Teleconsultation Service Backend
The following sections explain the details about the endpoints exposed from the Teleconsultation Service Backend.
This service has been develop based on the assumption that the user authentication method uses auth0 as auth provider and the platform service auth0 Client.
In Kaleyra there's the concept of duration for a Room. If a Room has a duration, then after the duration expires, the Room is unavailable. The Teleconsultation Service Backend accepts, alternatively, as body parameters to create or modify a room:
- start_date and end_date, to calculate the max duration of a teleconsultation.
- start_date and duration_in_seconds
The duration, calculated as described above, must be at least 5 minutes.
variable is set to true
in the service configuration, the room has unlimited duration. Otherwise, the duration is calculated as previously described.
Flow example
The following sequence diagram show the usage of the service when:
- Participants data are not a priori known
- An auth0 dependency is not wanted
POST /teleconsultation
Adds a new teleconsultation in the CRUD teleconsultations collection, and possibly creates a new room on Kaleyra.
The service will create a kaleyra room only if all participants' data is specified in the request.
Body parameters
participants (required)
Type: array of string
(only accepted if the service is configured to interact with auth0) or object
Description: The list of participants to the call. If a list of string is provided, each element of the array needs to be an auth0's user id of the participant. If an object is provided, you must specify:
- the expected
of participants; - an array of participants'
, containing, for each participant:- a
to be used in GET requests to retrieve the correct link for a given user, if interaction with auth0 is enabled, it must be the auth0 id of the participant, - the
(required if auth0 dependency is enabled, not supported otherwise) to be assigned to the user (one of those listed in any of theprivileges.$.groups
array of the service configuration file), - the
(required if auth0 dependency is enabled, not supported otherwise) to be show by the frontend, - the
to be used by the frontend.
- a
Kaleyra needs to know the list of the users which are going to join the call in order to create a Room. For this reason, if the length of the participant data array is less than expected number of participants (i.e. some participants' data is still unknown), the room on Kaleyra is not created, otherwise, if all participants are known, it is created. In order to create a room, Teleconsultation Service Backend is going to translate each external user id into a Kaleyra's user id. This operation is done as soon as the external user id is provide. If the user is still unknown (i.e. it has never been a participant of previous teleconsultation instances), the service creates a new user on Kaleyra.
If a user has multiple roles, the higher role will be selected automatically.
Example: ['user1_auth0_id', 'user2_auth0_id', ...]
start_date (required)
Type: Date
Description: The starting date of an appointment.
This date is used in combination with the end_date in order to calculate the duration of a teleconsultation.
The date follows the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: 2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z
Duration field
Only one of the following fields is required and can be specified.
Type: Date
Description: The ending date of an appointment.
This date is used in combination with the start_date in order to calculate the duration of a teleconsultation.
The date follows the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ
Example: 2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z
Type: Integer
Description: The duration in seconds of an appointment.
Example: 3600
POST Request Examples
With auth0 dependency and all a priori known participants:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": ['user1_auth0_id', 'user2_auth0_id', 'user3_auth0_id'],
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With auth0 dependency and all a priori known participants:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user2_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user3_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With auth0 dependency and some a priori unknown participants:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user2_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
Without auth0 dependency and some a priori unknown participants:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_external_id",
"groups": ["doctor"],
"fullName": "Joe Smith",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user3_external_id",
"groups": ["patient"],
"fullName": "Jane Doe,
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With duration_in_seconds field:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": ['user1_auth0_id', 'user2_auth0_id', 'user3_auth0_id'],
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"duration_in_seconds": 3600
In case a teleconsultation is successfully created, a status code of 201 will be returned alongside an object with a field roomId, which contains the _id field of the teleconsultation on the CRUD just created. The roomId will be used from the Teleconsultation Service Frontend, in order to request all the data from the Teleconsultation Service Backend to initialize the teleconsultation UI (using iFrame) and start the call. In reality the roomId, is the CRUD _id field of that teleconsultation.
Example Response:
201: { roomId: room_xyz }
In case of error (4xx or 5xx status codes), the response has the same interface of a CRUD service POST / request.
If no one of the participants is a plus
user the service returns the following response:
400: { "error": "Failed POST /teleconsultation: no plus user in room" }
PATCH /teleconsultation/:roomId
Updates a teleconsultation whose id is equal to roomId. roomId is the _id field returned by the CRUD of a specific teleconsultation.
Kaleyra does not support the possibility to make changes existing rooms.
For this reason, the Kaleyra room is created only if all participants data is provided. If the Kaleyra room has already been created and a change having effects on its features is requested, the existing Kaleyra room is deleted and a new one is created. If all participants' data has been provided, starting from IMMUTABLE_PERIOD_MS
milliseconds before the starting time of the call, the service will refuse all the change requests to the teleconsultation instance. See GET /teleconsultation/:roomId
documentation to understand how the service grants that participants cannot access a Kaleyra room as long as it could be replaced by a new one.
Body parameters
Same body parameters of the POST request are allowed, but only the ones to be modified are required to be provided.
PATCH Request Examples
With auth0 dependency and all a priori known participants:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz" \
-d '{
"participants": ['user1_auth0_id', 'user2_auth0_id', 'user3_auth0_id'],
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With auth0 dependency and all a priori known participants:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user2_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user3_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With auth0 dependency and some a priori unknown participants:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user2_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
Without auth0 dependency and some a priori unknown participants:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz" \
-d '{
"participants": {
"number": 3,
"data": [
"userExternalId": "user1_external_id",
"groups": ["doctor"],
"fullName": "Joe Smith",
"language": "it"
"userExternalId": "user3_external_id",
"groups": ["patient"],
"fullName": "Jane Doe,
"language": "it"
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"end_date": "2022-02-22T16:30:00.000Z"
With duration_in_seconds field:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation" \
-d '{
"participants": ['user1_auth0_id', 'user2_auth0_id', 'user3_auth0_id'],
"start_date": "2022-02-22T15:30:00.000Z",
"duration_in_seconds": 3600
POST /teleconsultation/:roomId/participants/data
Pushes a new teleconsultation participant in the
array of the teleconsultation instance having id equal to roomId.
roomId is the _id field returned by the CRUD of a specific teleconsultation.
Kaleyra does not support the possibility to make changes existing rooms. For this reason, the Kaleyra room is created only when all participants data is known. If all participants' data has been provided, starting from IMMUTABLE_PERIOD_MS
milliseconds before the starting time of the call, the service will refuse all the change requests to the teleconsultation instance. See the `GET /teleconsultation/:roomI documentation to understand how the service ensures that participants cannot access a Kaleyra room as long as such room can be replaced by a new one.
Body parameters
The data of the participant to be added, that is:
- a
to be used in GET requests to retrieve the correct link for a given user, if interaction with auth0 is enabled, it must be the auth0 id of the participant, - the
(required if auth0 dependency is enabled, not supported otherwise) to be assigned to the user (one of those listed in any of theprivileges.$.groups
array of the service configuration file), - the
(required if auth0 dependency is enabled, not supported otherwise) to be show by the frontend, - the
to be used by the frontend.
POST Request Examples
With auth0 dependency and all a priori known participants:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz/participants/data" \
-d '{
"userExternalId": "user3_auth0_id",
"language": "it"
Without auth0 dependency:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz/participants/data" \
-d '{
"userExternalId": "user1_external_id",
"groups": ["doctor"],
"fullName": "Joe Smith",
"language": "it"
In case the participant is successfully added, a 201 status code will be returned.
Example Response:
In case of error (4xx or 5xx status codes), the response has the same interface of a CRUD service POST / request.
If you are requesting to add the last participant and no one of the participants (not the ones previously added neither the one who is requested to be inserted) is a plus
user, the service returns the following response:
400: { "error": "Failed POST /teleconsultation/room_xyz/participants/data: no plus user in room" }
In case a teleconsultation is successfully updated, a status code of 204 will be returned without content. The _id field of the teleconsultation will remain the same.
Example Response:
In case of error (4xx or 5xx status codes), the response has the same interface of a CRUD service PATCH /:id request.
If no one of the participants is a plus
user the service returns the following response:
400: { "error": "Failed PATCH /teleconsultation: no plus user in room" }
GET /teleconsultation/:roomId
Retrieves the custom teleconsultation url for the requesting user.
Available from version 1.6.0
Retrieves the detail of a teleconsultation room usage, as stored on Kaleyra (reference).
Query parameters
useBackground (optional)
Type: boolean
Description: Set to true, if required to use background within the virtual meeting
language (optional)
Type: string
Description: Specify the language of the virtual room. By default, it uses the default company language. Supports it
and en
curl -X GET "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz"
In case there is no reference to the teleconsultation recorded on the CRUD you will receive the following error:
404: { "error": "Room with id room_xyz not found on CRUD" }
In case the request comes from a user not involved in the teleconsultation you will receive the following error:
401: { "error": "Unauthorized user" }
if no errors occur, you will get a response like this:
200: {
"bandyerUserId": "creatorId1",
"accessLinkURL": "",
"participantsBandyerCall": [
"bandyerUserId": "userId1",
"fullName": "Mario Rossi"
"bandyerUserId": "userId2",
"fullName": "Luigi Bianchi"
"details": {
"recording": "none",
"recordingStatus": "stopped",
"callType": "audio_only",
"description": "text",
"status": "NOT_RUNNING",
"disabled": true,
"creationDate": "2023-12-22T13:36:48.164Z",
"durationInSeconds": 3600,
"durationUsedInSeconds": 1200,
"live": true
It supports 2 optional query parameters useBackground
and language
. When useBackground
is set to true
it returns
the room url with the default background enabled. When language
is it
or en
it return the room url with the
specified language set, otherwise the default language
for the company is used. See POST /settings/background-image
and PATCH /settings/update
to manage the upload and update of the background images for the company.
DELETE /teleconsultation/:roomId
Deletes a teleconsultation on Kaleyra and set the state of that teleconsultation on CRUD to TRASH. roomId is the _id field returned by the CRUD of a specific teleconsultation.
Example DELETE Request:
curl -X DELETE "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz"
In case a teleconsultation is successfully deleted, a status code of 204 will be returned without content.
Example Response:
In case of error (4xx or 5xx status codes), the response has the same interface of a CRUD service DELETE /:id request.
DELETE /teleconsultation/:roomId/uploads
This endpoint is available only since version 1.5.0.
Delete all files uploaded by the participants during a teleconsultation if and only if the TELECONSULTATION_DELETE_UPLOADS
environment variable is set to true
Example DELETE Request:
curl -X DELETE "https://my_project_url/teleconsultation/room_xyz/uploads"
environment variable is set to false
, a status code 204 will be returned.
In case a teleconsultation is successfully deleted, a status code of 200 will be returned and a payload looking like this.
"total": 2,
"deleted": 2
where total
represents the total number of files associated to the teleconsultation room, while deleted
is the number of files correctly deleted.
If the two values are different, it means some files were not correctly deleted. If this is due to a temporary issue with the Kaleyra services, you can try again later sending the same request.
In case of error (4xx or 5xx status codes), the response has the same interface of a CRUD service DELETE /
POST /credentials
Available from version 1.4.0
For this endpoint to work, it's necessary for the service to use auth0-client as authentication method, so be sure you properly set the AUTH_SERVICE environment variable.
Generate an access token and the Kaleyra id for the currently logged user accordingly to the request authentication headers. If no Kaleyra user is associated to the logged user, a new Kaleyra user is created alongside the corresponding record in the teleconsultations_users collection.
This endpoint is mainly used to integrate with the Kaleyra Video React Native Module.
Body parameters
expiresIn (optional)
Type: integer
Description: Seconds after that the token expires. Default is 3600.
Example POST Request:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/credentials" -d '{"expiresIn": 3600}'
In case the operation is successful, a 201 status code will be returned alongside with an object containing the following fields:
Example Response:
201: {
"accessToken": "valid jwt for the user",
"expiresAt": "2022-01-10T11:41:19.000Z",
"bandyerUserId": "user_xxx"
In case the service is not able to get user authentication from the request headers, a 401 response will be returned.
401: { "error": "Unauthorized user" }
POST /settings/background-image
Available from version 1.6.0
Uploads the image specified by virtual_background for the company.
Body parameters
Type: binary
Description: File containing the image to be used as background of the virtual room. Maximum 10 MB.
Example POST Request:
curl -X POST "https://my_project_url/settings/background-image" \
--header 'apikey: your_api_key' \
--header 'content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=multipart-boundary' \
--form virtual_background=your_path_to_file'
In case the operation is successful, a 200 status code will be returned alongside with an object containing the following fields:
Example Response:
200: {
"virtual_background": {
In case the service is not able to get user authentication from the request headers, a 401 response will be returned.
401: { "error": "Unauthorized user" }
PATCH /settings/update
Available from version 1.6.0
Updates the default background image for the company, specified by the body parameter background_alias
Body parameters
Type: string
Description: Refers to the alias of the background image that is returned by the POST call when uploading the image.
Example PATCH Request:
curl -X PATCH "https://my_project_url/settings/update" \
--header 'apikey: your_api_key' \
--data '{
In case the operation is successful, a 200 status code will be returned alongside with an object containing the following fields:
Example Response:
200: {
"company": {
"default_background": {
"end_call_redirect_url": "",
"user_details_provider_url": "",
"end_call_redirect_timeout_ms": 5000
In case the service is not able to get user authentication from the request headers, a 401 response will be returned.
401: { "error": "Unauthorized user" }