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Version: 13.x (Current)


The CRUD Service Open Source Software (OSS) is a lightweight application useful to abstract MongoDB data collections allowing developers to expose CRUD APIs over the database in an easy, scalable, and secure way.

Mia-Platform Console takes advantage of the CRUD Service to let you easily configure CRUDs through a dedicated UI, the MongoDB CRUD section.

In this guide you will see how to configure and interact with the CRUD Service and how it is integrated and easy to use in the Mia Platform Console.

How to use the CRUD Service OSS

In this section you will learn how to configure and use the CRUD Service in your environment or as a component of your applications. We will use a simple example of CRUD operations over a registry of customers.


  • Node.js version 14 or later (you can use nvm to easily manage versions)
  • MongoDB instance version 4.0 or later
  • (Optional) Docker


You can find the official repository of the CRUD Service here.

Clone the repository in your local system with the following command:

git clone

MongoDB instance

If you do not have a MongoDB instance ready, you can quickly set up a Docker container with the mongo image locally with the following commands:

docker pull mongo:6.0.2
docker volume create mongo
docker run --detach --name mongo -p 27017:27017 --mount source=mongo,target=/data/db mongo:6.0.2


You can configure the CRUD Service through environment variables. In the default.env file on the root of the repository folder you can see some default settings. The environment variables in this file are the minimum required to run the service.

For the complete list of available environment variables you can see the properties in the envSchema.js file on the root of the repository folder.

You can create your own .env file with the configurations you need for your use case. Let's make a copy of the file.

cp ./default.env ./.env

Now we can review and update the environment variables values in the new file. For example, the MONGODB_DATABASE_NAME by default specifies to use a database named crud. You need to create the folders specified in the COLLECTION_DEFINITION_FOLDER and VIEWS_DEFINITION_FOLDER environment variables (or change them to a new path) and provide collection and view schemas of the MongDB instance you are using.

For a simple example we can use a collection schema for customer registries to be copied in the COLLECTION_DEFINITION_FOLDER folder. You can download the json schema here.

click here to see the full json file

Run the CRUD Service

To run the CRUD Service enter these commands in a terminal:

nvm use # <-- only if you use nvm
npm i
npm run start:local

The last command will use the .env file with your custom configuration.

The CRUD Service will start and listen on http://localhost:3000 by default.

Interact with CRUD Service

The CRUD Service exposes a Swagger User Interface available by default at http://localhost:3000/documentation.


You can view a list of APIs useful to perform CRUD operations on the collections discovered by the CRUD Service.

For the full list and description of the available operations please see here.


You can create a new document by using the POST /registry/ request or by using the following command:

curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:3000/registry/' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"name": "customer 1",
"email": "customer 1 email",
"phone": "customer 1 phone",
"address": "customer 1 address",
"city": "customer 1 city",
"state": "customer 1 state",

You will receive as response an object with the _id of the new document.

"_id": "63d15612676a93073b3a92e8"


You can retrieve a list of all documents by using the GET /registry/ request or by using the following command:

curl -X 'GET' \
'http://localhost:3000/registry/' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

You will receive as response an object with the _id of the new document.

"_id": "63d15612676a93073b3a92e8",
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"name": "customer 1",
"email": "customer 1 email",
"phone": "customer 1 phone",
"address": "customer 1 address",
"city": "customer 1 city",
"state": "customer 1 state",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"creatorId": "public",
"updaterId": "public",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-25T16:22:54.068Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-25T16:17:22.981Z"


You can update a document by using the PATCH /registry/ request or by using the following command:

curl -X 'PATCH' \
'http://localhost:3000/registry/?_id=63d15612676a93073b3a92e8' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"$set": {
"email": ""

You will see the count of updated documents.


By using the read operation again we can see that the document has been updated.

"_id": "63d15612676a93073b3a92e8",
"registry_id": "reg-1",
"name": "customer 1",
"email": "",
"phone": "customer 1 phone",
"address": "customer 1 address",
"city": "customer 1 city",
"state": "customer 1 state",
"__STATE__": "PUBLIC",
"creatorId": "public",
"updaterId": "public",
"updatedAt": "2023-01-25T16:22:54.068Z",
"createdAt": "2023-01-25T16:17:22.981Z"


You can delete a document by using the DELETE /registry/ request or by using the following command:

curl -X 'DELETE' \
'http://localhost:3000/registry/?registry_id=reg-1' \
-H 'accept: application/json'

You will see the count of deleted documents.


By using the read operation again we can see that the example document is not present anymore.


How to use the CRUD Service OSS plugin

The Mia Platform Console lets you use the CRUD Service OSS as a plugin from the Marketplace.

CRUD Service Plugin

The plugin is fully integrated and ready out of the box. You simply need to create your MongoDB CRUD and deploy without any further configurations. The plugin is also integrated with the Documentation Portal, with the advantage that you have in one place the APIs of all your services and CRUDs.

You can see a usage example of the plugin in this tutorial.