenGeneration(request, response) {
const crudProxy = request.getHttpClient('http://my-service/base-path/')
const result = await crudProxy
.post('/tokens-collection/', {
id: request.body.quotationId,
valid: true

const tokens=result.payload;
// ...

The methods below are deprecated: switch to use the getHttpClient method.

  • getServiceProxy(options) - returns a proxy passing through the Microservice Gateway.
    • options - is an object with the following optional fields:
      • port - an integer that identifies the port of the service to be queried
      • protocol - a string that identifies the protocol to use (only http and https are supported, the default value is http)
      • headers - an object that represents the set of headers to send to the service
      • prefix - a string representing the prefix of the service call path
      • timeout - set a request timeout
      • agent - set a custom node agent
  • getDirectServiceProxy(serviceNameOrURL, options) - returns a direct proxy to the service
    • serviceNameOrURL - The name of the service to call. You can pass:
      • just the hostname, without protocol and port (that you can specify into the options field)
      • a complete url string (e.g. http://myurl:3000); you can include protocol and port into the url string directly
    • options - The same options described above

Potentially, the getDirectServiceProxy method allows you to also query services outside the Platform. In this case, however, it is necessary to bear in mind that the platform headers will be automatically forwarded.

Both proxies, by default, forward the four Mia headers to the service called. In addition, other headers of the original request can also be forwarded to the named service. To do this it is necessary to define an additional environment variable, ADDITIONAL_HEADERS_TO_PROXY, whose value must be a string containing the keys of the headers to be forwarded separated by a comma.

Both proxies expose the methods to perform a specific HTTP request to service.

  • get(path, querystring, options)
  • post(path, body, querystring, options)
  • put(path, body, querystring, options)
  • patch(path, body, querystring, options)
  • delete(path, body, querystring, options)

All methods return a Promise object. You can access to:

  • Status code of the response trough the statusCode property
  • Body of the response trough the payload property
  • Headers of the response trough the headers property

The params to be passed to these functions are:

  • path - a string that identifies the route to which you want to send the request.
  • body - optional, the body of the request which can be:
  • querystring - optional, an object that represents the querystring.
  • options - optional, an object that admits all the options listed above for the getServiceProxy and getDirectServiceProxy methods (which will eventually be overwritten), plus the following fields:
    • returnAs - a string that identifies the format in which you want to receive the response. It can be JSON,BUFFER or STREAM. Default JSON.
    • allowedStatusCodes - an array of integers that defines which status codes of the response are accepted. If the response status code is not contained in this array, the promise will be rejected. If this parameter is omitted, the promise is resolved in any case (even if the interrogated server answers 500).
    • isMiaHeaderInjected - a boolean value that identifies whether Mia's headers should be forwarded in the request. Default true.


// Example of a request towards `tokens-collection` endpoint passing through Microservice Gateway
async function tokenGeneration(request, response) {
const crudProxy = request.getServiceProxy()
const result = await crudProxy
.post('/tokens-collection/', {
id: request.body.quotationId,
valid: true

const tokens=result.payload;
// ...
// and bypassing Microservice Gateway
async function tokenGeneration(request, response) {
const crudProxy = request.getDirectServiceProxy('crud-service')
const result = await crudProxy
.post('/tokens-collection/', {
id: request.body.quotationId,
valid: true

const tokens=result.payload;
// ...