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Version: 13.x (Current)

Runtime Secure Access

In order to ensure that only authorized people can access Fast Data Runtime Management system and consequently visualize or change its state, it is important to properly set up a security layer.

In the following page are described the requirements and the process that has to be carried out to achieve your goal. It is inspired from this guide.


  • access to Fast Data Control Plane With Access Control application, which automatically scaffold the configurations regarding microservices, collections, endpoints and variables needed for controlling Fast Data runtime and protecting its access. Generated resources need to be further customized depending on your needs and credentials.
  • an introduction to Envoy, which is employed as API Gateway by the application. It is also possible to employ Nginx as API Gateway, though the focus of this guide is on the former.
  • an introduction to Rönd, which is the underlying system this guide will rely on for protecting the access to Fast Data Runtime Management application.
  • an Identity Provider, which manages users' identities. The one employed throughout this guide is Okta, although any other Identity Provider supported by the Mia-Platform Authentication Service can be adopted in place of Okta within this guide.

Control Plane Configuration

Let's start by selecting the Fast Data Control Plane With Access Control application from the Marketplace, under the applications tab.

Then proceed step by step with the creation of the needed services, endpoints and collections. Once finalized, all those resources should appear in the different Console section.

Summary of Fast Data Control Plane application

For more details on the Control Plane service configuration, please head over the dedicated documentation section.

Enabling gRPC communication

The default configuration for the Control Plane specifies the use of gRPC for communication. To enable gRPC communication, a Kubernetes Custom Resource should be associated with the Control Plane instance and other Fast Data services intending to communicate with it via gRPC.

To create a new entry "from Scratch" from the Custom Resources section in the Design area, initialize the resource following the below table:

nameThe name of the Custom Resource (e.g. crd-control-plane-grpc)

At the end, the Custom Resource should look like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: crd-control-plane-grpc
app: control-plane
type: ClusterIP
- name: grpc
protocol: TCP
port: 50051
targetPort: 50051
nodePort: null
app: control-plane

It is important to note that and should match the name of the target Control Plane service.

Authentication Flow

In this section are described which resources should be configured in order to properly protect the access to the Fast Data Runtime Management solution.


Upon application instantiation, the following services should have been generated for handling the authentication flow:

  • api-gateway, which is the entrypoint of your project requests
  • authentication-service, which is the service that interacts with your Identity Provider to request the user identity verification
  • control-plane-login-site, a frontend employed for handling the authentication flow in the browser
  • redis-auth, a small instance of Redis OSS (< v7.4) with no disk persistence, which is employed to support the authentication flow

Api Gateway

For the current use case no further configuration is needed for this service in Console Design area. However, if there is a need for updating any specific detail, please look for more information at the dedicated documentation page.

Authentication Service

The service configuration is created with a set of preconfigured variables, such as the connection to Redis, and a config map that lists the supported applications. Within the config map that contains the known applications it is already possible to find the definition of an application that uses Okta as Identity Provider.


In case you would prefer using another Identity Provider, please read the authentication-service documentation to learn how to configure the desired one in place of Okta.

The configuration of included application only requires to set up few public and secret environment variables to be operational. These variables are summarized in the tables below, divided for location where they should be stored. In fact, the former ones should be added under the Variables tab of Project Overview section, while the latter can be configured in the Public Variables of the Design section.

Secret VariableExplanation
CP_OKTA_CLIENT_IDclient id obtained when registering this specific application on Okta
CP_OKTA_CLIENT_SECRETclient secret obtained when registering this specific application on Okta
Public VariableExplanation
OKTA_BASE_URLbase url where your Identity Provider is exposed
CP_APP_IDapplication identifier employed when registering this specific application on Okta (e.g. fast-data-control-plane)
CP_PROVIDER_IDprovider identifier employed when registering this specific application on Okta (e.g. okta-development)
CP_REDIS_SCOPEredis scope in case of a multi-tenant architecture
CP_BASE_URLbase url where the project is exposed

After the creation of the Control Plane application, the public variables specified above should already appear in the corresponding section, each of them with an empty value.

Filling the variables listed above allows to generate a complete configuration at deploy time. An example of such configuration for Okta can be fond in the panel below.

Authentication Service | Configuration Example (with variables to be interpolated)
"apps": {
"{{CP_APP_ID}}": {
"providers": {
"order": 10,
"type": "okta",
"label": "Login with Okta",
"clientId": "{{CP_OKTA_CLIENT_ID}}",
"clientSecret": "{{CP_OKTA_CLIENT_SECRET}}",
"baseUrl": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}",
"authUrl": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}/oauth2/v1/authorize",
"tokenUrl": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}/oauth2/v1/token",
"userInfoUrl": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}/oauth2/v1/userinfo",
"userSettingsURL": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}/enduser/settings",
"logoutUrl": "{{OKTA_BASE_URL}}/oauth2/v1/logout",
"scope": [
"redirectUrl": "{{CP_BASE_URL}}/web-login/oauth/callback",
"defaultRedirectUrlOnSuccessfulLogin": "/",
"authorizeStateRequired": true,
"realm": "console",
"isWebsiteApp": true,
"issuer": "{{CP_APP_ID}}",
"defaultGroups": []

In addition to previous configurations, the service needs to mount a private key as a secret. This key is employed to sign JWTs that are set as session id for authenticated users. In case the service has been instantiated through the Fast Data Control Plane With Access Control application, a secret has already been associated to it, which is named authentication-service-secrets.


These instructions below assume that the tool employed to deploy Console projects is mlp. Please, remember to adapt them according to your adopted deploy tool and/or secret management configuration.

In order for the Console to automatically create the secret at deploy time it is then necessary to edit the file mlp.yaml, that can be found within your project repository root folder, and extend it with the following entry under the secrets key:

- name: "authentication-service-secrets"
when: "always"
- from: "literal"
key: "private-key.pem"

This will create a K8s secret named authentication-service-secrets which contains a property private-key.pem mapped to the value of the interpolated variable CP_JWT_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY.
To provide the proper value, please generate a private key, for example as follows,

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f private.key

and then create the corresponding environment variable CP_JWT_CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY in the Variables tab of Console Project Overview section.
Finally, please ensure that on the authentication-service, located under the Microservices section in the Console Design area, the environment MIA_JWT_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_PATH is set to /secrets/private-key.pem (where the folder is driven by the secret mount path and the file name corresponds to the key property set in the mlp.yaml configuration entry).

In case more details are needed on this latter part, please head over to the authentication-service documentation page.

Control Plane Login Site

No further configuration is needed for this service.

Redis Auth

This service is preconfigured with a config map containing the initial Redis configuration, such as the disk persistence management and a dedicated user with their ACLs. To complete the configuration it is necessary to create the following secret environment variables in the Project Overview section:

Secret VariableExplanation
CP_REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORDroot password to allow Redis start (not used by any service - it can be loaded from a secret when configured within the service environment variables)
CP_REDIS_USERNAMEusername of the Redis account to be employed by the authentication-service for accessing Redis
CP_REDIS_PASSWORDpassword of the Redis account to be employed by the authentication-service for accessing Redis
Redis Auth Service | Configuration Example (with variables to be interpolated)
port 6379
# listen on all the interfaces for incoming connections

save ""
appendonly no

protected-mode yes

# NOTE: +@connection is necessary to be placed after -@dangerous, otherwise the user won't have the permissions to connect to Redis
user {{CP_REDIS_USERNAME}} on +@all -@dangerous +@connection allkeys allchannels >{{CP_REDIS_PASSWORD}}

# disable default user
user default off


Below is reported the list of endpoints created with the Control Plane application instantiation. Please ensure that they are exposed with the proper security options.

EndpointServiceAuthentication RequiredUser Group Permission

Knowing these endpoints are exposed, it is now possible to configure the redirect urls that some Identity Providers, such as Okta or Auth0, require to complete the application registration. These endpoints will be then employed during the authentication flow to constrain the redirects the Identity Provider can perform. In this case the endpoint that should be configured are the following ones:

  • Sign-in redirect URIs → <project-base-url>/web-login/oauth/callback
  • Sign-out redirect URIs → <project-base-url>/logout

where <project-base-url> is the base url where the project of interest is exposed to.


The authentication flow via the authentication-service requires also the introduction of a CRUD Collection, where users details are saved upon successful login. These user (subject) information can then be employed in the authorization flow, which is described later, in conjunction with policies and roles to ensure that only authorized users can visualize or even interact with Fast Data runtime.
By default the Fast Data Control Plane With Access Control application creates the collection for you and instantiates the CRUD Service, which is employed by the authentication service to access the collection. Additionally, below it is also provided the collection definition ready for being imported, in case it may be necessary to move or replicate the collection in another Console project.

Control Plane Users Collection Definition (import ready)
"data": {
"collections": {
"cp-users": {
"id": "cp-users",
"description": "Collection of cp-users",
"name": "cp-users",
"tags": [
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"description": "_id",
"type": "ObjectId",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "creatorId",
"description": "creatorId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "createdAt",
"description": "createdAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updaterId",
"description": "updaterId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updatedAt",
"description": "updatedAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "__STATE__",
"description": "__STATE__",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "name",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "groups",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "username",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "email",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "providerId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "providerUserId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "realm",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"name": "metadata",
"type": "RawObject",
"required": false,
"nullable": false,
"sensitivityValue": 0,
"encryptionEnabled": false,
"encryptionSearchable": false
"internalEndpoints": [
"basePath": "/cp-users",
"defaultState": "PUBLIC"
"type": "collection",
"indexes": [
"name": "_id",
"type": "normal",
"unique": true,
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"order": 1
"name": "createdAt",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "createdAt",
"order": -1
"name": "stateIndex",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "__STATE__",
"order": 1
"name": "nameSearch",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "email",
"order": 1
"name": "name",
"order": 1
"name": "__STATE__",
"order": 1
"name": "upsertSupport",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "providerId",
"order": 1
"name": "providerUserId",
"order": 1
"name": "realm",
"order": 1
"metadata": {
"branchName": "",
"exportTimestamp": "2024-04-05T08:26:54.472Z",
"isImported": false,
"pathRefType": "revisions",
"projectId": "",
"projectName": ""


In this section are described additional tweaks to be carried out on the API Gateway (Envoy), that enhance the interaction with the runtime system and allow the solution to support authentication.

These modifications should be inserted in the proper file in the Advanced section of the Console Design area, under the key api-gateway-envoy.

Console advanced tab in Design section showing &#39;api-gateway-envoy&#39; configuration


Before proceeding, be sure to have configured Control Plane endpoints accordingly to their specific documentation.

Automatic redirect upon receiving 401 HTTP error

This configuration edit should be inserted in the file local-replies.yml and it enforces a redirect to the login page every time a 401 HTTP error is encountered by the system. This ensures that the users authenticate before returning to the page they were trying to browse.

- listener_name: frontend
op: EQ
default_value: 401
runtime_key: key_b
status_code: 302
inline_string: |-
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>302 Found</title>
- header:
key: "Location"
value: "/web-login?appId={{CP_APP_ID}}&providerId={{CP_PROVIDER_ID}}&redirect=%REQ(:PATH)%"
append: false
- header:
key: "Set-Cookie"
value: "sid=; Max-Age=0"
append: false

If you're using API Gateway with Nginx, consider using this approach for automatic redirects.


In this section are described which resources should be configured in order to properly grant the access to the Fast Data Runtime Management solution only to authorized users.


Authorization Service

This service is introduced with the application creation and it is already preconfigured with all the necessary configurations. In case the service already exists in your project, please ensure the following environment variables on the service contain the following values

Environment VariableValue

In order to support real-time updates in the Fast Data Runtime Management system, it is important to allow proxying the following headers:


Once all the services are properly configured, it is necessary to protect them. To achieve so, in this guide we are going to rely on Rönd, which allows to define for each service's endpoint the proper access policies. Hence, let's enable Rönd sidecar for the following two services:

  • control-plane → to regulate who can retrieve Fast Data runtime configuration and change its runtime state, that is whether the underlying application is processing Fast Data events or it is instead paused
  • crud-service → to regulate who can access roles and bindings (discussed in the following paragraphs)

An example of Rönd enabled for these services can be observed in the image, which represents the Authorization Management section that can be found within Console Design area:

List of services with Rönd enabled

For further instructions on how Rönd can be enabled, please read this documentation and this tutorial, which explains all the steps in details.

Control Plane

Control Plane service is able to automatically instruct Rönd sidecar on which policies it should employ. This is obtained by augmenting the OpenAPI Specification generated by the service with the x-rond property in each defined path, as explained in the documentation.

In particular, Control Plane service expects the name of two types of policies, one that allows viewing Fast Data runtime configuration and status (e.g. fd_control_plane_allow_view) and one for interacting with it (e.g. fd_control_plane_allow_edit), that is changing its components' state. These two policies name can be configured within the settings object that is found within the service configuration config map, as follows:

"settings": {
"server": {
"apis": {
"controllers": {
"settings": {
// this key defines which policies should be adopted
"policies": {
"edit": "fd_control_plane_allow_edit",
"view": "fd_control_plane_allow_view"



For more in-depth explanation on how to configure Rönd policies please head to the dedicated documentation page.

Rönd Policies are set of rules that specify which constraints must be satisfied in order to grant the access to the protected resources, such as endpoints. For example, an authenticated user might need to own a specific permission, have a particular role or belong to a group with the proper grants. Furthermore, the request might require headers with proper values or even ad-hoc headers from which request and user metadata are extracted.

In the previous paragraph it is described how to enable Rönd for the pods of interest, which occurs within the Authorization Management panel of Console Design area. In the same panel, under the policies tab of the Authorization section, it is possible to define the policies and their rules. The specific panel tab is depicted in the image below:

Authentication Management panel in Console

Upon clicking the Edit policies button, a modal opens with two code blocks. On the left it is possible to write the policies and their rules to be satisfied by requests, while on the right the code block allow to implement multiple tests to verify that written rules adhere to expected behavior, granting the access only to correct users.

In the context of Fast Data Runtime Management application, it is recommended to set up the following four different policies, each of them with its own purpose for controlling which user can access the different features:

Policy NameExplanation
allow_allno permission is required to access the resource
allow_manage_cp_usersusers need the permission to manage Control Plane users
fd_control_plane_allow_viewusers need the permission to view runtime configuration and status
fd_control_plane_allow_editusers need the permission to edit runtime status

When Rönd is enabled for a pod, then the deny-all policy is applied by default to the incoming connections. For this reason it is also useful to introduce the allow_all policy.

In the code block shown below are reported the policies definitions above described. These can be copied directly within your project Authentication Management section alongside their tests.

Authorization Management Policies
package policies

allow_all {

default allow_manage_cp_users = false
allow_manage_cp_users {
# extract the roles associated to the user who performed the request
userRoles := input.user.roles[_]

# for each role, verify whether it has the permission to manage users
userRoles.permissions[_] == ""

default fd_control_plane_allow_view = false
fd_control_plane_allow_view {
userRoles := input.user.roles[_]
userRoles.permissions[_] == ""
# defining multiple times the same policy is equivalent to setting their rules in an "or" statement
fd_control_plane_allow_view {
userRoles := input.user.roles[_]
userRoles.permissions[_] == ""

default fd_control_plane_allow_edit = false
fd_control_plane_allow_edit {
userRoles := input.user.roles[_]
userRoles.permissions[_] == ""
Authorization Management Policies Tests
package policies

test_allow_all {

test_allow_all_anonymous_user {
allow_all with input as {
"user": {
"roles": []

test_allow_all_authenticated_user {
allow_all with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "control-plane-editor",
"name": "editor",
"description": "editor",
"permissions": [

# ======================================= #

test_allow_manage_cp_users_default {
not allow_manage_cp_users

test_allow_manage_cp_users_not_manager {
not allow_manage_cp_users with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "control-plane-editor",
"name": "editor",
"description": "editor",
"permissions": [

test_allow_manage_cp_users_manager {
allow_manage_cp_users with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "control-plane-super-user",
"name": "manager",
"description": "manager",
"permissions": [

# ======================================= #

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_default {
not fd_control_plane_allow_view

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_no_permissions {
not fd_control_plane_allow_view with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "other",
"name": "other",
"description": "unauthorized",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_developer {
fd_control_plane_allow_view with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "developer",
"name": "Developer",
"description": "can edit projects and view runtimes",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_maintainer {
fd_control_plane_allow_view with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "project-admin",
"name": "Project Administrator",
"description": "can edit projects and runtimes",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_admin {
fd_control_plane_allow_view with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "project-admin",
"name": "Project Administrator",
"description": "can edit projects and runtimes",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_view_owner {
not fd_control_plane_allow_view with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "company-owner",
"name": "Company Owner",
"description": "can edit projects and runtimes",
"permissions": [

# ======================================= #

test_fd_control_plane_allow_edit_default {
not fd_control_plane_allow_edit

test_fd_control_plane_allow_edit_no_permissions {
not fd_control_plane_allow_edit with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "other",
"name": "other",
"description": "unauthorized",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_edit_developer {
not fd_control_plane_allow_edit with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "developer",
"name": "Developer",
"description": "can edit projects and view runtimes",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_edit_maintainer {
fd_control_plane_allow_edit with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "maintainer",
"name": "Maintainer",
"description": "can edit projects and runtimes",
"permissions": [

test_fd_control_plane_allow_edit_owner {
not fd_control_plane_allow_edit with input as {
"user": {
"roles": [
"roleId": "company-owner",
"name": "Company Owner",
"description": "can edit projects and runtimes",
"permissions": [


Roles in Rönd characterize the set of capabilities a subject can assume within the application. This can be achieved by applying specific permissions to each role, granting them different level of access and actions on the resource. For example, there can be the role of viewer, which represents users that can view the Fast Data runtime configuration and state, but that cannot change it. Similarly, the editor role can represent users with the same access of the viewer, augmented with the capability to also change the Fast Data runtime state.

In the previous paragraph we defined the policies that governs the access to Fast Data Runtime Management system. Those policies verify the permissions associated to the roles assigned to the user requesting the resource. For example, in the context of Fast Data Runtime Management, let's suppose user Alice is assigned the runtime viewer role, which has the permission Considering the policies definitions and the permission the viewer role has, the defined policies would act differently as follows:

Policy NameRoleIs Allowed

To allow a greater flexibility in roles management, roles details are stored within an external MongoDB collection, for example named as rbac-roles. This collection is then employed by Rönd to learn which roles exists and can actually be assigned to a user, together with their associated permissions.

When used within the Console, Rönd automatically tries to create this collection definition, using as name the one defined in the Authentication Management section. The collection definition is important since it instructs the CRUD Service to create the needed indexes, which speeds up reading roles from the database.
In case you would like to import the roles collection in another project where Rönd is not active (for example a project dedicated to users management), here is provided the definition, which can be imported using the dedicated button in the MongoDB CRUDs section in the Design area.

Control Plane Roles Collection Definition (import ready)
"data": {
"collections": {
"rbac-roles": {
"id": "rbac-roles",
"description": "Collection rbac-roles created by RBAC Manager plugin for bindings management",
"name": "rbac-roles",
"tags": [
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"description": "_id",
"type": "ObjectId",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "creatorId",
"description": "creatorId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "createdAt",
"description": "createdAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updaterId",
"description": "updaterId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updatedAt",
"description": "updatedAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "__STATE__",
"description": "__STATE__",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "roleId",
"description": "unique role identifier",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "name",
"description": "human readable role name",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "description",
"type": "string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"name": "permissions",
"description": "list of permissions composing the role",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"internalEndpoints": [
"basePath": "/rbac-roles",
"defaultState": "PUBLIC"
"owners": [
"owner": "rbac-manager-plugin"
"type": "collection",
"indexes": [
"name": "_id",
"type": "normal",
"unique": true,
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"order": 1
"name": "createdAt",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "createdAt",
"order": -1
"name": "uniqueRoleId",
"type": "normal",
"unique": true,
"fields": [
"name": "roleId",
"order": 1
"metadata": {
"branchName": "",
"exportTimestamp": "2024-04-09T12:34:10.483Z",
"isImported": true,
"pathRefType": "revisions",
"projectId": "",
"projectName": ""

To cover all the main use cases of accessing the Fast Data Runtime Management system we devised three roles, which can be loaded in the roles collection. These roles are shown in this code block:

"roleId" : "control-plane-viewer",
"name" : "Viewer",
"description" : "A user who can visualize Fast Data configuration and its runtime state",
"permissions" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"
"roleId" : "control-plane-editor",
"name" : "Editor",
"description" : "A user who can visualize Fast Data configuration and modify its runtime state",
"permissions" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"
"roleId" : "control-plane-users-manager",
"name" : "Manager",
"description" : "A user who manages the users that can access Fast Data runtime",
"permissions" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"

For more details on roles meaning in the context of security model, please search up Role-based Access Control (RBAC) model.


A Binding in Rönd represents an association between a set of Subjects (or groups), a set of Roles and (optionally) a Resource.

Eventually, once users (subjects) and roles are defined on the database, it is then possible to match them together within the bindings collection. Similarly to roles collection, the collection is managed in Console by Rönd and it adopts the definition provided below:

Control Plane Bindings Collection Definition (import ready)
"data": {
"collections": {
"rbac-bindings": {
"id": "rbac-bindings",
"description": "Collection rbac-bindings created by RBAC Manager plugin for bindings management",
"name": "rbac-bindings",
"tags": [
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"description": "_id",
"type": "ObjectId",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "creatorId",
"description": "creatorId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "createdAt",
"description": "createdAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updaterId",
"description": "updaterId",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "updatedAt",
"description": "updatedAt",
"type": "Date",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "__STATE__",
"description": "__STATE__",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "bindingId",
"description": "binding unique identifier",
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"nullable": false
"name": "groups",
"description": "list of user groups subject to this binding",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"name": "subjects",
"description": "list of subjects of the binding",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"name": "roles",
"description": "list of roles identifiers that subjects will inherit from the binding",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"name": "permissions",
"description": "list of specific permissions that will be inherited by the subjects of the bindings",
"type": "Array_string",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"name": "resource",
"description": "resource on which the role permissions are evaluated from the binding",
"type": "RawObject",
"required": false,
"nullable": false
"internalEndpoints": [
"basePath": "/rbac-bindings",
"defaultState": "PUBLIC"
"owners": [
"owner": "rbac-manager-plugin"
"type": "collection",
"indexes": [
"name": "_id",
"type": "normal",
"unique": true,
"fields": [
"name": "_id",
"order": 1
"name": "createdAt",
"type": "normal",
"unique": false,
"fields": [
"name": "createdAt",
"order": -1
"name": "uniqueBindingId",
"type": "normal",
"unique": true,
"fields": [
"name": "bindingId",
"order": 1
"metadata": {
"branchName": "",
"exportTimestamp": "2024-04-09T12:34:10.483Z",
"isImported": true,
"pathRefType": "revisions",
"projectId": "",
"projectName": ""

To link users with their respective roles it is first necessary to create three bindings, one for each existing role as defined in the code block reported beneath. These bindings can be imported directly in the bindings collection to kickstart further operations.

"bindingId" : "control-plane-users-managers",
"subjects" : [],
"roles" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"
"bindingId" : "control-plane-editors",
"subjects" : [],
"roles" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"
"bindingId" : "control-plane-viewers",
"subjects" : [],
"roles" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"

Afterward, the link process executes in these steps:

  • from the users collection cp-users is selected the user that needs to be associated
  • from the found user the _id field is extracted as string value
  • the _id string value is inserted as value in the subjects array of the binding representing the role of interest to be associated with the selected user

For example, let's suppose that the details of Alice user are the ones below:

"_id" : ObjectId("6606e94a0e85630ccda72486"),
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC",
"providerId" : "okta",
"providerUserId" : "user-id",
"realm" : "my-kingdom",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2024-03-29T16:16:10.037+0000"),
"creatorId" : "public",
"email" : "",
"groups" : [],
"name" : "Alice",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2024-04-08T16:23:12.364+0000"),
"updaterId" : "public",
"username" : ""

and the goal is to allow Alice to both view and modify Fast Data runtime state. Then, the control-plane-editors binding should become as follows:

"bindingId" : "control-plane-editors",
"subjects" : [
// _id of Alice user
"roles" : [
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC"

Following this change, Alice user would be able to visualize Fast Data Runtime Management application and pause/resume the state of the different components.


Changes to the roles and binding collections are independent of project deploys. For this reason, managing the runtime and who can access it does not require further deploys.


In addition to the endpoints described in the Authentication Flow section, here are described the ones that expose all the functionalities of Fast Data Runtime Management system, both the frontend and backend components. The backend endpoints must be protected by Rönd with the appropriate policies, as described in the table below.

Please notice that in case the policies were configured in Control Plane settings, then no manual route needs to be added in the Authorization Management section, since they are inferred from the OpenAPI Specification exposed by the service itself.
For further details on manual routes definition, please visit the specific documentation.

EndpointServiceAuthentication RequiredUser Group PermissionPolicy

Please ensure that all these endpoints are set with Authentication Required in their security details tab.

Users Management

Controlling which users can access the Fast Data Runtime Management system, their roles and bindings can be done either via directly editing database records or calling CRUD Service APIs. However, having a front-end to execute these actions would be a nice add-on to simplify these actions and to reduce errors related to possible mis-configurations.

This can be achieved thanks to the Microfrontend Composer tool, which allows crafting and configuring web pages and applications. In particular, it is possible to build the pages for listing the users, the existing roles and the bindings that link subjects with their roles.

An example of application that can be created is show in the picture below:

Screenshot of application created via Microfrontend Composer

Microfrontend Composer

Upon application instantiation, a predefined set of web pages are created and ready to be used once the project is deployed. In case you would like to customize those pages here are provided their configuration, one for control plane users, one for the roles and one for their bindings. These configuration can be loaded either as config map of micro-lc service or within the advanced tab of the corresponding page in the Composer.

Control Plane Users Page
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Roles Page
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Bindings Page
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"title": "Success",
"content": "Data successfully created",
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"title": "Success",
"content": "Data successfully updated",
"type": "success"
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"title": "Success",
"content": "Data successfully deleted",
"type": "success"
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"create-data": {
"title": "Error",
"content": "An error occurred during order creation",
"type": "error"
"update-data": {
"title": "Error",
"content": "An error occurred during order updated",
"type": "error"
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"title": "Error",
"content": "An error occurred during order deletion",
"type": "error"
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"basePath": "/v2/rond/rbac-bindings",
"dataSchema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/dataSchema"
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"$ref": "#/definitions/dataSchema"
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Screenshot of Microfrontend Composer homepage

The screenshot above shows what the Composer tool should look like based on the application configuration. Before deploying, please verify that micro-lc public variables have been created, that are:

Public VariableCurrent Version ValueMinimum Version Value

These variables are employed by the Console to define the version of the service and libraries used by micro-lc at deploy time. They can be upgraded whenever an update is available.


Here are described the endpoints that should be exposed from the project for the users management application. It is important to notice that the Rönd policies on CRUD Service endpoints must be created manually.

EndpointServiceAuthentication RequiredUser Group PermissionPolicy

Please ensure that all these endpoints are set with Authentication Required in their security details tab.


Adding the admin group to User Group Permission of the endpoints configuration requires users to belong to the group admin, that is, their record on the database should contain the value admin under the property groups.

This is an example of user record which belongs to the admins group:

"_id" : ObjectId("6606e94a0e85630ccda72486"),
"__STATE__" : "PUBLIC",
"providerId" : "okta",
"providerUserId" : "user-id",
"realm" : "my-kingdom",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2024-03-29T16:16:10.037+0000"),
"creatorId" : "public",
"email" : "",
"groups" : [
// here the admin group has been added to the user
"name" : "Alice",
"updatedAt" : ISODate("2024-04-08T16:23:12.364+0000"),
"updaterId" : "public",
"username" : ""

Please notice that until no user is assigned to the admin group, then no user would be able to manage the users, roles and bindings. Therefore, either the group is added to the user via editing database record or the admin group is set in User Group Permission only after the first subject is assigned to the admin group via the application UI.


Currently, the configurations described in the previous sections regard a single project deployed in a single namespace. Since in general a different database is employed for each runtime environment of a project, this means that records in users, roles and permissions collections should be replicated on each database of deployed runtimes. For example, let's suppose a Console project has associated two environment, development and production. Consequently, the records defined in the collections of development environment should be copied/imported over the collection of the production environment in order to replicate the same authorization behavior in both environments.
Similarly, when working on different Console projects that probably have their own database, one for each of their environment, it is necessary to redeclare the users, roles and bindings across all the databases involved.


The users collection is filled in every time a new user first login in the application, so that on that collection it may only be needed to add the admin group to the relevant users.

One possible manner to solve this issue and simplify users management across multiple project is sharing the database containing the users, roles and bindings collections across them. This could be reached by creating a MongoDB database dedicated to users management, which can be accessed using its own connection string. The connection string should then be included in each project of interest, either as a K8s secret or as a secret environment variable in Console Overview area.

As a result, when it is necessary to configure Rönd in the Authorization Management section of Console Design area, it is possible to use the dedicated database as MongoDB connection. The image below shows that Rönd uses a MongoDB connection defined in the secret, which we configured to point to the dedicated Fast Data runtime users management database.

Rönd configuration in Authentication Management tab

While the Rönd configuration shown above must be carried out in all the projects that should access the users, deploying the web application that manages users can be done in a single "master" project that governs all the other.


When setting up the users, roles and bindings collections in the dedicated database, please ensure that indexes are created appropriately