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Version: 10.9.x

Data Visualization


read-only dashboard from MongoDB Atlas.


The bk-atlas-dashboard is an embedding of a dashboard from MongoDB Atlas which displays data (or filtered data when alongside a filtering component).



To embed an authenticated dashboard it's mandatory to use a custom microservice for the authentication. For instance, service atlas-dashboard-authentication is available in marketplace. apiKey and authEndpoint properties enable you to expose an endpoint to that service.

Known Issues

It could happen that the component keeps resizing. This is due to some scaling problem of the embedded Mongo Atlas <iframe>. This is a known issue of Mongo Atlas, which can beb temporarily fixed adding some padding to the component:

"tag": "bk-atlas-dashboard",
"properties": {
"attributes": {
"style": "padding: 0.5px"

Properties & Attributes

apiKeyapiKeystring--apikey to call the authentication route from a trusted entity. Leave empty if not set
authEndpointauthEndpointstring--endpoint for the dashboard authentication
backgroundbackgroundstring-'transparent'background color of the dashboard. Possible values are color hex code, CSS color name or 'transparent'
baseUrlbase-urlstring--base URL of the embedded dashboard
dashboardIddashboard-idstring--dashboard id of the embedded dashboard
dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition--data schema describing the fields of the collection

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
change-queryapply the change-query filter to its dashboard--


Renders a calendar to manage appointments. calendar



There are three types of view: day, week and month. Month is the view set as default but it is possible to change it with the view property.


bk-calendar requires bk-filters-manager component to be included in the page, as it makes use of add-filter event for data pre-filtering. Filters on startDate and endDate properties can be hidden setting filterOptions.hidden to true in the dataSchema of the bk-filters-manager. For instance:

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-filters-manager",
"properties": {
"filters": [],
"dataSchema": {
"startDate": {
"filtersOptions": {
"hidden": true
"endDate": {
"filtersOptions": {
"hidden": true

For bk-calendar to correctly display appointments, these must have the following fields non null:

startDatestart date of the appointment
endDateend date of the appointment
titletitle of the appointment

Properties & Attributes

additionalCreatePayload-{ [x: string]: any; }--{}data that should be passed in the payload of a new event alongside startDate and endDate
date-Date--new Date()current date of the calendar
heightheightstring---css-height the calendar should occupy in the page as described here: []
view-"agenda" | "day" | "month" | "week" | "work_week"--'month'current view of the calendar. Possible values are month, week, or day
filtersName-{start: LocalizedString, end: LocalizedString}--{start: "bk-calendar-start-date-filter", end: "bk-calendar-end-date-filter"}names of default date filters

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
loading-datasets internal loading state--
display-datareceives data to display--


change-queryrequires data that fall ion the currently visualized month
add-newtriggers the creation of a new event with the selected start and end
selected-datanotifies about the click on an event
update-datatriggers the update of the start and end of an event


  • This component parse URL for date and view parameters.
  • This component emits a change-query event.


represents current nesting path and allows to go back at any navigation level.



Properties & Attributes

dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-data schema describing the fields of the collection to display
showHomeshow-homebooleantruetoggles visualization of a home icon at breadcrumbs 0-level

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
nested-navigation-state/pushupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by adding one step--
nested-navigation-state/backupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by removing the specified number of steps--
display-datatriggers page refresh and tries to recreate navigation path with new data. If fails, goes back to 0-level--


nested-navigation-state/backnotifies to go back the specified number of steps in the navigation path




read-only visualizer for objects, arrays and images.


bk-card is a multi-purpose, read-only frontend webcomponent that is designed to represent

  • objects
  • array of objects
  • images


It is not suited for editing. That role is delegated to the bk-form-card component. bk-card is made by blocks and is recursive, which means that cards can be embedded in cards creating, for instance, a picture gallery instead of showing a single picture. This can be achieved by leveraging only the bk-card tag.


A bk-card has roles which define a color code

  1. default - white background and no border
  2. info - white background, grey border and grey font color
  3. success - white background, primary-color border and primary-color font color
  4. error - red background, red border and red main title.


A bk-card is made of 3 HTML5 tag

  1. header
  2. main
  3. footer

if either of these keys is absent from bk-card configuration, it won't appear in the bk-card shadow DOM and it won't clutter its internal structure.

A basic card configuration looks like:

"role": "info",
"cardSchema": {
"header": {
"main": {
"footer": {

The simplest card layout is an informative card:


which is obtained by combining header and footer. From a layout perspective we expect to have titles in the header, content in the main and actions/titles in the footer. To configure a card, we must describe its cardSchema:

export type CardSchema = {
header?: {
icon?: string
title?: LocalizedText
badge?: LocalizedText
subtitle?: LocalizedText
main?: {
dataSchema?: DataSchema
cards?: CardSchema | CardSchema[]
img?: string | URL
footer?: {
title?: LocalizedText
subtitle?: LocalizedText
subsubtitle?: LocalizedText
buttons?: CardButton | CardButton[]

export type TaggableCustom = {
value: string
tag: string
properties: Record<string, any>
data: Record<string, any>

Header supports:

  1. title (h1)
  2. subtitle (h2)
  3. badge
  4. icon

Each one of them is optional and the layout is left-float icon + title + badge and a second line with the subtitle


Title, subtitle and badge can be internationalized using LocalizedText which is either a string or an object with language support:

"cardSchema": {
"header": {
"icon": "fas fa-building",
"title": {"en": "Conversation", "it": "Conversazione"},
"badge": {"en": "Awaiting", "it": "In Attesa"},

::info Available icons are @ant-design/icons or any fontawesome public solid or regular icon. :::


Icons are dynamically imported to reduce bundle size. So if you don't use you don't download it.

Footer encapsulates actions and can mount an unlimited number of buttons (or even other components). Its configuration supports

  1. title
  2. subtitle
  3. subsubtitle
  4. buttons

The former three are similar to the header properties. buttons key instead takes either an object or an array of objects that can contain the key tag. When tag is not specified it defaults to HTML5 button. Footer will render the given tag and it will apply and other property of the corresponding configuration object as vanilla JS property on an HTML5 tag.

A user-agent browser default button can be achieved as:

"children": {
"Click me!"

but more often we will use back-kit bk-button customizable button as shown in the error-role card above. That button was achieved as

"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"content": {
"it": "Scarica PDF autorizzazione",
"en": "Download authorization PDF"
"iconId": "DownloadOutlined",
"type": "link"

A card can also be composed by text-only content:

"role": "info",
"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"subtitle": "Text"

Footer supports dynamic configurations via handlebars notation. The content of the card can be utilized inside handlebars via the keyword 'data'. For instance:

"role": "info",
"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"subtitle": "{{}}"

will display a card having as footer sub-title the value of the field 'name' of the displayed data. It is possible to replace handlebars with an object instead of a string value using the keyword rawObject:

"role": "info",
"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"content": "Details",
"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "selected-data",
"payload": "{{rawObject data}}"

This footer will have a button that emits a selected-data event, having an object payload equal to the card content.

If is furthermore possible to provide dynamic configurations via template-configMap pair. In such cases, the resulting value is taken from the configMap using template as key (or $default, if the template does not match any configMap key).

For instance, assuming the same example parameters as the previous example, the following configuration:

"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"disabled": {
"template": "{{data.status}}",
"configMap": {
"active": false,
"$deafult": true

will resolve to:

"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"disabled": false,

for cards having status field set to "active" in its data, and:

"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"disabled": true,

for cards having status set to anything but "active".


A template-configMap pair can be applied to keys at the first level of the footer object, and to keys at the first level of footer.buttons. For instance, the following is NOT a valid configuration:

"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"clickConfig": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": {
"template": "{{data.status}}",
"configMap": {
"active": "selected-data",
"$deafult": "add-new"
"payload": {}

since template-configMap pair is not applied to a first-level key of buttons. An analogous and correct configuration in this case would be:

"cardSchema": {
"footer": {
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"configMap": {
"template": "{{data.status}}",
"configMap": {
"active": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "selected-data",
"payload": {}
"$default": {
"type": "event",
"actionConfig": {
"label": "add-new",
"payload": {}


Main is the core part of the card and the most widely customizable section. It roughly accepts configuration for 3 different modes (all of which can be combined at will in a single card).

  1. object-mode
  2. array-mode
  3. image-mode
  4. recursive mode

To describe an object we can use a back-kit DataSchema schema. Awaiting a display-data event and an optional lookup-data event, the first object is then visualized inside the card main by listing those key reported within the DataSchema. If an item if of type array its DataSchema can be nested to represent arrays:

"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"status": {
"label": "Status",
"type": "string"
"liv1": {
"type": "array",
"label": "First Floor",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"surname": {
"type": "string"
"notification": {
"label": "Notifications",
"type": "object",
"format": "localized-text"
"riderId": {
"label": "Rider",
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup"
"customerId": {
"label": "Customer",
"type": "string",
"format": "lookup"

in the former example we have a status string field, then a nested array liv1 and lookups riderId, customerId and a composite object notification. This configuration encompasses object and array mode.

image-mode is useful for an item which has an image cover like

"cardSchema": {
"main": {
"img": ""
"footer": {
"subtitle": "Web cover image",
"buttons": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"content": {
"en": "Change image",
"it": "Cambia immagine"
"type": "link",
"clickConfig": {
"type": "file-upload",
"actionConfig": {
"url": "/v2/img-upload",
"returnEvent": "change-query"

In this example an image is combined with a footer which uses bk-button to upload a new image via a button which is placed beneath the image. The returnEvent property allows you to specify an event to be thrown when the action is finished. The example requires a page refresh to display the newly uploaded image.

recursive is a mode that embeds cards into cards. The very same structure described here can be nested by using

"cardSchema": {
"main": {
"cards": [
"header": {...},
"main": {...},
"header": {...},
"main": {
"cards": [
"header": {

using this trick we can for instance obtain a gallery of pictures.

When the cards field is specified, it is not possible to view other information on the card.

If you have nested cards, you can specify properties of the array type on the outermost card and access the relative elements through handlebars, accessing the arraySource object. Nested arrays are not currently supported, it is possible to use only one-level arrays.
In the example configuration below we have a card that declares an array of URL, and internal cards that are responsible for displaying the images contained in the array. As shown, the internal cards are able to access the property described in the external card, which is therefore shared among all the internal cards.

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-card",
"properties": {
"cardSchema": {
"header": {
"title": "Images"
"main": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"images": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"cards": [
"cardSchema": {
"main": {
"img": "{{arraySource.images.[0]}}"
"cardSchema": {
"main": {
"img": "{{arraySource.images.[1]}}"

visualizationOptions are interpreted by bk-card. In particular, custom components can be mounted using a tag-properties pair in place of fields. For instance, the following is a valid configuration:

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-card",
"properties": {
"cardSchema": {
"main": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "div",
"properties": {
"textContent": "The name is: {{args.[0]}}"

which will mount a div component in place of the field name. args.[0] refers to the value of the corresponding field (in this case, name). args.[1] is also available, referencing the full data of the card. Helper rawObject is also available, analogously to buttons.

Properties & Attributes

arraySource-{ [x: string]: { [y: string]: string | TaggableCustom }[] }{}property to inject the array-like source from an external source not linked with the eventBus. This is overridden by the display-data event
cardSchema-CardSchema{}schema that describes the card layout, role and type/style
containerStyle-CSSProperties-React-like CSS properties to decorate card container
customMessageOnAbsentDatum-LocalizedText-when datum reaches the card but it doesn't have value but some was expected, the displayed string can be overridden with a custom message
customMessageOnAbsentLookup-LocalizedText-when using a CRUD-client-like source, it helps displaying a custom message on lookup that couldn't be resolved
objectSource-{ [y: string]: string | TaggableCustom }{}property to inject the object-like source from an external source not linked with the eventBus This is overridden by the display-data event
role-CardRoles'default'card role to select color schema

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
display-datadisplays the first item of the payload according to the card main dataSchema--
lookup-dataupdates data with resolved lookups--


This component emits no event.




displays status information.


bk-chip is used to display status information. The value property allows you to specify the status value. By using the valueMap property, you can describe how to display the status information based on the value. For each value it is possible to specify a label to display and a color to customize the Chip component. bk-chip Example of configuration:

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-chip",
"properties": {
"value": "{{args.[0]}}",
"valueMap": {
"Value1": {
"label": "Label1",
"color": "#F00"
"Value2": {
"label": {
"en": "Label2En",
"it": "Label2It"
"color": "primary"

With this configuration, if the value is Value1 the label Label1 will be used and the Chip component will be shown in red (#F00).
The label field can be a string or a LocalizedText object. If no label is specified for a value, the value will be displayed as a label.
Field color can be specified using an Hex color code. If the specified color is not a valid Hex color code, the primary color will be used.

Properties & Attributes

value-LocalizedText{}status value.
valueMap-Record\<string, any>{}map of possible values.

Listens to

This component listens to no event.


This component emits no event.




represents a dynamic title to be displayed using the specified key of a display-data event.


This component is used to display as its content one of the data retrieved from a remote source, thanks to the display-data event. As display-data send an array of objects, only the first entry is considered. The content of the title, extracted from the first entry, is chosen through the datasourceKey, which should be present in the received payload object.

Properties & Attributes

datasourceKeydatasource-keystring''the object key that will be used to pick the data to show.
titleStyletitle-stylestring-pre-configured style that will be applied to the text. Currently only title and subtitle are supported.

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
display-datatriggers page refresh and goes back to 0-levelchange-query-


This component emits no event.





Allows to visualize image files within an adaptive grid, as well as other data.

Each item in the grid is composed of:

  • readonly data (title, subtitle, thumbanil, preview)
  • actions (buttons, action menu, clickable image)


Gallery items are placed into a grid, which adapts to the screen size.

Each gallery item can be configured in size using properties itemHeight and itemWidth, controlling height and width respectively.

If itemHeight is not specified, items adapt their height to their content.

Property itemWidth supports both numeric values (will be interpreted as pixels) or "small", "medium", "large". It represents the attempted width of each gallery item, but may vary slightly due to the adaptive nature of the grid.

gutter property can be used to control the spacing around each gallery item.

Preview Modal

Unless property disableExpand is set to false, preview image of an item can be visualized inside a modal. The modal can be configured in size using modalWidth and modalHeight, and a title can be specified with modalTitle (if not specified, the item title is used).


Each gallery item allows to visualize an image (thumbanil), a preview within a modal (preview) and two types of text (title and subTitle).

The properties that control this options are:

  • thumbnailSource
  • previewSource
  • titleSource
  • subTitleSource

Upon listening to a display-data event, the Gallery component uses these properties to render one item per data row.


titleSource, subTitleSource, thumbnailSource and previewSource properties are of type XPath.

type XPath = string | {
path?: string
default?: LocalizedText

An XPath represents the path to apply to the data source, in javascript notation, to extract the desired data. For instance, with data equal to

"objField": {
"arrField": [
"stringField": "foo"
"document": "some/path.jpg"

a gallery configured with the following properties:

"titleSource": "objField.arrField.[0]",
"subTitleSource": "objField.stringField",
"thumbnailSource": "document"

will consist of a single item with

  • title equal to "test"
  • subTitle equal to "foo"
  • thumbnail equal to "some/path.jpg"
  • preview equal to "some/path.jpg" (since previewSource is not specified, preview is set to be the same as thumbnail)

XPath default key can be utilized to provide a default value in case the path is not resolved. For instance, the same input data with a gallery configured like

"titleSource": "objField.arrField.[0]",
"subTitleSource": "objField.stringField",
"thumbnailSource": "document",
"previewSource": {
"path": "objField.preview",
"default": "default/file.jpg"

results is a single item with

  • title equal to "test"
  • subTitle equal to "foo"
  • thumbnail equal to "some/path.jpg"
  • preview equal to "default/file.jpg"

thumbnailSource and previewSource also allow to specify a template field, which is used to interpolate the extracted value within a string. For instance, assuming the same data as the previous examples as input, the configuration

"thumbnailSource": {
"path": "document",
"default": "default/file.jpg",
"template": "full/{{file}}"

results in a single item having thumbnail equal to "full/some/path.jpg". The keyword file is used to identify the data extracted using path.


In case path is unresolved, default is utilized and it is not interpolated inside template. For instance, assuming the same input data and configuration

"thumbnailSource": {
"path": "unk",
"default": "default/file.jpg",
"template": "full/{{file}}"

the resulting thumbanil is "default/file.jpg" and not "full/default/file.jpg


onImageClick, onTitleClick, onSubTitleClick and actions properties allow to add actions to the bk-gallery.

Properties onImageClick, onTitleClick, onSubTitleClick are of type Action, while property actions is of type

type GalleryAction = {
iconId?: string,
content?: string,
danger?: boolean,
action: Action

The first two actions are rendered as buttons, (for which an iconId is required). The rest of the actions are rendered within an action menu.

Each action in the Gallery component has access to the following input data:

thumbnail: ..., // source for thumbnail image of the item
preview: ..., // source for preview image of the item
title: ..., // title of the item
subTitle: ..., // subtitle of the item
... // all data fields of gallery item

which allows for dynamic configurations through handlebars syntax.

For instance, the following is a valid configuration for actions:

"actions": [
"iconId": "fas fa-users",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url",
"method": "POST",
"body": {
"field1": "{{thumbnail}}",
"field2": "{{name}}"

This action executes a POST call to the endpoint /url. The body will be resolved using the thumbnail of the gallery item, and the field name of its data.

It is possible to use the whole item data as input using key context:

"iconId": "fas fa-users",
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "/url",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject context}}"

rawObject is a custom helper signaling that context should not be stringified.


Keyword context does not include the values of thumbnail, preview, title, subTitle.


Each item can be selected through a checkbox, unless disableSelection property is set to true. Selecting an item emits a selected-data-bulk event with all selected items, allowing integration with components such as bk-footer or bk-bulk-actions.

Properties & Attributes

thumbnailSource-TemplateXPath-source path to thumbnail image
previewSource-TemplateXPath-source path to preview image (if not specified, thumbnailSource is used)
titleSource-XPath-source path to title text
subTitleSource-XPath-source path to subtitle text
disableSelectiondisable-selectionbooleanfalsewhether to disable the possibility to select gallery items
actions-GalleryAction | GalleryAction[]-available actions per gallery item
onImageClick-Action-action to execute on image click
onTitleClick-Action-action to execute on title click
onSubTitleClick-Action-action to execute on subtitle click
disableExpanddisable-expandbooleanfalsewhether to disable the possibility of viewing the image inside a modal (preview)
modalWidthmodal-widthnumber | string-width of the preview modal
modalHeightmodal-heightnumber | string-height of the preview modal
modalTitlemodal-titlestring-title of the preview modal (if not specified, the item title is used)
guttergutternumber20gutter of gallery items (vertical and horizontal spacing among gallery items)
primaryKeyprimary-keystring"_id"key used for indexing gallery items
itemHeightitem-heightnumber | string-height of gallery items. If not specified, items adapt to their content
itemWidthitem-widthnumber | "small" | "medium" | "large""medium"attempted width of gallery items

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
displayDatareceives data to display--


eventactionemitson error
selected-data-bulknotifies about a change in the items selected through checkboxes




allows to visualize files in the browser.




it is recommend to limit the usage of this component to the visualization of PDF files.

Properties & Attributes


Listens to

eventactionemitson error
show-in-vieweropens PDF in brawser--


This component emits no event.




represents a list of simple elements to be visualized.


bk-simple-list is used to display a list of simple elements (strings, numbers, ...) or even lookups. The set to display is chosen through the datasourceKey, which should match with one of the entries in the dataSchema of the page.


Example of configuration:

"type": "element",
"tag": "bk-simple-list",
"properties": {
"datasourceKey": "items",
"label": {
"en": "Header",
"it": "Titolo"

With this configuration, the field items of the dataSchema will be displayed.

The list of elements to display is passed to the component using the display-data event, which contains the data in its payload. If the datasourceKey refers to a lookup field, it listens to lookup-data event which contains the solved lookups.


List title is configurable via the property label, which can be a string, LocalizedText, or an HeaderProps object with the following fields:

titlestring | LocalizedTexttitle of the list (h1)
subtitlestring | LocalizedTextsubtitle (h2) displayed below the title
badgestring | LocalizedTextbadge displayed right of the title
iconstringicon displayed left of the title

For instance, the following is valid configuration for label property:

"label": {
"icon": "fas fa-building",
"title": {"en": "Conversation", "it": "Conversazione"},
"badge": {"en": "Awaiting", "it": "In Attesa"},
"subtitle": {"en": "This is a conversation", "it": "Questa è una conversazione"}

Properties & Attributes

datasourceKeydatasource-keystring''the object key that will be used to pick the data to show.
customMessageOnAbsentLookup-LocalizedText-override lookup value in case lookup is not resolved due to lack of data
label-LocalizedText | HeaderProps{}header of the list.
loadingloadingbooleantruesets list on loading at DOM connection
heightheightstring | number-max height of the body of the list before. Overflowing data is accessible through vertical scrolling.

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
display-dataretrieved data to display--
loading-datachoose when to show the list spinner--


This component emits no event.





table Displays a dataset in rows and columns according to a given data schema.

Object and Array rendering

While rendering an array or an object from a compliant DataSchema (either array or object key type), multiple options are available


  1. (unspecified) when no extra DataSchema key is explicitly set the object renders either as {...} or {} depending on whether there are keys or not.
  2. dataSchema: <data-schema> triggers nested visualization of objects
  3. format: "localized-text" when object must be interpreted as an i18n string. bk-table will render the proper language key according with browser settings.
  4. visualizationOptions: {template: "<template>"} interpolates an handlebars template using the current cell context. Hence if datum is given by
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"


  1. (unspecified) when no extra DataSchema key is explicitly set visualization informs about the number of elements contained within the array.
  2. dataSchema: <data-schema> triggers nested visualization of objects
  3. visualizationOptions: {joinDelimiter: "<join-delimiter>"} joins array element using the given delimiter as argument of Array.prototype.join
  4. visualizationOptions: {template: "<template>"} interpolates an handlebars template using the current cell context. Hence if datum is given by
["john", "doe"]

and template is "{{[0]}} {{[1]}}" then the table will render john doe. template has precedence over joinDelimiter.

Web Component into BkTable

It is possible to insert a generic WebComponet as cell defining into the dataSchema a property object with type custom, and then defining all the WebComponent properties into the field visualizationOptions. Following an example:

"$ref": {
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"object": {
"type": "custom",
"label": "MyWebComponent",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "my-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Click Me!"

In this case, we are creating the WebComponent identified by the tag my-button and giving to him all the keys into the object properties as attributes.

This is the same as doing <my-button content="Click Me!" />.

Dynamic properties interpolation

Each cell receives the following parameters when is rendered:

  • args: an array with the cell arguments:

    • value: containing the value relative to dataSchema.
    • record: an object containing the row content.
    • index: a number with the cell index into the table.
  • currentUser: an object with the logged user's data.

  • eventBus: an object containing the eventBus instance.

  • headers: an object containing the headers.

All the above parameters can be dynamically interpolated into the WebComponent properties through handlebars.

Following an example of interpolation.

Given the following schema:

"object": {
"type": "custom",
"label": "MyWebComponent",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "{{}}",
"stopPropagationOnClick": false,
"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/path?{{args.[1].id}}={{args.[1]}}",
"body": "{{headers}}",
"config": {
"headers": "{{rawObject headers}}"

And these (simplified) parameters:

  • args:
"Column Name",
{"id": "row-id"},
  • currentUser:
"name": "Bob"
  • headers:
"content-type": "application/json"

The properties object is interpolated with render parameters and the output configuration will be:

"object": {
"type": "custom",
"label": "MyWebComponent",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Bob",
"stopPropagationOnClick": false,
"clickConfig": {
"type": "http",
"actionConfig": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "/path?row-id=4",
"body": "[object Object]",
"config": {
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json"

By default, the handlebars interpolation cast everything to string. The rawObject key references to a custom handlebars supporter that parse the value to interpolate as an object instead of a string. In the above example the body of HTTP call is interpolated as the string "[object Object]" but the headers are interpolated with the real object.

If is also possible to provide a template-configMap pair instead of a value for a property. In such cases, the value of the property is taken from the configMap using template as key (or $default, if the template does not match any configMap key).

For instance, assuming the same example parameters as the previous example, the following configuration:

"object": {
"type": "custom",
"label": "MyWebComponent",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Abort order",
"disabled": {
"template": "{{}}",
"configMap": {
"Bob": true,
"Pierre": true,
"$default": false

will be resolved to:

"object": {
"type": "custom",
"label": "MyWebComponent",
"visualizationOptions": {
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Abort order",
"disabled": true,
Example - disable button if a cell is empty

The following example showcases how a bk-button can be mounted inside a table cell, and disabled based on whether or not the cell value is specified. The configuration leverages the rawObjectOrEmptyStr custom helper, as well as the template-configMap interface.

"tag": "bk-table",
"properties": {
"customActions": [
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"disabled": {
"template": "{{rawObjectOrEmptyStr args.[0]}}",
"configMap": {
"": true,
"$default": false


Property displayedDataPath enables to display a nested array of an element of the received data. It consists of the path to the desired object where the first key is data.


dataschema has to be the nested schema


In this example, bk-table will display the array of commonCombos of the first element received.

"properties": {
"displayedDataPath": "data.[0].commonCombos",
"dataSchema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"price": {
"type": "number"

Fix columns

It is possible to fix columns from left and/or from right using the property fixedColumns: it takes either a number that represents the number of columns to fix from left or an object with left and/or right key and a number as value. The value represents the number of columns to fix from left/right.

Example 1 and 2

With both configurations, the first column from left is fixed.

"properties": {
"fixedColumns": {
"left": 1
"properties": {
"fixedColumns": 1

Example 3

With this configuration, the first two columns from left and the first column from right (so the last one excluded the actions column) are fixed.

"properties": {
"fixedColumns": {
"left": 2,
"right": 1


It is possible to include an actions columns in the table, through the properties rowActions, customActions, navigationRowActions. Configurable buttons or generic components will be rendered inside the actions columns.

Configuring actions via rowActions

Accepts an object such as

"kind": "icons",
"actions": [
"kind": "event",
"danger": "true",
"content": "duplicate-data",
"label": "Duplicate Data",
"icon": "far fa copy",
"meta": {},
"requireConfirm": {}

Each rowAction is rendered as a button inside the action cell of each row of the table. Clicking such button can either emit an event or perform an POST call, in which the payload/body is set to an object representation of the corresponding row.

kindstringicons, ctahow to display the action triggerers
actionsarray-list of available actions
kindstringhttpPost, eventwhen event fires an event in the eventBus, otherwise performs a POST request with the content of the row as body
dangerbooleantrue, false, undefinedset danger mode on action
contentstringanywhen event it must be the label of a registered event, otherwise the POST request destination href
labelstringanya label to render with the row action button
iconstringanyFontawesome fas or far icon
metaobjectanythe event meta when kind is event
requireConfirmobject or booleananyThe customizable properties of the modal that will be prompted or true for default Modal
RequireConfirm object
cancelTextlocalizedTextanyCancel button label
contentlocalizedTextanyText content of the modal. It supports interpolation via Handlebars using the current row values with resolved lookups (e.g., 'Hello {{name}}')
okTextlocalizedTextanyConfirm button label
titlelocalizedTextanyTitle of the modal. It supports interpolation via Handlebars using the current row values with resolved lookups (e.g., 'Hello {{name}}')

Configuring actions via customActions

customActions allows to mount generic components inside the table actions column. Accepts an array such as

"customActions": [{
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Cancel order",
"disabled": {
"template": "{{args.[1].orderStatus}}",
"configMap": {
"Delivered": true,
"Cancelled": true,
"$default": false
"action": {
"type": "http",
"config": {
"url": "the/url",
"method": "POST",
"body": "{{rawObject args.[1]}}"

customActions shape is either and array of tag-properties pairs or an array of custom actions with schema:

"type": "array",
"oneOf": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tag": "string",
"properties": {
"type": "object"
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"keys": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"
"customActions": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"tag": "string",
"properties": {
"type": "object"

In the first case, each element of the array is a tag-properties pair, respectively representing the html tag of the component to mount and its properties. | property | type | values | description | |-----------------------|------|---------|-------------| | tag | string | any | custom component to mount | | properties | {[key: string]: any} | any | properties injected into the component |

It is often useful mounting bk-buttons inside the actions columns of the table because of its flexibility.

properties field allows dynamic interpolation, analogously to the case of mounting custom components using visualizationOptions, explained above.

Nested navigation do not preserve customActions. To configure customActions in nested navigation mode the second type of customActions allowed by the JSON schema above is helpful.

Consider the following setup:

"customActions": [
"keys": [],
"customActions": [
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Cancel order",
"keys": ["level-1", "level-2"],
"customActions": [
"tag": "bk-button",
"properties": {
"content": "Refresh",

The action with button Cancel order will appear on the home of the nested setup. All other nesting level will have no customAction but the level-2 reached from level-1 which will instead display a button with label Refresh.

Configuring actions via navigationRowActions

rowActions are removed from the actions columns when the table is rendering nested data. navigationRowActions allows to specify actions available when the table is displaying nested data.

As of now, these only allow to display the data inside a form or to delete the data inside a table row. customActions should be utilized in order to configure extra actions in nested views. navigationRowActions is an object of NavigationDataActions, which is an object such as

"kind": "icons",
"actions": [{
"danger": true,
"requireConfirm": true,
"type": "delete",
"disableInReadonly": true,
"icon": "far fa-trash-can"
kindstringcta, iconswhether to display the action in form of text or icon.
actionsarray of actionsanydescribes the behavior of each.
Action object
requireConfirmbooelantrue | falseWhether or not to require confirm.
dangerbooleantrue | falseset danger mode on action
typestring"delete" | "detail"if delete, the row is deleted from the nested object (and update-data event is emitted). If detail, a selected-data event is emitted with the data from the row.
disableInReadonlybooleananyWhether or not to disable the action for read-only nested objects.
iconstring | undefinedfont awesome icon stringThe icon for the button. It is optional.

navigationRowAction defaults to:

"kind": "icons",
"actions": [{
"requireConfirm": true,
"type": "delete",
"disableInReadonly": true

which will alllow rows to be deleted when the displayed data is not read-only.

Browse on row click

The property browseOnRowSelect allows to navigate to a specified link when a table row is clicked. browseOnRowSelect accepts an object such as

"href": "destination/url",
"target": "_self",
"query": {
"id": "{{data._id}}"
"navigationType": "push"
hrefstringanylink reference. Only relative links are accepted.
targetstringanywhere to open the href. Defaults to "_self"
query{[key: string]: any}anyquery parameters
navigationTypestringpush, replace, hrefmethod used for navigation if target is "_self"

navigationType values are mapped to navigation methods as follows: | value | method | | ---------- | ----------------- | | push | window.history.push | | replace | window.history.replace | | href | window.location.replace |

Properties & Attributes

allowNavigationallow-navigationbooleantruewhen true, it is possible to navigate to nested objects and arrays if a dataSchema is specified
browseOnRowSelect-ClickPayload-if set, a click on a row will navigate you to another location
customActions-CustomAction[]-list of custom components, rendered in the action column
customMessageOnAbsentLookup-LocalizedText-override lookup value in case lookup is not resolved due to lack of data
dataSchema-ExtendedJSONSchema7Definition-data schema describing the fields of the collection to display
disableRowClickdisable-row-clickbooleanfalsewhen true, a click on a row does not trigger an event
disableRowSelectiondisable-row-selectionbooleanfalsewhen true, checkbox in the first column will not be displayed
disableRowSelectionChangedisable-row-selection-changebooleanfalsewhen true, selecting a row through the checkbox in the first column does not trigger an event
initialSortDirection-"descend" | "ascend"-initial sorting direction to use when component bootstraps
initialSortPropertyinitial-sort-propertystring-Initial property to sort on when component bootstraps
loadingOnStartloading-on-startbooleantruewhether the table should be in loading state on connection
maxLinesmax-linesnumber-force lines that will be displayed together
navigationRowActions-NavigationDataActions{"kind": "icons", "actions": [{ "requireConfirm": true, "type": "delete", "disableInReadonly": true}]}actions in nested objects.
openFileInViewerRegex-string | string[] | {[regex: string]: "view" | "download"}-regex expressions, matched against file values. If one matches, the corresponding cell is clickable and the file opens inside a viewer (default) or is downloaded.
resizableColumnsresizable-columnsbooleanfalsewhether the table columns can be resized. When true, columns can be resized from the table header
rowActions-DataActions-list of actions to render per row
showArrayPopovershow-array-popoverbooleanfalsewhether to display a popup on mouse-over on array cells, showing their value. Not available for arrays of objects or arrays of arrays.
fixedColumns-number | {'left': number; 'right': number}-either the number of columns to fix from left or an object containing how many columns to fix from left and/or right
displayedDataPath-string-specify an object path as datasource for displayed data

Listens to

eventactionemitson error
loading-datasets internal loading state--
lookup-datareceives lookup data--
display-datareceives data to displayselected-data-bulk-
nested-navigation-state/pushupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by adding one step--
nested-navigation-state/backupdates internal representation of the current navigation path by removing the specified number of steps--
nested-navigation-state/displayupdates internal representation of the data to display in navigation--


change-queryrequires data sorting according with the sorted property
selected-datanotifies about the click on a row
selected-data-bulknotifies about a change in the rows selected through the checkboxes in the first column
nested-navigation-state/pushnotifies to add a step in the navigation path
nested-navigation-state/displaynotifies data to display (emitetd upon column sorting)

